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Everything posted by instagoat

  1. instagoat

    Wow, first impressions are very, very good.

    Yeah, I agree, overland truck racing was terribad :( Love the game, but the data lock has left its marks. Many of those are invisible to the new user, though, unless they dig around in the config library or pay super close attention to details that many old time players are already used to (floating tanks, non-functional masks, vests, uniforms, stuff like that.) Now I'm hoping for the data unlock to bring in immediate improvements in dev branch, and then quick patches to fix up all content prior to release of the campaign, as well as adding missing units such as fishermen, and quite a few other civilians whose clothes are not working, as well as additional uniforms for the factions that are configged right now but use models/textures from other pre-existing uniforms or just display underwear.
  2. The military and society are modelled after the republic of Malta, per the developers. That's why the old flag has the union jack on it, and why the natives speak english instead of greek as the official language.
  3. instagoat

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    I don't know why even complain. Want rebels on opfor side? Take CSAT soldiers, give them new Uniforms, headgear, helmets and weapons and you're set. Rebels on greenfor? Take AAF and give them civvie clothes. Hurr durr FIA is now blufor is wasted time to complain about, we have actual issues to contend with. Like the attachments, tons of units without hidden selections, broken physics for heavy vehicles, badly working tank guns and armor, etc, etc, etc.
  4. instagoat

    Guerrilla Smocks classname?

    You can also find all the classnames in the config library at the top of the editor menu bar.
  5. instagoat

    AV_IndUs (US Army inspired units)

    http://www.milspecmonkey.com/morale-page <- tons of morale patches to inspire, his store page has even more (In the hundreds). Also includes photos of theater made patches. There are some fun things in there, some easy to replicate, some not. There's also PVC patches, which would be fun to do with normal maps, they can be made to look very tangible and plastic (pardon the pun).
  6. instagoat

    AV_IndUs (US Army inspired units)

    They're not crye combat uniforms. They're kitbashes between british UBACs shirts with crye style elbow pads and crye style combat pants. The SOC guys are working on proper crye gear, they have screenshots in their thread, and they look supremely delicious. As far as retexes go, there's also Sabre's US Army out there already which has fantastic textures. The only thing that detracts a little bit from the vest is that its inside is transparent, so at certain angles you can look under the straps and into the backside and you can look right through it. That aside, I'm loving it. The only thing I would ask is, is there the possibility of having the US Flag removed on the plain variants, for rebel/pmc use? Maybe replaced with a morale patch?
  7. The only standard that is nato wise is Unit markings. I think everyone paints them somewhere. I've seen these markings on czech and polish, as well as dutch military vehicles. Not in the same locations as indicated below, but on the whole, markings to standard. http://www.panzer-modell.de/referenz/in_detail/fennek-serie/049g.jpg Front of the vehicle, I do not know which way to read this, but it says Armored Reconnaissance, part of a company element attached to brigade, L may stand for Lehr (Training) company of 90th battalion.
  8. instagoat

    Development Blog & Reveals

    A couple of issues with the vehicles and their effects: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=14019 APFSDS overpenetrate without doing damage or causing casualties http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=14023 Tanks are not affected by gun recoil, T-100 has no recoil animation at all and the muzzleflash looks like a white smoke cinema effect round rather than a tanks gun blast, videos provided inside. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=14021 Issue since OFP, Vehicles float above the ground. Almost all new sandbox vehicles do. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=14096 Rangefinder font is rubbish, font in general is very difficult to read since 6, 8, 9 and 5 look deceptively similar and 6 and 8 can often not be discerned at all. So your range may read 689, 986, 666, 999, 888, etc meters. You need to focus very hard to discern the letters from one another.
  9. Do what I do, use CSAT soldiers, give them civilian clothes, hats and random vests and weapons. I hope the FIA uniforms will get hidden selections too, so one can add better camouflage patterns to them than they have now. (Remove the arrogant remark of mine, apologies for that :I )
  10. Armstrong was FIA in OFP too for a while, so there.
  11. instagoat

    Reality Check

    Which is no different from previous iterations of the game. M4 = Scar = M16 = Tavor = all other rifles with that magazine type. With tanks, ditto. Right now the M2 is different from the T-100 because it doesn't have independent machineguns for the commander, and it can carry 6 Infantrymen aboard. That alone is a tactical difference.
  12. instagoat

    Tanks tanks tanks...PROBLEMS!

    http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=14019 made a ticket regarding the damage handling. Turns out shots actually overpenetrate a lot without doing damage. There are no effects inside the vehicle from the hit aside from the bullet passing through either, apparently, so you neither get damage nor crew casualties. Also hitting the Merkava in the back of the turret kills the engine (???) Things are -seriously- wonky with the tanks. None of the guns shoot point of aim, and the blast effects from the gun firing are bad too. This needs an overhaul BI, I am slowly beginning to get nervous....
  13. instagoat

    Development Blog & Reveals

    There's also a texture for an Xcom style Alien, so that doesn't say much.
  14. instagoat

    How do i get a refund?

    You know, the degree of whining popping up now makes me wonder if it isn't me deceiving myself?
  15. I've collected a few very obvious issues and posted them up. There's a ton more, but I got tired of writing tickets for today, will continue tomorrow. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=14019 APFSDS overpenetrating pretty much every target and doing no damage, invulnerable crew/cargo. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=14021 All new sandbox vehicles apart from SUV are hovering above the ground. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=14022 M2A1 is too small. We already found this with the Panther, why wasn't the M2 adjusted in the same vein when that came up? http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=14023 Tank main guns lack animations and have no decent particle effect, current one reminiscent of 50s WW2 movies. Posted videos for review.
  16. instagoat

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I've had a conflict with a mod that made them nonfunctional, so it could be that too. After I disabled the mods, the scopes worked. I think it's the extension for Alwarrens Optics pack that causes this bug, which is another big wave with the fencepost in BI's direction to do something about the attachments system. This will continue to happen every time community addons attempt to make themselves work with game native weapons.
  17. The toys are not crappy. The craftsmanship on the new vehicles and weapons is outstanding, save the few blemishes (ie, the kitbashed Nato soldier and the Kamaz). The configs are currently wonky, but that can (and hopefully will) be fixed. I do not get why you think the rifles are "stupid looking" or "piss poor". Compared to the BI made weapons for Arma 2 (which, again, were slightly overhauled Armed Assault models, which in turn date back to 2004-2005 and were used in no less than FOUR releases without major changes.) the new weapons are outstanding in quality. The sounds are great too (Unfortunately, all explosions sounds are rubbish, but there my and BI's taste seem to diverge). We also have -finally- working 3D voices, at that. The weapons of good quality that were introduced with Arrowhead were purchased externally, and when they were released people complained too! (omg why does us army use scars they dont use scars omg - paraphrasing here, but you get the idea.) BI at -no- point made hard promises are used deceptive marketing techniques to sell a different game than what we have in front of us now. They scrapped two years of work with the campaign, and presumeably a bunch of art assets went down the drain with that too. There's also another bunch that's not been put in because they were not up to standards (re the new QA they are enforcing. One victim of that seems to be the XM-25). I am looking for a non-broken game, without half-assed features and assets. Arma was -full- of those, and because of that, and the other stupid niggles it had (movement, mouse lag, grenades, inventory, AI, performance, etc), none of my friends who play games (around 12) played it even after purchasing Arma 2 and/or Arrowhead. For -once- I want them not to get into the game and spent a month biting their keyboards trying to not get killed while throwing grenades, or moving around a corner, or loosing a mission because the AI decided to collectively walk out in front of a parked shilka. I don't want to see shit like the "If your mission ever stops working, just restart it entirely :)" hints at the bottom of a loading screen. I don't want to see another manhattan, where a mission doesn't work and has obvious loose ends after 4 years of patching, I don't want to see another Queen's Gambit, where there's individual characters speaking with two different voice actors, or voice actors talking nonsensical lines, or generally buggy, broken, unfinished or wonky content. This isn't 2004 and we're not in the age anymore where game companies can get away with producing things that don't work, and still get high marks. Also, do you think complaining on a forum is going to change anything at this point? The ultimate judge will be the press, and most people outside the reality sim community do not care about ten thousand different vehicles and guns, they care about a game they can enjoy learning and playing without the game booting them in the face every three minutes with something that doesn't work like you should expect it to work. And to be honest, A3 has been cut down, and looking at the beta, I´m actually worried that they didn't cut enough fat. There are so many things that are still dodgy and in dire need of an overhaul that I could do away with that one jet and the missile artillery. Like the action menu. Or the attachment system. Or the armor system. Or the health system. Or the simulation of the bodyarmor. Quantity does not have a special quality. More choice when sacrificing quality will leave you with a ton of cheap plastic. If you like cheap plastic, more power to you. I'd rather stick with a few pieces of silver cutlery and enjoy the meal. Merkava, Namer, Namer RCV, Howitzer Turret, Black Eagle (2 Variants, one scrapped), MLRS turret (Doesn't really count because it's a copypaste), static weapons, Speedboat, M-ATV, Ifrit, Fennek, HEMMT, AMV, Marid, BTR-K, Gorgon (Doesn't really count either, Arma 2 ACR port.) AA-Turret, IR-Laser, Flashlight, MX (4x), F2000 (2x), KH-2002 (2x), XM-25, GLs (3x), Tavor (2x), M-14, Negev, LSAT LMG, P-07, 1911, Russian Pistol of power of steel, Scorpion, Vector, PDW, Titan (2x), RPG-32, NLAW (poss. BAF port?), Nato Uniform (3x, BAF kitbash), Greenfor Uniform (2x at this point), CSAT Uniform (2x), Blufor Helmets (3x so far), Greenfor Helmet, Opfor Helmets (2x), at least 6 diff. Civilian Clothes, Goggles, at least 4 additional gunsights that were scrapped along with the currently contained 9 + Irons, and I am not even continuing with the world assets... I also think right now that the 3D modelers were hired at the start of the game, finished their work, and that there may actually be very few, if any, 3D modellers on staff? PMC had 1, afaik, and that was the last Arma related project.
  18. The toys are not crappy. The craftsmanship on the new vehicles and weapons is outstanding, save the few blemishes (ie, the kitbashed Nato soldier and the Kamaz). The configs are currently wonky, but that can (and hopefully will) be fixed. I do not get why you think the rifles are "stupid looking" or "piss poor". Compared to the BI made weapons for Arma 2 (which, again, were slightly overhauled Armed Assault models, which in turn date back to 2004-2005 and were used in no less than FOUR releases without major changes.) the new weapons are outstanding in quality. The sounds are great too (Unfortunately, all explosions sounds are rubbish, but there my and BI's taste seem to diverge). We also have -finally- working 3D voices, at that. The weapons of good quality that were introduced with Arrowhead were purchased externally, and when they were released people complained too! (omg why does us army use scars they dont use scars omg - paraphrasing here, but you get the idea.) BI at -no- point made hard promises are used deceptive marketing techniques to sell a different game than what we have in front of us now. They scrapped two years of work with the campaign, and presumeably a bunch of art assets went down the drain with that too. There's also another bunch that's not been put in because they were not up to standards (re the new QA they are enforcing. One victim of that seems to be the XM-25). I am looking for a non-broken game, without half-assed features and assets. Arma was -full- of those, and because of that, and the other stupid niggles it had (movement, mouse lag, grenades, inventory, AI, performance, etc), none of my friends who play games (around 12) played it even after purchasing Arma 2 and/or Arrowhead. For -once- I want them not to get into the game and spent a month biting their keyboards trying to not get killed while throwing grenades, or moving around a corner, or loosing a mission because the AI decided to collectively walk out in front of a parked shilka. I don't want to see shit like the "If your mission ever stops working, just restart it entirely :)" hints at the bottom of a loading screen. I don't want to see another manhattan, where a mission doesn't work and has obvious loose ends after 4 years of patching, I don't want to see another Queen's Gambit, where there's individual characters speaking with two different voice actors, or voice actors talking nonsensical lines, or generally buggy, broken, unfinished or wonky content. This isn't 2004 and we're not in the age anymore where game companies can get away with producing things that don't work, and still get high marks. Also, do you think complaining on a forum is going to change anything at this point? The ultimate judge will be the press, and most people outside the reality sim community do not care about ten thousand different vehicles and guns, they care about a game they can enjoy learning and playing without the game booting them in the face every three minutes with something that doesn't work like you should expect it to work. And to be honest, A3 has been cut down, and looking at the beta, I´m actually worried that they didn't cut enough fat. There are so many things that are still dodgy and in dire need of an overhaul that I could do away with that one jet and the missile artillery. Like the action menu. Or the attachment system. Or the armor system. Or the health system. Or the simulation of the bodyarmor. Quantity does not have a special quality. More choice when sacrificing quality will leave you with a ton of cheap plastic. If you like cheap plastic, more power to you. I'd rather stick with a few pieces of silver cutlery and enjoy the meal.
  19. instagoat

    Tanks are... Kinda weak...

    Damage versus other vehicles is wonky, I agree. Against the BTR-K I've even seen an overprenetration that left the vehicle pretty much undamaged. Meanwhile it killed me and my second tank. The whole damage system needs a ton of tweaking, and we are running out of time. Some parts of the vehicles themselves are even unfinished. Both MBT's are floating off the ground, and the Merkava hasn'T been raised to its actual height like the namer, which is why it looks too small. I am getting a -ton- of seriously bad crashes right now, so I can't test. Can somebody put the namer and the merkava next to each other? The top of the running gears should be aligned in height: my prediction is that the merkava is actually lower than the namer. The ballistic penetration on vehicles also needs some testing. Crew should be -much- more vulnerable to hits, scaled to the ammunition used. Explosions nearby shouldn't do anyhting, but direct hits should rattle them, and penetrative hits should destroy all crewmembers in a compartement.
  20. Anybody getting weird ass crashes with screen flickers and rainbow checkerboard patterns and complete lockups? Or is my graphics card finally biting the dust?
  21. This game has blood and tears in it. The content in Arma 2 had almost 8 years of dev time behind it, and what wasn't made already was ported from VBS wherever it could, or carried over from previous titles, or purchased from the community. For example, the Scar rifles from OA were made originally for Armed Assault's ACE mod. I could go on, but this game is quite the contrary of what Arma was before. Arma 2 was largely copy/paste content. This is not. None of the guns are recycled. None of the sights are recycled. Of the Unit models, only parts are recycled from previous Units (Shemaghs, Nato soldiers are revamped BAF Soldiers, some wreck types.), and all combat vehicles are new. The only completely recycled military vehicle is the Kamaz truck (which is a pre-Armed Assault asset and would represent the quality of the game if it had been A2 content all over again.). Also, speak for yourself. The gall some people have to speak for the whole community out of their overly emotional black-and-white perceptions is making me get face twitches. Good, okay. What really is new? Weapons attachments (Shittily implemented: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=2766 but they -are- there.) Changeable Uniforms, Vests, Goggles and Headgear. Decent system, haven't seen many complaints about it aside from the wonky bulletproof plate simulation. New wounding system with potential to expand. Very unfortunate that this hasn't been fully expounded, but still better than the hacky module based system of A2 in my opinion. New fatigue system based on gear carried. Has been castrated a bit, but it is still there, and it works just as well as the A2 system. Improved backpack system to go with that, though the changes are minor, and we'll see if the realism community is satisfied with it or hack their own things in again. Fully implemented projectile penetration across the board. Wooden boards will not catch 20mm AP rounds anymore and stop them. Much improved AI behaviour (At least on my end.). Work isn't finished, but it works better than A2, at least in the current A2 iteration vs current A3. Improved lighting system. Previously the game could simulate like 3 dynamic lights simultaneously. Now it can do dozens. Improved dynamic Fog. Gamechanger, hands down. Slightly revamped automatic targeting system + zeroing. Not what I'd like to see, but better than Arma 2's, and certainly better than nothing at all. Massive amount of generic art assets for mission building, as well as increased amount of atmospheric animations. Also, generally backwards compatibility with A2 anims. The most massive and lovingly built Island of the series so far (I like to imagine that this is what Nogova would've looked like if Resistance had been done today.). Massive amount of modules to assist mission builders, improve mission building workflow as well as make entering the mission building community easier. Functions Library to go along with that, and a config browser. Every time I see somebody ask for a classname on the forums I facepalm now, go into the game, open the config browser, find it yourself. It's all -there-. You can even take the configs themselves apart if you want to. Improved postprocessing and general graphics functionality. Much improved configuration options. Expanded interface modularity. There is more to a game than tanks. Three act campaign. It is coming, we do not know how well it'll be, but BI better had put up some decent steak if they make us wait. Again, unfortunate, but it is not like this game had the smoothest development ever. Also the usually mentioned things, the scale of which is now diminished in the perceptions simply because they have been mentioned so often every time someone complained: PhysX 2010 style movement system, dynamic mostly, still unfinished (re launchers lacking additional poses) but as far as core gameplay goes already a gamechanging and massive improvement. You can now throw grenades! So, there. No blood and tears? I don't think so.
  22. Lovin the tanks. Only thing that bugs me is the absent while modelled active defense systems.
  23. The Arma 2 versions? I would've guessed so, if that is true, because they handle exactly like they do in Arma 2, which makes them quite a bit more deadly than pretty much all of the A3 weapons which have more intense recoil. I like them, but I'd love to see the AKs either to get russian made red dots with the dovetail mount, or be unable to take the rail-mounted sights at all because they do not have rails. Maybe also remove the backup sights from guns that don't have them: for example, with the PSO sight, if you want to use the iron sights, you use those of the rifle it is mounted on: is that possible to do? I really like this pack, have been using it a ton already, hope to see it polished and expanded upon in the future. Cheerio Insta
  24. instagoat

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=13397 Can we get some feedback on this by the devs? This has been a problem for me as a vehicle player for a long time. Fighting with the hatch open is important, as well as turning off the engines, particularly for reconaissance (turn off engine to listen for enemy engine noise, for example, or to keep the vehicle cool to prevent observation by TI). Another thing is the AI independently switching weapons all the time. The commander should be the only person with the authority to select the weapon, unless the target can positively not be harmed by the selected weapon or is a panic target or something. The CQB fighting is really great now, though, and the 3D voices add so much to the whole feel of the game.
  25. instagoat

    AV_IndUs (US Army inspired units)

    It is beautiful. I'd love to see a generic coyote or OD green variant in the pack, I've made some retexes of the ingame crye cage to simulate an airsoft counterfeit being used with actual plates by rebels (heavier weight, less protection value.) or insurgents (or simulated airsofters accidentially getting in the way of actual military). I'm gonna stop spamming your thread now, though, I am posting around in here too much right now... Keep it up, I'm really looking forward to this! Cheers Insta