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Everything posted by wobblydave

  1. i found this tweak that gives ARMA2 a few extra fps and makes the game run smoother,you need to download rivatuner from http://www.guru3d.com/category/rivatuner/ install and run,from the installation folder look in Rivatuners folder> Tools\D3DOverrider,Double click D3DOverrider.exe this will enable d3d triple buffering on all d3d games that support triple buffering,if you find one that doesn't work just set up a profile to exclude it in the program you can access this from your toolbar.I have found it works well with most games but not so well with others.To get the best from rivatuner i suggest you read this guide https://home.comcast.net/~boogie3/Riva%20guides%202.htm .The utility is not limited to any OS or any graphics hardware, so it can be used for forcing triple buffering on the NVIDIA as well as on ATI graphics cards.
  2. wobblydave

    d3doverrider performance tweak

    ======================================================= i will get back to you on that one,just put 1.05 on and i am getting worse performance than before with or without D3D :eek:
  3. wobblydave

    can anyone answer this ?

    How do BI test their patches, and what sort of rig do they use to run arma2 at what we the mugs (that think what it says on the back of the box is a true representation of what is needed to run this game) would call a acceptable frame rate. We all have read the forums and we all know the problems people are having so when BI released patch 1.05 we all expected great things but its not to be, my game is running slower than it did before (yes i did a fresh install) and probably will until some kind soul makes a mod that will make it go like shit off a stick. So BI why do you make and release games that are infested with bugs and problems? Why would you want to piss off the the people that pay your wages by leaving us to sort out your fuck ups? There are some great games on the block that are just as ambitious and demanding as arma so getting it to run properly shouldn't be such a big ask if your staff cant achieve this, maybe its time to get someone who can, SO SHIT OR GET OFF THE POT BOYS :mad:
  4. wobblydave

    d3doverrider performance tweak

    ======================================================= YEP i hear what you are saying but it does work,also i think you have missed the point of this tweak d3doverrider reduces lag and increases fps making games play better even at low fps. Arma 2 works in a ass about face way so things that shouldn't work do,my self and many others are suffering from low FPS on good rigs and like other people i have tried just about every tweak possible so when i find my fps go from 19fps max to 22-30 in harvest red and when i get smooth game play at 22 fps i would call that a success and a tip worth sharing, so please try it and give me some feedback because it more constructive than dismissing a suggestion without trying it first. :bounce3:
  5. wobblydave

    How old are Arma2 Players?

    50 :eek: but my mind and soul refuse to age past 20 (the wife reckons 12 is closer to the mark):bounce3:
  6. wobblydave

    Performance issues. weird problem.

    Patch: 1.04 from Filefront.com ? are you using this with your steam copy? ,if you are you will have problems.let steam keep your game up to date,only steam patches work with steam games. hope this helps :bounce3:
  7. i got mine for :eek: £10.00 + free p/p :eek: mint condition from eBay ,wouldn't run on the guys rig, i love a bargain