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zio sam

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Posts posted by zio sam

  1. Well than reached we a dead end here. We tested it without any mods like the readme said. Still getting these bugs

    But the next release of the RHS mod is not far away, so I gonna wait

    Do you also play on a new scenario or a old(pre update) mission?

    this is me shooting the 25mm


    so you probably missed the update or using old mission...

    just trying to help

  2. I've run into few problems with AGM_Medical in 0.95

    2. Sometimes I was heavy injured or injured in multiple places and after one bandge I was not bleeding anymore.

    Is this known? Or does anyone have same problems?

    happened to me also. i think that it happens when a medic heal you,so he has a sort of multiple bodyparts healing at once bonus

  3. A pity me and my mates couldn't be there fighting with you.

    Unfortunately i've read you encountered some stability problems.Just my 2 cents:We always use AGM+RHS+TFAR modset(up to 30+ players) and never encountered global problems(just client problem with agm medical) at one condition:not using fast moving vehicles(like helos and planes, especially with airborne troops inside) they just kill server fps and create a mess of desync to clients because of the prediction system used to display fast moving units in arma.

    Also we avoid script intensive utilityes such as MCC,and we allocate Ai to the HC to offload the server.About Zeus i can't add anything since i never really used it and i don't know how he perform in a crowded mp enviroment.

    Server rpt also,could give more informations of loop and other nasty things that may ruin the game.

    ps:the AAR by FM was brillant.i can see the film of the battles trough it!

  4. Unluckily 26 december in Italy it's very difficult to find players(only 3 ansewred me atm),and the absence of TFAR is another factor,the modset otherwise is perfect with AGM,RHS and your map.

    If those kinds of events would be arranged in future i'm pretty sure we can bring some italians players as well.

    The best of luck for this event and for the ones that will come.Thank you so much for bringing back Duala!

  5. I am using a modified fnc_cameraOld with respawned Civilians sitting in a truck for spectator. Would be awesome if I could further modify the cam to support hearing players (without losing the ability to hear each other, which would mean they can hear two 3d positions at once xD)

    it's possible to have this spectator script? i need something similar to the old ACE specating when you were able to speak with all dead peple and hear conversations of alive player followed by the spectating camera

  6. @Giallustio :era cosi' quando si usava il vecchio gilet tattico http://www.italiamilitare.it/abbigliamento-militare/images/T/gilet-tattico-sbb-etv-verde.jpg (che se non sbaglio avete gia modellato)sopra il vecchio GAP AP98.Questo in missione nessuno lo portava e ognuno si comprava il suo..

    Ora i nuovi gilet tattici non vanno messi sopra il giubbotto antiproiettile ma contengono essi stessi le piastre balistiche.E quindi ora la fanteria usa solo quelli

    @ironmentalist: per entrare in beretta benelli eccetra,ti devi sicuramente laureare con ottimi voti,poi mandi il curriculum a queste aziende,fare un colloquio di lavoro e molto probabilmente penso che per certe branche ti servira' anche un master.E queste sono ditte civili che lavorano anche con contratti della difesa.Gli ingegneri nell'esercito ci sono ma si occupano di tutt'altro:infrastrutture ponti ferrovie ecc,non progettano armi e mezzi

  7. AFAIK anyone can buy its own vest and I think that the A3 one fits pretty well. If you want to donate some models we'll integrate them gladly ;)

    It's not 100% correct.Only SF operators can choose tactical vest.

    Regular soldiers use standard issued tactical vest(you can vary position of pockets),tested for lvl IIIa protection.Some regiments(logistical mostly) still use the old AP98 vest.

    this is the one in use today for infantry regiments (vegetato)


    desertico con tasconi applicati


    there are 2 ballistic plates one frontal and one in the back,protection can be increased with some add on modules for neck and lowerabdominals/testicular used only by people working with ied and explosives.

    @ironmentalist: pm=private message smart kid ps:the one you study is engineering;engineery is slang,it's definition "Overly technical, nerdy, and left-brained. Lacking warmth, charisma, empathy, and general social skills; slightly awkward while at times being uncomfortably pushy or passive aggressive. "

    cio' detto d ora in avanti ti rispondo solo per pm,se vuoi ti do pure l'indirizzo della mia caserma cosi magari mi vieni a trovare ;)

  8. hahahaha stai studiando ENGINEERY magari ad L apostrofo Ondon

    http://it.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=engineery,si dice engineering giovane! (e non venirmi a dire che e' un typo)

    i just politely asked you to write in a little bit proper english and avoid your childish way of writing, more suited for kids playing COD.Funny thing you just admitted you are that kind of children and start to offend me.

    E no la tua costruzione delle frasi in inglese fa rabbrividire,sei iscritto a questo forum dall'altro ieri, puzzi ancora di latte e impara a rispettare gli anziani che sono qui da molto prima di te(un po di servizio militare non ti farebbe male per rinfrescarti questi semplici concetti).

    Se continui su questo binario ti stai candidando al ruolo del mancato ingegnere fallito.

    Sorry for off topic,it was not my intention to derail the thread.Iron if you have some more to say please use PM so we can't stop to spam the thread

  9. @ironmentalist please write in proper english and not as a 12 years old kid playing call of duty.

    un consiglio da italiano,e' veramente brutto leggere questo linguaggio infantile da sms tutto abbreviato e sgrammaticato quando si scrive su un forum;cerca di esprimerti in un inglese piu' corretto

    @Giallustio:I hope you keep working on this mod since there is a terrible lack of italian equipments on A3

  10. Just downloaded the mod...It's really outstanding!Thx so much to RHS team for bringing us real ARMA3 content wise!!!

    A question since there are real expert here like Damian:Reading your last post about NATO tanks vs Russians ones it seems that during night time assault,Nato Tanks could swipe their opponents pretty easy(better frontal armour+better thermal/night sights).So my question is if there is some known plan to attack russians tanks divisions only by night?

    I always tought that best tanks from NATO and PACT were very similar referring to technological capabilities...

    Sorry for my poor english
