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-3MERC- Recon

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Everything posted by -3MERC- Recon

  1. -3MERC- Recon

    Project Reality Development

    I believe everyone is entitled to an opinion so I am going to make mine. I will make every effort to keep it civilised and not make a scene. I simply want someone to explain this. While the idea of creating a mod that uses all of the British equipment currently in service or being developed is a fantastic idea (being British) i do not understand the following and maybe the dev's can help? 1) ArmA2 is, while capable of PVP is designed for COOP based gaming. Why has PR decided to implement there mod for PVP only? 2) Don't you think its a little unfair to develop a mod that is going to be PVP only leaving the guys who enjoy COOP out in the cold? My opinion on this is that your trying to change a game of which (approx) 75% of its players, play COOP. BF2:PR (being PVP already by design) fair enough, when your own engine gets released fair does BUT what gives you the right to say "You cant use this mod because you don't want to play PVP?" Over the years i have come to learn that the great thing about the arma modding community is that you can use any mod for any kind of mission regardless of it being PvP or COOP. Surely I cant be the only one with these opinions?
  2. Thanks for the info. Although i was not complaining simply asking a question / questions.
  3. Sickboy, The new update is causing a few issues with guys that used the Yoma addon sync to download and install the mod. People who update using sixupdater can update to todays build fine however people who use Yoma cannot? Armaholic said that they were not going to report on the new releases that come out daily only on 'Mile Stone' releases (what ever that means). Does this mean that people who update cannot play ace multiplayer because the servers cannot grab the update from Yoma? (Most servers i've been on are using Yoma to download addons etc) The solution is simple of course, use the sixupdater on the servers BUT its a pain in the bum to install & update locally never mind on a server!! Anything you can add or suggest ?
  4. I ignored it, placed '@ACE & @ACEX' in my command line and started the game....seems to work :)
  5. Guys, Quick question. I've downloaded ACE (Brilliant thank you very much for the effort!!!) and i am uploading the mod to my units server which is not a dedicated server - Is there any way i can update ACE when updates are available without needing Yoma (or software like it) or needing to re-upload the entire mod again ? Thanks for your time.