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Everything posted by Gekkibi

  1. It affects players as well (but iirc it won't disable the text chat). This way you can disable the extremely annoying feature that player characters can spot something the player didn't see.
  2. First question: are the players blufor? Second question: did you change their behaviour after that..? Careless means they will not engage.
  3. Tested the ghost hawk minigun. Took ~300 rounds to collapse the construction site building. Overpowered!
  4. ...But completely collapse a building? I highly doubt that. Can you collapse a building with Zafir? Edit: just tested it. AH-9: Fired 250 rounds and the construction site collapsed Zafir: Fired 600 rounds and no damage at all .50 HMG: Fired 400 rounds and no damage at all Conclusion: dafuq? :)
  5. I stand corrected. It seems I didn't wait long enough, little less than 10 seconds. Hmm, true. It takes 15 seconds for him to prep his launcher when on level terrain. Nope, try putting this setUnitPos "MIDDLE" to the units init field. Ya, definitely a bug.
  6. 7.62 vs buildings, and they collapse? How can you love that? :P
  7. If that's intended then I can't find any logic behind it... It's like a situation where ZSU wouldn't engage enemy attack helicopter unless there are other ZSU's around (or the helicopter sees the AAA)... Edit: Can't repro. I placed maybe a dozen AT specialist to one single group, placed them on the runway and put AFV in front of them. Didn't engage! Now I have dozen drooling A"I" on the ground aiming the puny little vehicle with their rifles... Like that's going to change anything.
  8. Tested this myself. It seems it affects the PCML as well. However, I tested multiple different elevations and it didn't have any effect at all. I placed the target uphill, didn't engage. I place both at the runway, didn't engage. Edited the ticket.
  9. Created a ticket: 0014962: AI can't target some vehicles with Titan in some situations
  10. Here's a repro mission. Now tell me: is the A"I" as useful as a sack full of rotten potatoes. Rotate the AFV 180 degrees and notice how the A"I" will suddenly engage when the IFV is facing towards him.! Conclusion: the best APS is to turn the rear armor towards the threat. Q.E.D
  11. AFV, and set indfor friendly to nobody. I tested AT against it by placing AT soldier on a road as well. Drove slowly to intersection in front of me so that the AT soldier is on my left flank maybe 300 meters away. The soldier spotted me instantly, but did he decide to swap weapons? Nooo... It's a lot better idea to lie on the road and aim with your rifle...
  12. The AI is still fubar. Placed AT specialist on a rooftop and an enemy IFV ~300 meters away with LOS to it. AI will lie down and stay there, and with setUnitPos "MIDDLE" it will keep aiming the IFV with his rifle. Is Arma 3 pvp-only?
  13. Yes. This might sound a little bit weird, but kill yourself (in the game, naturally) and you're able to quit without saving... :)
  14. "White White... Too Much Height" "Red White... Just Right" "Red Red... You're Dead"
  15. Oh ya, forgot that it will only move the squad leader (the rest of the group will regroup after the leader have arrived). I must have sunday evening syndrome... Use deleteWaypoint and create a new one every once in a while. Right now can't think of anything else. Personally, I blame the wine. :)
  16. Personally I'd use doMove instead of using waypoints.
  17. Then they only have one choice. The one I hided by using different font color: "or alternativelly, moralize how brutal and immoral it is, and not suitable for small kids who're not allowed to own it in the first place" ;) </offTopicFromMyPart>
  18. Devs, why are you not playing GTA 5..? (or alternativelly, moralize how brutal and immoral it is, and not suitable for small kids who're not allowed to own it in the first place)
  19. "(_this != driver _target) && _this in (crew _target) && (heli getVariable 'open')" Again, didn't test it.
  20. And mortars & self-propelled artillery. When you use page up/down keys with those, the barrel will physically elevate. Edit: Either you ninja-edited your post or I'm way too drunk... "the bullet will spawn ~1.5 m above the barrel of the rifle" part is not true, as mentioned.
  21. Don't have the time to check, but my first guess would be to use MPKilled event handler.
  22. Use the crew command for getting an array of all inside the helicopter. Then exclude pilot and copilot.