I would like to second victim913's comments. I worked my through the confusing interface issues of "Badlands" in the hope "Dogs of War" would be less confusing. The materials available from Bohemia are extremely poor -- maybe they understand what to do, but nothing is intuitive. So maybe they should provide some more details given the $50 price tag of their product.
For instance, I also noticed the three Marine infantry squads and the three Marine MH-60 helicopters (in three other units). One would expect being able to put these units together to move the Marines via helicopter. After attempting it for more than 45 minutes, I gave up.
If someone has figured out how to do this, I would love to hear your solution (or perhaps someone from Bohemia who actually knows).
I also noticed that providing units with vehicles -- such as giving infantry trucks, etc. provides them with no transport. The trucks attempt to follow behind the infantry until it gets stuck in the trees.
Speaking of pathfinding, why do vehicle units inexplicably drive into the woods and get stuck? Attempting to disband them will not work.
Also, I never get anywhere near helicopters -- despite the convenience -- more than half of the time they crash into the trees killing everyone. This just doesn't happen on takeoff -- it also occurs enroute to waypoints.
I will also add my displeasure at being required to sit my three teammates at some safe objective for the entire mission because anytime they are put in fights they are killed (particularly Razor 4). This inexplicably ends my mission.