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About JibbyJones

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  1. Well I found my answer. Someone wrote a nice script on another thread. Its actually weird how close their question was to mine but I swear I searched for a long time before asking. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=86016&highlight=mortar I appreciate the help though!
  2. I tested the reveal command by being one of the podnods guys and the sniper would appear as target for about 1 sec then disappear. I realized my trigger was set for once, so I changed that to repeatedly. But they still lose track of him immediately. I thought I would setup a marker on the map and try to get them to fire at the marker, seeings how that is always visible, but I dont think thats the way doTarget and doFire work.
  3. I just tried the doFire command. I named my 3 podnos units arty 1, arty 2, arty 3. I then named a unit that I wanted to get targeted _Sniper. Then in the trigger on Act: arty 1 doTarget _Sniper; arty 1 doFire _Sniper; arty 2 doTarget...etc for all 3 podnos. Still nothing. Maybe the podnos can't target the Sniper because hes 2000m away and they don't know where he's at?
  4. I thought that same thing so I put a music effect and a bomb scipt for a car on the trigger and both work right when the chopper dies. I've tried synching an artillery module to the podnos group leader and that didnt work either.
  5. I want an opfor podnos group to engage a bluefor group once a bluefor helicopter dies. I don't know much about scipting. The helicopter is named heli1. I made a trigger with axes (0,0), activation bluefor (I also tried none) , condition !alive heli1; I then gave the podnos a destroy waypoint where I want it to attack. I linked that waypoint to the trigger. I then went in the game and made sure the podnos were within the correct range to attack that target. But nothing.
  6. JibbyJones

    Aircraft Carrier

    I used a setheight of 5 which looked pretty good