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Everything posted by Gekkibi

  1. Gekkibi

    Horrible Armor Immersion

    TC MG is not necessary (besides, it makes inexperienced players forget to do what TC is supposed to do), and some modern MBT's don't have it. But there's no harm having it, as long as all MBT's will have coax machinegun.
  2. Gekkibi

    Horrible Armor Immersion

    Ah, other virtual tankers over here? :) Yes, the lack of 3D cockpits is unforgivable. Why are there PIP monitors in 4x4 vehicles but not in bigger ones? Reverse camera in hunter when you could use your side mirrors as well, but MBT's suddenly don't need to know what's behind it? Some additional missing features: - everyone should be able to turn out even if the commander stays inside. For example in urban environment driver needs better field of vision than usually. It's too risky for the TC to turn out for this. - we should have automatic FCS. What's the point that you have laser measurement equipment but still have to crank the distance manually? Tankers had some form of FCS during World War 2... But not in 2035? - I'm hoping T-100 will get coax machinegun. It's a necessity. If you really want balance, then take away TC MG. TC MG != coax machinegun, and that's pretty clear for anyone who has even a small idea how to operate a MBT...
  3. Gekkibi

    Looking for High Command...

    Should work the same way: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/High_Command You can find the modules under F7 menu in the editor (under misc).
  4. I know because his title is "former developer". But that doesn't change the fact that a developer said what he said. It doesn't mysteriously nullify everything he has said on the forums even if he's not going to be on BIS payroll forever. After that post I didn't hear anyone say "oh wait, we're not going to implement it!", until it was already too late.
  5. How about the part "I can safely confirm"..? ;)
  6. No, this is what happens when developers say things like this:
  7. You truly are one little [insert couple of sentences that would give me a ban]. I clearly said I can re-schedule my own calendar. It's not my fault if you don't need those features BIS originally promised. I need. Have been waiting them since OFP 1.0. So keep playing the way you play and stop criticizing those who play differently.
  8. Thank's for showing how immature you are... As long as they inform it in advance so I can re-arrange my schedule, I have no problems with it. It's not like it's their first time they're going to miss their release date... It's probably because we have different expectations. I guess you don't need 3D editor, better flight modeling or properly working MBT's..? Good for you.
  9. Gentlemen, could you please stop generalizing and using "get a refund" argument. Yes, I'm very disappointed what Arma 3 is right now. No, I'm not going to ask for a refund! I know BIS is going to deliver *some* more features and keep polishing it (and when ACE is released, it will improve the rest what BIS didn't want to do). I'm disappointed because I bought it before they canceled some critical features I wanted, and I know BIS is not going to include those. I'm also disappointed that I get the actual full version & necessary bug fixes / community made mods to fix all this x months from now. Heck, Arma 3 could be on -75% by then... I bought it so I can play it 24/7 when it's released. Heck, I even cleared my schedule for this... Now I have nothing to do except being disappointed... :P
  10. Before you order you check the ingredients and see some pictures and think how delicious this hamburger is going to be (PR & interviews). Your burger will be ready in 10 minutes after you have bought it (preorder). After 10 minutes they bring you buns without the meat or sallad and say that they will give the rest later for free (lack of campaign, scenarios, overall content). After some time they bring it and you notice the hamburger don't have any mayo that was both in the pictures and in the ingredients list. They say they never promised any mayo and the pictures are old ones (placeholder pictures (F35, etc) and teased & abandoned features such as the TOH flight model & 3D editor), because new menu, hamburgers without mayo, came in after you bought the hamburger. A guy on the table next to you starts to shout that you should really start to make your own mayos and stop whining about it ("mods will fix this"). Still happy eating that burger?
  11. Gekkibi

    Showcase Review

    The problem is that at least some of us used these promises to make the decision and bought the game. Would you like to buy a house? Here are some pictures and blueprints. Wouldn't it be wonderful to own a house by the beach? Those pictures were only placeholders. There is only half finished house, you have to finish it yourself. Oh, the beach you say? I never promised it, and I didn't mention this house is even remotely close to a beach.
  12. Gekkibi

    Showcase Review

    The tank showcase was awesome! The helicopter landed and I was unable to get out (or automatically thrown out). ;) Not a good start. I retried it and now it worked. It was exactly what I expected (and not in a good way). All the showcases I have played look just like a big budget hollywood action film: you are the center of everything and get UAV intel & direct comms from the Big Bosses, even if you're just a regular squaddie. I know some parts were taken from Rambo 5 manuscript... Every moment tries to be high adrenaline full packed action, but falls short (yes, even the "steal a car" showcase). Luckily a friend of mine contacted me and made a server so we could play properly... At least I had some fun on release day...
  13. @Marcai I'm one of the few who don't mind having slightly futuristic theme in Arma 3. It's actually quite better (and this is just my opinion) than we had in OA: the same typical rural landscape, Global Police Forces / The Good Guys vs T-55, etc. Finally in Arma 3 the bestfor (redfor) will have good equipment, etc. Pretty much everything else is is why I'm disappointed... ;)
  14. Idled here for so many years, but now I had to come back and say I'm very disappointed. I decided to purchase the alpha because I was foolish and believed the pre alpha PR. We saw footage of 3D editor, mentions of TKOH flight modeling (direct quotes from the devs can be found on this forum as well), and so on. I can still remember (but not where it was mentioned. E3 interview, maybe?) that [all?] ground vehicles will have 3D cockpits. As a virtual tanker I knew the tanks will simply, well, suck before ACE is released. But I expected to finally have sweet virtual cockpits with PIP cameras (my most wanted feature of Arma 2 was a reverse camera) and small viewports where you could peek around. Well, at least I learned a valuable lesson that I should never believe PR BS, even from BIS. I thought BIS != typical AAA company. I have a bitter taste in my mouth, and it's not going away in the near future. T-100 lacks coax machinegun, the overall quality of Altis is pitiful (good example: just check the taxi-ways on the intl airport), and so much more.
  15. Thank you very much. My uneducated guess would be: class Grid : Grid { offsetX = 0; offsetY = 0; class Zoom1{ zoomMax = 0.05; format = "XY"; formatX = "0000"; formatY = "0000"; stepX = 10; stepY = 10; }; class Zoom2{ zoomMax = 0.15; format = "XY"; formatX = "000"; formatY = "000"; stepX = 100; stepY = 100; }; class Zoom3{ zoomMax = 0.85; format = "XY"; formatX = "00"; formatY = "00"; stepX = 1000; stepY = 1000; }; class Zoom4{ zoomMax = 1e+030; format = "XY"; formatX = "0"; formatY = "0"; stepX = 10000; stepY = 10000; }; }; Never done anything like this before, so I might be wrong.
  16. Arma 3 will come out next year. It's a long time. ;) I respect your decision not to make any updates to the map, but I would still beg for 8-digit coordinates. DAGR (GPS in ACE-mod) is not working properly in 6-digit maps. One of the most beautiful map ever created in OFP/Arma 1/Arma 2. Can't decide which one is the best; this or Thrisk.
  17. Gekkibi

    Im so confused!!!!

    Making scripts in arma 2 is not that hard. It has the same rules and tricks as other languages. First you think what you want to do, then you create an algorithm etc. As with any language all you need is to learn the commands and structure of the language. Start from small examples and try out how the commands works before creating something bigger. "Hello world" should be the first think to do. :)
  18. Gekkibi

    Map click explosion

    Action is always executed only on the machine who uses the action.
  19. Sorry about my little typo. I was kind of tired and typed it (no copypasting). I'm happy it works. Have fun. :)
  20. Then you'll have to give it a handle. nul = [...] spawn BIS_fnc_burn; You can put this to the trigger (The one with !alive nearestObject condition) Put compile preprocessFile into your init.sqf (If you don't have one create it).
  21. BIS_fnc_burn = compile preprocessFile "\ca\Data\ParticleEffects\Scripts\Destruction\burn.sqf"; [object, intensity, time, false, false] spawn BIS_fnc_burn;
  22. Gekkibi

    Ammo Crate refiller

    Or check this and this to get the classlists of every item (Even in the future)... Spending one hour of typing classlist isn't much. Start scripting and the time will fly...
  23. Gekkibi

    Ammo Crate refiller

    You'll have to think outside of your tiny little box. If it fills it without checking if it already have x amount of magazines it will run out of space. It is possible that you will run out of certain kind of magazines and it never add more of 'em. oh jeez, I guess it is pointless to give pointers nowadays...
  24. Gekkibi

    Ammo Crate refiller

    That will put more items every other minute. If you start the mission with 5 stanag mags and wait 6 minutes there will be 20 stanags.