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Everything posted by instagoat

  1. instagoat

    Scope Mod A3

    BI manages to get their collimator dots not to bloom somehow. Maybe the solution is in there, somewhere?
  2. instagoat

    RH M4/M16 pack

    Bloom makes the red dots useless at night. BI has configged their own dots not to bloom, maybe they're using a different material?
  3. instagoat

    CSLA Studio - A3 WIP

    Haaaarrrdddcoore, one of my fav conversion mods. Super looking, good luck to you guys in your work, looking forward to this very greatly!
  4. instagoat

    RH M4/M16 pack

    Only problem I have with this is that the bolts do not go forward when the release catch is pressed, but only when the reload animation finishes.... And more importantly, the scopes do not use the new attachments system and so aren't compatible with any guns but these, which is a pity because the scopes and laser models are just as fantastic as the guns themselves.
  5. The crosshairs are literally -only- for muzzle awareness now, since they do not have the pipper anymore. Aside from aesthetical reasons, I can´t imagine why you wouldn`t play with them turned on anymore. Same with deadzone, it's a relic, that possibly good for use in conjunction with trackIR, but aside from that? What else do you want? A beep that fires every time your muzzle is obstructed? An Icon turning red? Your character saying "I can`t do this, muzzle's obstructed" and not firing his gun when it is obstructed, adventure style? The crosshairs are sufficient, aside from that, experimenting is the only thing to do.
  6. instagoat

    Arma 3 compared to Arma 2

    Literally -none- of the vehicles are made up. Fine, the ghosthawk is based on an interpretation of an aircraft the public only has seen a wreck of, but that's it. The rest of your points have been adressed so many times over, I´m getting nauseous at the incessant repetition that people seem to find necessary. The scope doesn't wobble too much. Shooting is easy in this game, what is the problem? In fact, the shake isn't big enough under certain circumstances. "Combat feels arcade console style" <- wat? Are we playing the same game? Let me guess, it's "arcadey" because you can move now, and use cover, and equip gear and attachments, etc? Also, what part about the grenade launcher is hard to use? Set it to range, estimate distance of enemy from that range, holdover, shoot, pop. On target, every single time. Range setting like this was not in Arma 2, in fact in no arma game before. By the way, set the range zeroing with pg up and down. So, yeh. Idk, I don't get you.
  7. The crosshairs already tell you when your muzzle is blocked.
  8. instagoat


    Motion sensors are not implemented. Neither are all around cameras. AI should not have access to systems the player hasn't. Plus, the AI is -never- seen scanning around the vehicle. All turrets point in the same direction, always. Especially on the T-100 this is evident, because the commanders gun is so obvious. When the gunner looks one way, the commander looks that direction too, and never scans left or right. You can stand directly behind a tank, and fire a rifle at it, and he will not begin to look around.
  9. instagoat


    Tanks are actually blind in the direction they're not looking into at this point, at least in devbranch. Even when they are in aware mode you can run around everywhere the crew isn't looking and snipe them off. Only the wheeled ones seem to have some weird ability to look through the walls of their vehicles at times.
  10. instagoat

    FHQ Accessories pack

    They are using a new method for the reticles in devbranch, which hasn't been introduced to stable as far as I know. It makes all 3D scope reticles super sharp. I think they aren't using textures anymore at this point, but I`ve no clue. Maybe it is worth looking into how they did it for Alwarren's scopes too? They also allow illuminated reticles in 3D optics with said update, so the ACOG could receive its proper flourescent crosshair, if BI made it at all clear how they achieved their fix for their own scopes.
  11. instagoat

    Tanks are... Kinda weak...

    Trouble is the AI needs to perform well with them too, and they do not understand "hull down", "bounding overwatch" or "hammer and anvil"
  12. instagoat

    AV_IndUs (US Army inspired units)

    Pretty much everything seems to be too small, aside from the kamysh. The Merkava looks tiny. The hunter's also a little small. Or maybe the soldiers are just incredibly tall? I mean, the HEMMT is also not appearing as large as photos make it out to be. I´ll review the scales and add the other vehicles that are weirdly scaled to my ticket. If anybody has pictures or pointers, PM me or hit up the ticket here: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=11600
  13. instagoat

    MK18 Mod 1

    The overextension could be solved by bringing the rifle further back into the players shoulder. The afg and foregrip are supposed to give you super high control in pointing your muzzle, and moving them back kinda defeats their point. Magwell holds really only make sense on very short weapons or when you are static and resting the weapon on something, otherwise you want your arm out when firing to hold the gun steady. Strictly speaking, multiple hand positions should be enabled by BI, so players can set in their profile which of maybe two positions every weapon has modelled they want to use (long and short, maybe.) and then that is either applied to all weapons or randomized, with AI also randomizing their hold. Generally right now, if a gun has an angled foregrip, it should be used as intended, not as the useless afg is on the MX.
  14. instagoat

    Authenticity and Arma 3

    None of you read the article, "realism" isn't even a question. Question is values here, I think. What does the game try to say, and as the article states, COD and Battlefield are essentially games to glorify and fun-i-fy war and military combat. Can we justify ourselves in designing and advocating games that turn the most destructive and extreme of human interactions into sport, fun and games? People should not confuse the authenticity the article talks about with realism. This question isn't about rivetcounting, it's about wether or not this glorifying depiction of war should be allowed a future. For me as an Arma player, the question is if BI will participate in the average hero versus villain setups that completely go against any law (like CODs storyline shows with its complaints about the characters misconduct against the geneva convention.) established, or wether they will actually try and make a valuable statement with their story. The difference between transformers and a bridge too far, or commando and jarhead, so to speak. COD has less socio-cultural value than Doom, especially the later iterations of Modern Warfare. They developed games completely in ignorance of the message of the medium, but at large, I think the medium of the computer game is still not well enough understood to actually pin what kind of message you are sending when putting a virtual gun into the players hands and giving him free reign over the death and life of virtual characters.
  15. Dev question, what about the active protection systems on tanks? Right now Infantry can completely dominate all vehicles as long as they have missiles and rockets. Especially since the AI now understands how to use their AT against targets that are at the edge of their effective range.
  16. Opfor are still Iranian, I would guess, but they're under the CSAT flag. Lovely take, thx for finding it.
  17. Rad... the russians are developing crazy badass looking turrets. Can we maybe replace the one on the kamysh with this one here, at some point? :> (This apparently is designated a heavy pacification unit, and is mounted on a T-72 chassis?) Edit: mentioned on Janes and Armyrecognition as BMPT-72 Terminator 2. http://www.armyrecognition.com/september_2013_defense_industry_military_news_uk/bmpt-72_terminator_2_new_generation_russian_tank_support_armored_fighting_vehicle_rae_2013_2809132.html http://www.janes.com/article/27603/rae-2013-terminator-2-makes-its-debut
  18. instagoat

    Sniper code for item ?

    Using the inventory function in the functions library to add the weapon. The config names are in the config library. Both are ingame, in the editor.
  19. IG CTRG Digital DPM combat uniform test. Ardvarkdb MK18, Iansky optics, Alwarren's attachments
  20. Wat. No. In Arma 2 you could hide behind tin fences from 50 cals. In Arma 3, you can't. Gameplay, not assets. Gameplay. A Tank is a tank is a tank. The basic functionalities of the game are getting more realistic now, Arma 2 is worse as far as realism goes without mods. And I don't care about mods, with mods you could make pac-man a realistic combat room to room simulator.
  21. Nice, once I wake up tomorrow I´ll revise the ticket with some sensible stuff on damage behaviour.
  22. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=15517 Question, anybody who understands the engine and modelling tanks, as well as devs, is this worth thinking about?
  23. instagoat

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Recent updates are giving me great results! AI fire at suspected and recent positions, but they're not dead precise anymore. It`s getting towards actual suppression now. I`m doing a little CQB now, and it is really tense with the bullets snapping past you, even after you`ve rounded the corner they will continue to fire: now they only need to continue randomly firing at suspected or former enemy positions, by a certain rule, and themselves avoid places where they have been shot at. Good work, BI, thanks!
  24. instagoat

    So how good is MXSW?

    I think the Idea is to replace SAW firepower with rifle mobility and -extreme- grenade launcher firepower overmatch (3GL). But for that to work, BI needs to give the Blufor guys the 3 rounder 3GL stacks by default, instead of the single rounds. Is the rifle really much heavier than the MX-M? I`ve not checked the weights, but I thought it was lighter than both the M200 and Zafir.