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About justice7

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  1. justice7

    Cpu Limited or not?

    So the question here, and the argument is simply that of what is considered "Broken". Broken is true when it is broken for some, or all, or just the person involved? Seems like you guys are argument semantics and not the actual issue at hand. Both acknowledge there are problems, and both acknowledge that not everyone is affected. The game isn't perfect, either. It can always be better, there is a lot of code involved and optimization is an ongoing thing. So arguing over what you want to call it is sort of silly. Everyone agrees, just disagrees on what to call it. Call it a day and play some Arma2 i say.
  2. justice7

    Cpu Limited or not?

    "it works for me and the few people I know, therefor it should work for everyone". No, this statement is not always true. Something can be broken for some people and not others, there are a lot of variables at play. You pretend to know a lot about hardware setups, yet you lack basic understanding of troubleshooting and software inconsistencies. Either that or you're a major fanboy blind to the notion that this game still has some bugs to work out. Not to be rude or anything but that is how I see it.
  3. justice7

    Cpu Limited or not?

    I agree, a Core2Quad (of any size) should run this game beautifully. even a Core2Duo is all you really need to run most games, and a video card obviously that is up to par.
  4. justice7

    Cpu Limited or not?

    Eth you have a killer rig, thats why it works well for you :) People with more moderate rigs, have a much harder time getting the game tweaked just right. A faster system will hide such blemishes in the code much better than your average pc.
  5. justice7

    Game runs great, but

    Excellent, i'm very interested to know how this turns out.
  6. I've managed to get the game looking and running great on my setup.. However, I'd like to eliminate the "stutter-load" when coming up to a new area, is this possible? It kinda ruins the moment for me when i remember i'm playing a game (this game is VERY immersive) Would a SSD help? AMD Phenom II Quad Core 940 Black Edition @ 3.4Ghz ATi 4850HD 512MB 4GB DDR2 Windows Vista64 Edit: I have just run contig/powerdefrag on the Arma2 folder, this helped quite a bit. Still SOME stutter though. Chipset drivers are up to date, for my SATA2 drive.
  7. I too am getting artifacts with my 4850HD, they are minor glitches though, nowhere near as bad as the screens above. flashing textures and such