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Everything posted by jasonnoguchi

  1. jasonnoguchi

    WarFX Particles

    THE LAST??? NO NO NO!!!! Theres still A LOT we need WarFX done! PLEEEEAASSSEEE!!!!
  2. @Tonci, create a config script to randomise between them..heheheh
  3. jasonnoguchi

    Seal team six 3

    @TONCI, Oh, that one! hahahha! yeah, thats a blow them all up mission alright! :) I barely survived... finished all my medial supplies with only 2 team mates alive and all injured...
  4. @JonPL, I am surprised that you didn't like the gun sounds. Which aspect of the gun sounds do you not like?
  5. jasonnoguchi

    Seal team six 3

    @TONCI, yeah, ZEUS + GL4 makes for some insane firefights! :) One thing though, it also breaks this campaign sometimes as sick1 designed some pretty strict triggers in some missions so you might wanna take note. The Russian airport mission, Dark Espionage right? thats supposed to be a stealth mission where you get in, do everything and out without anyone knowing...hahahaha... well, as long as you complete the mission, who cares how, right? hehehehe
  6. jasonnoguchi

    (SP)ACE Cutting All Ties

    got those same errors as well.
  7. I prefer TRSM seperate from ACE2. TangoRomeo needs to be able to develop his own works in his own way under his own brand. Its not good that everything we think is top notch goes into ACE2... just my 2 cents. ACE has their own team working on sounds the way they want it to be. I am really not so much for ACE being a compilation of good mods but for them to become their own good mod. As it is now, TRSM is compatible with ACE as long as you place @TRSM after @ACE_SM.
  8. jasonnoguchi

    "Fireteam Moo" - An Armed Assault 2 Comic

    Host them on various directories please? I can't see them. :)
  9. @GRUB, putting all of his work (A10 + weapons) in one folder is ok. :)
  10. jasonnoguchi

    Seal team six 3

    @Njayjay, you expect me to help you with anything or even talk to you normally after you throw trash as quoted below at me for nothing? Go bitch somewhere else and see if anyone helps you with anything! Jesus, you have the face to ask me questions when you dare pick a fight with me before. This is the final time I would even bother to address posts to you. Good luck finding anyone who is willing to help you with anything! p/s and yes, I have the answer to all your questions above but I am not sharing it with you. call me petty if you want!
  11. jasonnoguchi

    (SP)ACE Cutting All Ties

    Hhahaha, ok buddy, take your time! :) p/s this is really weird, I have played GL4 on many missions where my team mates die but this is the only one that offered replacements... sure isn't something you did? was kinda thinking its pretty innovative...hahahaha
  12. jasonnoguchi

    (SP)ACE Cutting All Ties

    Its weird, my team mates end up over 500m away from me after HALO...hahahha One more issue to report, whenever a team mate dies, HQ says they will bring in a replacement but then a few seconds later, it will tell me the plane needs to RTB for fuel. This happens whenever a teammate dies... do we ever really get replacements?
  13. jasonnoguchi

    TrackIR 4/5 sales advice

    I tried looking for where to get one within UK but it seems like the only option is to ship it in from US...so... somehow I can't find any UK distributors.
  14. jasonnoguchi

    (SP)ACE Cutting All Ties

    Yup, HALO works just fine if we don't issue the disembark command. :) Go try it, its pretty cool... the C130 actually lands nicely in a nicely litted airport if you issue the disembark command before HALO starts. In fact, we could have started the mission from that airport without HALO just as well but it is gonna be one hell of a hike! hahahah... strangely, the debug markers are on my map even though I turned them off too... oh well, doesn't hurt to have a bit of an advantage....hahahaha... treating it as some high tech satellite support. :)
  15. Thanks for the quick fix and the cool cool grenade throwing from helo feature! :) p/s next up, shooting from CRRCs? :)
  16. @makushaze, mmmm I never thought about lowering advancing distance but it really sounds a lot more realistic to me. In real life, you can hear gun shot (depending on conditions) up to a klick but you probably won't bother with the sound of gun shots that you hear in the far distance except those you think you are able to investigate quickly and 350m sounds pretty reasonable. Travelling over half a klick to investigate gun shots is really a tall call except for the most industrial soldiers ...hahahhaa...Thanks for sharing!
  17. jasonnoguchi

    Seal team six 3

    I think campaign 3 is a solid improvement over campaign 2 for people like me who don't like playing the traditional way. Too many missions in campaign 2 allows for C130 spamming which people like me cannot resist using...hehehe...campaign 3 offers many tactical possibilities without any possibility of spamming anything, which is awesome. :)
  18. jasonnoguchi

    PiLfIuS profile for ArmA2

    Hey guys, thanks for the tips! :)
  19. Once again, SSD made the diff. Arma is truly one game that requires a fast Hard disk.
  20. @Solarghost, yeah, I read about your quick fix but still an official fix should be on the way. :)
  21. Yup, the white flash out whenever an enemy is killed really made the game unplayable.. awaiting fix.
  22. jasonnoguchi

    (SP)ACE Cutting All Ties

    Started the mission. :) just 2 issues that I stumbled upon... 1. If I give the "Disembark" command before parachuting, the C130 goes to an airfield south of the island and lands there instead 2. Click map to teleport only teleports the player and not the team which means that it is only probably good for cheat fighting where I teleport right in the middle of the objective shoot some baddies, teleport away and repeat... meaning, not so useful in this mission at all. Might as well remove it.
  23. jasonnoguchi

    Remote Control Drone System?!?!?!

    its a static konkurs? not a konkur on remote control? tot the guy in the car is controlling that thing... gee... it would rock.
  24. Guys, check this out!!! http://de.xfire.com/video/1e6b5f/ Remote control drone system ala frontlines style! Who made this mod????
  25. jasonnoguchi

    EW Help

    Why didn't you get out at balota???? thats the question.