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Everything posted by columdrum
You can take a look at the revive script that i had done some time ago( and i need to release a addon version that i have almost done but never have time to end... xD). It does exactly what Sickboy says, just stores the last one how hit you, and generates teamkill messages, it's just 3 or 4 lines of sqf to do that. Also be aware that the death/wounded one it's set on captive mode so using side funcion would return wrong side ^^.
There is wind in arma2 but it only affects to smoke and some models( like some bushes). And it has a major flaw, its local to each client, and diferent clients can have diferent wind velocity and direction while been on the same position. So fixing the wind locality and as extension the whole weather would be first. But all this is already discused in 2 or 3 post arround here, use search!
Revive script for ACE2 Wounding system [V1.5]
columdrum replied to columdrum's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Hi, i haven't almost any free time lately so i left this a little abandoned. About adding the revive to the domi... well here a fast edited version for the domi. Haven't been tested much so may have some error but it should basically work: Revive for domination Just add the revive folder to the mission(if it isn't the wounds version, add the ace wounds module too), and add to init.sqf: [1000] execvm "revive\ReviveAceWounds.sqf"; (1000) for unlimited lives, any other to a limited number... but only tested with unlimited :P. -
The only RPT warnings that i am geting are these two: Updating base class RscPictureKeepAspect->RscPicture, by ui_duala\config.bin/RscDisplayLoading/variants/LoadingOne/controls/LoadingPic/ Updating base class RscPictureKeepAspect->RscPicture, by ui_duala\config.bin/RscDisplayStart/controls/LoadingPic/ Maybe you have old files arround?
A.C.R.E - Advanced Combat Radio Environment - 1.2 Stable (TS3 pre) - Release Thread
columdrum replied to jaynus's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
The last stable release, 3.0.0-rc1, its suported, the last beta release has the issue you mentioned ^^, so i supose it isn't supported xD. -
The option to have your soldiers speak your language
columdrum replied to BL1P's topic in ARMA 3 - GENERAL
Well an option like BF2 has would be fine, so everybody would be pleased. But some already said, sooner or latter you get used to the basic orders. -
for me with sync wind and weather effects would be enough, because in arma2 right now one client can se its raining other that its foggy and each one have the wind on a diferent direction( that could end on advantages/disadvantages in pvp because they wouldn't see the smoke going on the same direction). The rest always can be done by addons :P, but it would be really nice that the wind would affect long sniper shots and artillery calculations :).
He just registered here to troll all the arma3 threads. Everybody here knows that the best way arma is played is playing it seriously as a simulator, with serious people and making it as real as posible. Nowadays that's imposible in public games because sadly its always full of CODers. ACRE just help a lot i that purpose, and adds a lot of realism to the comms, and i hope that BIS take that into account and help them to integrate it again in arma 3, for example with built-in I/O system. Obiusly you can also play on random public games and see who gets more frags and all that shit just to spent some free time. But i have more fun playing like that on other games, like bf2, than in arma2 :j:, if arma would be just that, i would never have bought it.
Well just "normal" physics for the vehicles where things like blow a wheel on a bush like already said, or : (i know it's arma 1 but physics aren't better in arma2... hahaha)doesn't happen would be enough. Some targeting system beter that "tab locking" and and armour system similar to ACE2 one would be apreciated too.
Totally agree with the Custom Air Loadouts , it shouldn't be to dificult to do and would be better than having 10 models that are the same but with diferent weapons. And also agree about the targeting system. The rest... obiusly everything could be improved and the damage models for the planes and the flight model... well obiusly improvements there will be welcome, but shouldn't be a priority on a infantery simulator. Just with transport helis well modeled should be enought to start with.
+1000 to the posibility of moving over/inside a moving vehicle. About entering a sub with chainsaws... lol that idea is as realistic as this weapon inspired by GoW: http://images.wikia.com/uncyclopedia/images/c/c7/Lancerrifle2ek2.png
ACE 1.9 (Advanced Combat Enviroment) for OA/CO
columdrum replied to AnimalMother92's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
It happened to me too, just go to your ""arma2 folder"\userconfig\ and delete de ace folder. Then run ace clippi and it will not crash -
The Unsung MOD (Vietnam War) Arma 2 Release
columdrum replied to sgt_savage's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Well technically it's just a stupid issue, both skyrider and f-100 inherits A10( i don't know why, i think that a base plane would be better), and A10 is marked as hidden by ACE2, the result, its that both planes dissapear. Solutions: 1-Make a simple addon that just changes the scope of the 2 planes. For example try this addon i am working on: http://www.armanam.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=280 It should work. 2-That the ussung team inherits a base plane instead of the A10 to avoid this kind of problems with other addons, or add scope = 2 in the definition of both planes(still its better to inherits the base plane). This topic is going crazy ^^. -
The Unsung MOD (Vietnam War) Arma 2 Release
columdrum replied to sgt_savage's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Confirmed, it's part of the config errors, a lot of them are because of missing requiredAddons[] = {}; under CfgPatches i think :S, at least i saw a lot of them that are caused by that http://pastebin.com/dMb3XwyU Also i am also getting some missing texture errors: 1-On game load: can't load texture csj_village\icons\house.paa 2-On SEA map load: can't load csj_rocks\clutter_stone_small.p3d Anyways the mod works fine, so it can be fixed latter :) -
The Unsung MOD (Vietnam War) Arma 2 Release
columdrum replied to sgt_savage's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Mirrors for parts 1-5: http://www.gamefront.com/files/20182823/UNSUNG_MOD_ARMAII_R2_1_OF_5.rar http://www.gamefront.com/files/20182241/UNSUNG_MOD_ARMAII_R2_2_OF_5.7z http://www.gamefront.com/files/20182342/UNSUNG_MOD_ARMAII_R2_3_OF_5.7z http://www.gamefront.com/files/20182485/UNSUNG_MOD_ARMAII_R2_4_OF_5.7z http://www.gamefront.com/files/20182690/UNSUNG_MOD_ARMAII_R2_5_OF_5.7z Just for anxious people :s. Thx for the release UNS team! :D Edit:i am getting some errors of missing textures, and also tons of config errors in the rpt :S, hope that it's just me doing something wrong.But anyways its working fine :D -
The Unsung MOD (Vietnam War) Arma 2 Release
columdrum replied to sgt_savage's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Same here heheeh. Well we just need to wait a little longer, i am reuploading all the files, except the 1 that i haven't, to other hosts hope that that would help . -
Use vainilla Arma2 sounds // Crate contents
columdrum posted a topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
Hi i'm new on scripting( not in programing by the way :p), and i have some problems: 1- when i try to use the sounds included in the vanilla arma2 they didn't play. Its not a scripting error nor a sound error. Thats what i have: class MsoundDog {name = "MsoundDog"; titles[] = {}; sound[] = {"\ca\Sounds\animals\dog_bark01", 1, 1}; }; Also tryed: class MsoundDog {name = "MsoundDog"; titles[] = {}; sound[] = {"ca\Sounds\animals\dog_bark01", 1, 1}; }; And class MsoundDog {name = "MsoundDog"; titles[] = {}; sound[] = {"\ca\Sounds\animals\dog_bark01.wss", 1, 1}; }; If i copy the dog_bark01.wss to my mision folder and changing the path it works. So the error should be in the path, or maybe its not posible to use then. Someone knows what is wrong? I don't want to add extra unneeded sounds on my mission if they are already included in arma2 :(. I also know that i can make that dog sound with a trigger, but i want to play it whit any scripting program without making "strange" unnecesary things 2- There is any way to get(in a array for example) the contents of a box or any container? because i didn't se any script function for that. I read some kind of new API on ACE for this, but i didn't find the documentation. Thanks! -
Getting the script to only run once?
columdrum replied to ZZEZ's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
just replace the: ammobox1 setVehicleInit "ammobox1 execVM ""client\FillAmmoBox.sqf"""; processInitCommands; with ammobox1 execVM "client\FillAmmoBox.sqf"; there is no need to set that on the init O_o, its a total nonsense to use setvehicleinit there, it should be avoided when posible to avoid posible JIP problems. The weapons are readded because the "processInitCommands;" re-executes all the inits lines of the vehicles on all clients, because its a global script command, so thats basically your problem. -
scripted waypoints !? (i must be stupid...)
columdrum replied to PeterBitt's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
Fail, i forgot to save in the editor before uploading for sure, thats why the triggers where missing. But i am happy that it was heplfull anyways ^^. There are also 2 missing markers move2 and move3 btw :P -
scripted waypoints !? (i must be stupid...)
columdrum replied to PeterBitt's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
First of all it seems ok the code you wrote , here is no need to use the array version. But if you are not going to use never again that variable its recomended to use local variables(with the _ you say) instead of global ones, but it should work both ways. If you use always golbal variables you will probably have conflicts between your scripts for example if you use the same variable names in 2 diferent scripts. Note also that there is no need to use setWaypointStatements if you aren't really using it, same for the rest. And as Lonestar said, use sqf and call it with execvm. So if i am saying that your code is okay why they aren't moving, well here posible problems: 1- You must set the current waypoint, so add this line at the end bluegrp1 setCurrentWaypoint wp4; 2-If there are any syntax error, the execution of the sqf will stop. So start the game with -showScriptErrors or look at the RPT to be sure that there isn't any script error. Here you have a working example: http://www.mediafire.com/?rpcoas68pq2eodp Trigger alpha adds a waypoint to a existing group. Triger bravo creates a group and a unit on it and adds some waypoints As you see i use local variables and both scripts uses the same variablenames without problems. -
The ace spectator script?
columdrum replied to JacobJ's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
There are a lot of restrition options for example: ace_sys_spectator_playable_only=true; // ace_sys_spectator_playable_only = true, only playable (MP) or switchableUnits (SP) units will be shown in the target listbox ace_sys_spectator_ShownSides = [west, east, resistance, civilian]; //Only show certain sides, in this example all sides would be shown, but you can for example delete east or any other from the list. You can also use the playerside constant on it. For example: ace_sys_spectator_ShownSides =[playerSide]; would only show their own team members Hope that can help. -
The ace spectator script?
columdrum replied to JacobJ's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
Then just follow the steps you already wrote, and be sure that you call the file onPlayerRespawnAsSeagull.sqs, not onPlayerRespawnAsSeagull.sqd :S. It should work :S, but only on MP and when there are more than 1 player alive. I don't see what can be wrong :S Edit: also , be sure that you only have one respawn = "BIRD"; on the description.ext. If the problem persist, use the ACE2 thread or a suppor ticket on dev-heaven, that's a better place to ask -
The ace spectator script?
columdrum replied to JacobJ's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
¿?¿? :eek: Thats for starting ACE spectating when you die instead of the seagul/crow. If you just want to start the spectating, just use the ace_fnc_startSpectator function, for example: 1- create a triger with activation radio alpha, condition this, on act: xx=player spawn ace_fnc_startSpectator; 2-Start the mision and use radio alpha.... and there it is your spectator. -
How to place a cannabis plant?
columdrum replied to vinque's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
Not all map objects have classnames, so you cannot create with createVehicle all the map objects even if they are already in the game. To place some of them like rocks and bushes , you need to config them and assign a classname, obviously by creating a addon. There are addons that have done that, but i don't know if any of them included the magic plant you whant ^^. -
Revive script for ACE2 Wounding system [V1.5]
columdrum replied to columdrum's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
-¿Do you have placed the ACE wounding module? if not, do it - If you have respawn disabled(Colum_revive_Respawn=false; in the configuracion.sqf file), if the countdown time runs out, even if you have lifes left, you will lose all of them and die ( that makes you enter spectator). Note that once you die totally and you enter the spectator mode, even if you reconnect you will still have 0 lives and you can't play until you restart the mision. If the problem persist please send me the mision and what do you do, and i will take a look at it :confused:.