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Everything posted by humvee28

  1. In the Beginning i´ve had the same Issue. It was caused from the Ambient Air Traffic, switchable in the Mission Params.
  2. Really cool Mission with great Atmosphere! Thanks for sharing. :)
  3. I don´t get the Hint, but i know which one you mean.
  4. Good old Sahrani...it was my first Contact with ArmA Years ago. :D
  5. I´ve got a little Problem with Land Extraction Vehicles on Version 052B. After calling the Vehicle via Radio, i can see on the Map that the Vehicle spawns at Krastonav Airport. Then it will be teleported on the Streets somewhere around the Extraction Area, but it won´t move. I didn´t got such a Problem in previous Versions. Curious. Thanks for the Update anyway! :)
  6. Maybe you could try to start the Mission without Mods & Beta Patch, and see if the Problem persists.
  7. Small Info : Our Company goes into Holidays, from next Week Friday on for a little bit more than a Week, so i´ve got some free Time to work further on this Thread.
  8. Thanks for the Update. I´m using this Units : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8835 together with Staglers GRU, and it´s looking great. :)
  9. Thanks for porting to Namalsk Krem. :)
  10. Got no more lags while moving around since V 4.4. Now i can enjoy the Mission too. Thanks for sharing.
  11. What a great Announcement! Hope to see an Update soon, and good Luck with this.
  12. Fantastic! What a great Addon! Congrats.
  13. Thanks for that great Mission SaOK. Enjoying this one very much too. :)
  14. Thanks, i know. I have only edited an old Post from me with Namalsk in bold. ;)
  15. Sorry Mate. I´ve forgotten to list up the Details yesterday, so now here we go : First, my fresh generated .rpt after some Minutes of Gameplay : http://pastebin.com/7Wr98HCw Mission Settings are made as low as possible via your Mission UI. Game Settings are : VD --> 3000 Textures --> Normal Vidmem --> Default AF --> Very High AA --> Normal Terrain and Object-Detail --> High Shadows --> Very High PP --> Low Fillrate --> 100% @ 1920x1080 AToC --> 0 FXAA --> 0 Got no Problems with this Setup in other Missions so far. My Game-Version is Arma2CO 1.60 Retail + PMC and BAF. System Specs could be seen via my Signature. I hope that this Info will help you a bit more. Greets H28
  16. Dunno why, but i´ve got massive Lag in this Mission, even after minutes of initializing. I will test this mission again with a fresh generated .rpt.
  17. Hi there! Some Specs would be good. Hardware, Drivers, Game (A2,OA,CO) and Version etc. 1) I´m not sure in this too, but you can try GDT Mod HDR, and switch HDR off : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=3713 2) You can use the Command View instead to move the Camera around (NUM Pad Entf beside the 0 Button) 3) I know what you´re mean, but i don´t know how to fix this.
  18. humvee28

    Stagler's FSB Packs

    Very nice Work Stagler. I smell a good Replacement for the BIS MVD Troops.
  19. Krem, you´re a real Porting Maniac! :D Thanks!
  20. humvee28

    ACE for OA 1.13

    CBA has to be loaded first, and the Gaps between the Mods has to be filled with Semicolons : -mods=@CBA;@ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_RU;@ACEX_USNAVY;@ACEX_SM;@ACRE
  21. I have tested it on my Dedi. Seems like that there is a Problem with ZK´s Battlezone and the ACE Interaction Keys, because the Problem occurs there too. :)
  22. It´s happening after using the Construction Menu of the Mission (Remote or direct doesn´t matter).
  23. It would be fantastic, if someone could make this Mission compatible with ACE. :)