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About MPi

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  1. this fixes nothing ;( ok the game runs 3% better and runs 5sec longer ;)
  2. hi, i have the same system with 2x295gtx and i7950 win7-64. on this system the game is unplayable at normal/low settings for me. On my second system Intel q6600 8800Ultra 4gig ddr2 win7-64 i can play on very high settings VD 5000m without lag and load stuttering.
  3. MPi

    Patch 1.05 Stability Survey

    Hi, Win7 64 , I7 950, 2x gtx295 quad sli: access violation CTD ;(
  4. i7 and 295 GTX very poor performance ~20fps [1680x1050, all settings middle, 1200vd], keeps crashing (now with blue screen). q6600 and 8800ultra runs perfect without any lag at 1680x1050, all very High, 4500vd.
  5. Hi, another CTD dump: http://rapidshare.com/files/298564303/ArmA_2.rar.html Sys: ---- Intel i7 950 2x 295 GTX quad SLI PSU: 1250 Enermax 6GB OCZ Plat. RAM 2x 150 WD Velocity Raptor Win 7/64bit