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Everything posted by instagoat

  1. instagoat

    A List of Questionably Empty Promises

    Well, think what you like. As for where the screenshots were taken from, who's not to say that they're from TKOH with Altis ported to it? Also, I think one reason why shotguns aren't implemented is because they cannot be reloaded the way they are supposed to be (individual shells instead of magazines). The KSG-12 also has the dual magazines. People would be crying if it were ingame currently because these two things do not work presently in the engine, the same way people cry about the gun not being in. No difference as far as BI is concerned, people cry. Again, there are more worthwhile things to cry about, and they are not as numerous (nontheless important) as people make it attempt to appear.
  2. instagoat

    STALKERGB's British Infantry

    Fantastic Units, love em! Congrats on the release, have really been looking forward to these. Thanks so much!
  3. Really, how many more threads do you need to convince yourself that you don't like the game... stop hogging for attention and do the mature thing, leave quietly if you want to, write your reviews on your own sites, but this unconstructive black/white painting and bashing is getting nobody nowhere. I am hearing good things about the game from my non arma veteran friends, and everybody who is complaining is the arma vets. I am beginning to notice a pattern, quite frankly.
  4. instagoat

    Unified Addon Standards

    This kinda comes across as some sort of bureaucratization of the modding community. Sort of like a ministry of mod approval? I do not know how this can be productive: organization is the way to success for an individual mod, but I am unsure how you can herd a bunch of cats of people who do things for fun under an umbrella of rules that will inevitably force some to or beyond their range of skills, time and will. The only effort I remember that was successful in this vein was JAM. So, maybe individual fields of mods could benefit from unified systems (ie, Attachments), but not the entire breadth of the modding community.
  5. instagoat

    A List of Questionably Empty Promises

    The Guide is pretty clear about not representing vanilla Arma 3. Many of the items shown in it are parts of mods, in fact, and that is mentioned all the time. The ttp was also very likely written and provided with screenshots way before the data lock. None of the nato soldiers have flags, the iranians have the scrubbed flags instead of the CSAT hexagons, and quite a few weapons shown were changed during development. This is very similar to the OFP manual back in 2001, which showed screenshots from pre-beta builds even (such as the T-72 with the commander's machinegun" and all vehicles had different markings than in the final version. Nobody whined and complained then, at least not so loudly. If this is BI's crime, putting pictures of things that were changed during development into a book that's an explicit cooperation between community members and company, then Arma 3 really doesn't have problems. Unfortunately it has, so instead of concentrating on arguably outdated screenshot material, maybe be vocal about interesting things, like the bodyarmor or the visuals for tank insides.
  6. instagoat

    Body armor

    No clue how that system works, though. It seems to suggest that it modifies the damage over the entire body, so even if you shoot somebody in the hand, it will count as if it is fully protected. My suggestion of which I have posted the picture in the ticket linked by the OP would be to use the native penetration system to simulate armor plates, rather than using mathematical modificators over the entire body. Either that, or open up how this system actually works so we can understand it. Additionally, the damage done by many weapons is weird right now, usually too low, and occasionally people without bodyarmor seem to be able to take more damage than people with bodyarmor. If anything, it seems inconsistent and murky.
  7. yes, redownload would be necessary.
  8. instagoat

    Basic Income, a new human right

    Trouble just is as time progresses, more and more jobs will simply disappear because they will be outsourced to technology. There are factories running today with two workers that in the 70s had hundreds. "Work" as it is today will soon be an obsolete state of existence for a majority of the population in the west, and progressively in the rest of the world as the standard of living comes up. Also, money -does- come off the printing press. Or do you think when they put the bailouts together in the US and Europe they just had the money laying around somewhere? That's the liberty of governments, as long as there is somebody to buy state backed bonds, you can print money at liberty. Also, you cannot teach marketable skills because anything that can be taught is by definition already catering to a saturated market. To earn money in a significant fashion and create large amounts of value you need to open new markets with new Ideas. Nobody has gotten rich catering to saturated markets, there you can do sustenance work, if even that. Also, the problem with people accumulating wealth is that any money lying on a bank somewhere without doing work is wasted. What prevents people from working isn't laziness. Basic income would not make people stop working, unless they are pathologically lazy. What prevents people from working is being told all the time that their work is worth less, that they are drains on society and that they are being suggested that they are useless, worthless, and better off not existing. At some point, people stop trying. Everybody has a basic desire to realize something and to be productive, it is innate. But society works hard to beat it out of the people by means of witchhunts on "Welfare parasites" and trying to shame people into work, rather than trying to help them find a suitable niche where they can work to their fullest potential. This starts in school, which in my opinion (at least in germany) is nothing but a large apparatus to beat curiosity and flexibility out of people, where they are told that their worth is only determined by numbers at the bottom of their sheet and the size of their bank accounts. I have a hot hatred for the competetive and destructive nature of capitalism, not because I think it is unnatural, it is in fact quite the opposite. Capitalism is essentially just a form of financial darwinist evolution, where those who adapt best to the market survive, and the rest get eaten. Such a system cannot be "humane" or compassionate, because compassion and altruism are extremely easily exploited by parasites and predators. Instead, you have constant combat (even though it is generally euphemised to competition in the real world) between every single participant in the marketplace, because I think the economic and job markets cannot be parted from one another. In such a system, a large amount of people will inevitably end up under the wheels. Still, pro-capitalists will argue that this is a good thing because it obviously shows so much progress. In fact, and I acknowledge this, this is true. But we didn't invent this system, we always possessed it, because it is innate in nature. It is mathematical, it is basic. And it isn't worthy of our brains, if we cannot part ourselves from the heartless cruelty that is innate in this system. Assuming immediately that everybody who does not work is lazy and a parasite that should be forcibly deprived of every bit of worth and value in life until they "man up and start working" is a literal death sentence for many. For example, I am suffering from a psychological condition that has prevented me from working in any significant degree for the past years. I have been sustained because of my country's welfare system and health system, I have been to hospitals, I have started a rehab program, and this coming month I will start to work properly again. All through these times, I have received what liberals would call "handouts", without which I would've been unable to pretty much even keep a roof over my head. So, where do you draw the line? Because, especially with psych disorders, it is very difficult to differentiate between somebody who can and can't work in many cases, and you have to trust the person and the observations of their doctor. With a general income as part of the spectrum of human rights, this would not be a question. People would have the time and money left, always, to get their ship in order when hard times hit them in health and family. You remove financial pressure, and I -bet- that health costs would come down immediately because you remove a massive psychological burden. In fact, many people who are rich likely aren't working so hard because they like being rich or like working, but because they are deathly scared of not having any money and loosing the respect of their peers. tl;dr the system we have is about shaming people into work, no matter their circumstances, and a basic income would help remove a lot of pressures on people in tight circumstances and in general should be welcomed because humans are about beating nature, not running with it. If we wanted to run with nature, we could do away with our brains again and return to the grasslands.
  9. In the alpha, at least civilians would get alerted by a body, run towards it and investigate it. I've not seen that happen in a long, long time, though, and never with armed soldiers from any of the factions. Possibly it was causing problems and QA wanted it cut?
  10. instagoat

    Horrible Armor Immersion

    http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=13397 <- ticket for turning out/engine control/weapon control in tanks when using AI http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=12555 <- ticket for improving the in-vehicle immersion through dynamic vision blocks instead of 3D interiors, interim solution. Please vote on these to get BI's attention and move for change in these regards.
  11. instagoat

    A quantum leap - Arma 4

    After some reflection, I'm still all for a south american setting. :I Not as charged as vietnam, but still plenty opportunity to get rough. Plus, you can use vehicles that have positively never been seen in any game. Such as this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SK-105_K%C3%BCrassier ...or this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M551_Sheridan (May have been modelled in one of the battlefield games, though...) or: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AMX-30 Plus, many common and uncommon Infantry weapons, as well as a range of diverse Uniforms. I for one couldn't care less about Vietnam or a hot cold war in Europe, we've seen those before (in M1A2 tank platoon 2, among other games.). South America hasn't been done before in the Arma series, and I'd be very interested in seeing such a theater, rather than the obvious choices. To illustrate the examples of diversity even today, here's a current south american military running M4 Sherman and M3 Stuart as its prime tanks: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paraguayan_Army#Armored_vehicles And another running Leopard 2s and other top line combat gear: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chilean_Army#Armour Set in the 1970s you could have a crazy setup for vehicles, and get away with it easily. Use the old OFP setup, one heavy tank, one light tank, one APC, one IFV, two trucks, two cars, one attack helo, one transport helo and an appropriate array of weapons + attachments and uniforms. Then add everything that A3 couldn't add over its lifetime, voilá...
  12. instagoat


    I think you can use the drone controller to control it Aside from that it is completely automated.
  13. instagoat

    Boehmia, be reasonable, and honest.

    Nope, it's not. I too am frustrated, but I have also been with Bi long enough to, with a sigh of resignation, accept this as par for the course. It still is better than Arma 2's release. At least the missions work, more or less. I am sure they'll break sooner or later as patches come along, like quite a few of the arrowhead content did. Because if the release content is any indication, their QA was also in over their heads, they probably didn't take a single look at all the half-finished assets. Even some major ones are bugged, like the T-100 which pretty much misses every animation short of the tracks moving. Like I said, I'd rather had BI throw out more stuff and finish the rest, rather than what we have now. But it is what it is, and we've gotta deal with it. And hope that the rest of the world is more lenient than we, so good press results in good sales, and time and money going into the company to polish the game. Hate waiting for patches, but that's how it is, yo. Still, there seems to be a large and/or extremely vocal group of people who seem to want tons of badly made/rehashed kit rather than a working game. It's not sensible, especially when considering the track record, where Bi consistently were trying to lift too heavy baskets and fell over when trying. Arma 2 was overly ambitious, and thus didn't get finished. Arma 3 was extremely ambitious, and when they announced it I already had a feeling that it wouldn't be close to what they were shooting for at day one, but it also brought so much new stuff that I am satisfied with the improvements this round. What is lacking again is polish. Maybe we'll get to see that soon when devbranch rolls out again, because right now, while first impressions will be good I think, most people that dig around in the game will notice how many loose ends there still are.
  14. Then it is inside your steam arma 3 folder, in the bonus folder thingy
  15. instagoat

    Boehmia, be reasonable, and honest.

    Arma 2 wasn't complete and -still- isn't complete. There are parts in the campaign that are obviously dead ends, have been cut, or are still so buggy that the devs who tested the missions are not aware that these things exist. For example, the mortars in Manhattan. Then you have the recycled A1 era and OFP era content (that barn...), etc, and -many- parts of the core engine were obviously incomplete. Nobody knew how the AI worked, and when A3 was started nobody knew how it worked -still-. Nevermind the shoddy performance and aged and broken interface. A3 is not an "Alpha". It's not a beta anymore either, we are past release day, and as far as content goes, it is a game that offers much already. I have 600 hours logged, and those just on stratis and with the mraps. Also, BI are honest. Every bit of content that is in the game is listed on the website. What more do you ask?
  16. http://youtu.be/1pm4fQRl72k This is pretty much the vibe I am getting from everyone who is complaining about the content. Just that the tune isn't as awesome.
  17. instagoat

    No Women=Disturbing

    What's worrying is that there's no obvious textures and models in the files. I doubt females have been scrapped wholesale, but their absence in the initial release is disconcerting.
  18. This is what I mean, they threw out tons of things after the greece debacle, and then were unable to cope with the workload. This is why some things may have probably been better cut out to build a working base, rather than forcing them in and leaving so many things unfinished (again, more than fully HALF of all vests/headgear/uniforms do -not work-, no textures, no models, wrong textures or wrong or buggy models.). And you want yet MORE content? Probably badly ported too, since the old assets were made with ancient workflow and workmanship, and would be difficult to integrate half-well, even more difficult to integrate properly! But really, idk. Maybe I am really alone in wanting a quality game over a bad game with tons of toys to drive around to collect bugs. This is what I mean. Ancient bugs, that return over and over, and yet people say that they don't care about the game being shitty, we just want moar tanks and guns and everything super realism pls. And every time BI does something, it is wrong. I for one would love to hear how the development process worked for BI, what worked, what didn't work, kinda like the article they wrote for OFP. Because what the state of the game right now indicates to me is at least a troubled development, and I'm gonna hold out on an absolute judgement right now until I know why the game took the shape it's taken today. Plus, I'm an old fan, I fully expect BI to be around in 6 months time, and I am fully able to put the game on the shelf without judging it and then coming back later. I like it right now, despite the crashes, it isn't perfect, but I never expected that to begin with. So, yeh, my two cents.
  19. Huh, what? The only thing that is copy-paste is the turrets. Arma previously was copypaste from game to game, which is much worse! Pretty much -all- vehicles, guns and buildings aside from the A2-OA buildings and a handful of the A2 chernarus buildings were made prior to 2005, and then recycled over and over and over. You want more ancient plastic? Why? If you want tons of content with low or dubious quality, more power to you, but I'd rather have working vehicles even if the turrets look similar. I've posted a long list of improvements and new additions to the game elsewhere, I`m not going to dig it up again, but if you want to wallow in your "oh this sucks so much" view where everything ever sucks, again, more power to you. You gladly ignore engine bugs? Then it's probably good that you don't have any say in the development process. We've had to deal with rubbish bugs, stupid gameplay design choices, badly built menus (which still are in, annoyingly, ie the action menu), outdated mouse control and movement and unpredictable AI for way too long. I'd have rather thrown out stratis, the jet and half the skins for the civvie vehicles and the boats and invested that effort into making the rest of the vehicles work. Tanks floating above the ground, srsly? That's an OFP era bug (one that -still- isn't fixed in CWC for many vehicles, btw). Bugs carrying over four game generations and 10 years development is sad. The vehicles can be added sooner or later once the base works. Without a working base, bad reviews, and no influx of new people. And I doubt that the press will give the game a second chance this time, if it had been as buggy as Arma 2 was on release.
  20. How can you confuse a Cobra with a Comanche? How??? So much angry in this thread. Do any of you guys have any Idea how much work went into this thing, and how much was scrapped along the way? idk what you guys want, or what you expected. The performance is better than Arma 2 at release day. If you doubt that, find a vanilla Arma 2, install that and try to run it. Good luck. Not satisfied with the content? IDK, but I do not get how. To me, it is almost too much again, because parts of it are obviously not finished. I am rather satisfied what we have, compared to how I felt when Arma 2 was released. I was hyped on A2, and the disappointment over it was only compensated by the diversion dragon rising provided. Compared to A2, A3 is almost tight. There's still tons of problems, undeniably, but this wholesale, black and white thinking negativity and butthurt and whining is getting nobody nowhere. BI doesn't have their reputation for no reason, and thinking that they'd be magically able to overcome problems that have plagued their releases ever since the very first just because there is physX in the game is an illusion. There's more good things to come, I hope, and even though I can't see into the future I would bet than in two months time the larger part of the community will enjoy the game.
  21. instagoat

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Nah, what I mean is that the fabric doesn't cut off at the seams. It's just a seamless pattern underneath, so it looks really weird. Picture provided below to show what I mean. http://i.imgur.com/c6u4a63l.jpg (108 kB) BI Woodland http://i.imgur.com/ZfSrFdRl.jpg (126 kB) Sample I threw together quick quick. What I mean is at the seamlines, the fabric has been cut, so the pattern does rarely if ever match on real uniforms. I find it an eyesore if it's not done, myself, because it makes the uniform look like a single piece of fabric with patterns painted on top, rather than assembled from different bands and cuts of fabric.
  22. instagoat

    Do not buy this game

    Shit, I already bought it, wat do Oh I know, do the same thing I did when I bought OFP. ENJOY IT Because contrary to Arma 2 on release day, it runs like a dream. Whining loudly will not bring fixes faster. Stop wasting your breath and move on if you really don't care, otherwise, stop rehashing things that have been whined about in tons of threads already, and that are known to the devs on the tracker. Edit: Yeah, fucken germans, always ruining everything :( Since I am german, I best flaggelate myself immediately with this whip.
  23. instagoat

    Development Blog & Reveals

    The sage uniform and woodland uniform textures are already ingame. The latter looks ugly, though, like a rush-job. It doesn't even have cuts at the seamlines and adjusted dirt layers. Doing those two things would take just five minutes...
  24. What has to be kept in mind is how old many of these models are. Some were made with a 2005/6~ ish release date in mind for OFP2, and originally were started to be made prior to 2004. These models and the workmanship/workflows used on them are 10~ years old. The only units that were regularily updated are the Infantry. Pretty much every vehicle in Arma, Arma 2 and all their addons aside from a few exceptions were originally made in the 2004/5 era, and simply retextured and re-used. The Kamaz truck is one of these old models, and may date as early as 2004. I for one am happy about the new models, and that no Arma 2 content has been included. It's less content than before, but even this content has problems that almost lead me to believe that BI should've included even less and polished that more. Re the tank effects. The T-100 doesn't even have animations for opening the hatches, no gun recoil animation, and all new vehicles -still- float above the ground. Remove the superflous MLRS and Stratis, and make the rest of the vehicles work. Too late now, but I hope the existing bugs will be fixed. And, as par for the course, there still are many. Fences that turn black when damaged, Tanks being thrown in the air when colliding with each other, AI walking through each other, through doors, Vehicles running over their own infantry all the time, and at least half of all uniforms and headgear are not ingame, not configured or straight out bugged. Again, less would have been more. For example, throw out the stupid jet. The time spent on that could've been spent to fix the animation errors on the other vehicles and implement the female civilians.
  25. No Units shown were promised, we have confirmation that the campaign scrapping (ie, 2 years of work having to be binned) resulted in many Units being cut, reshuffled and/or redesigned. The F-35 was just a placeholder to show off the new clouds, and I wouldn't have liked it anyway since it would've been another copypaste from the pre-armed assault era. (The model dates from as early as 2004). The only thing that miffs me is complete absence of females, and some of the vehicle related bugs, as well as the missing/misconfigured/broken uniforms/headgear. http://operationflashpoint.filefront.com/screenshots/News/19240/23 These are screenshots from as late as 2005, for game 2 (OFP2 prior to Codies nicking the brand). Pretty much -all- vehicles shown there were used and re-used over the course of at least 3 games, and 4 Addons. There are press article scans from that era that also show the F-35, the C-130 and some other craft. I am happy that none of these aeons old models have made it back, they had their place, and they should make room for new ones.