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Everything posted by Rafalski

  1. is the v380 valid for A2 or you have to have A2OA ?PS I have only A2
  2. installed on Arma2 ACE v373 and got message: any clue ? PS: CAPSLOCK unbinded from VOIP Arma2.rpt
  3. Rafalski

    Isla Duala

    armaholic version contains the same (damaged) file. The problem with ibr_acivilians.pbo (size: 38,349,110) I noticed because we always sign the files with our server key. And the bisign could not be created only for this file. (strange problem as there is ibr_acivilians.pbo.ibr_duala18.bisign in the pack18). As mentioned by IceBreakr new repack 1.81 willl be relased soon so probably the problem will be gone.
  4. Rafalski

    Isla Duala

    duala18 pack downloaded from ibr_acivilians.pbo size: 38,349,110 please check this file, looks like its damaged: - I can not sign this file with my key - when you view this file, the begining is differnent than others pbo files.
  5. Rafalski

    Isla Duala

    Sometimes, you think why the offensive suddenly stopped ?
  6. After updating to 1.07 (1.05 -> 1.07), when I going into multi player got message: "patch 1.05 available in www.arma2.com"
  7. @Monsada I'd like ...but my programming skill is too low. (I wrote about fixing little bug , but I just put in the code what my colleagues-scriptwriters pointed for me.) As I remember some time ago s/o proposed to you help to optimaze the code. I do not remember who was it. Maybe this person take care about UPSMON. PS. was it "kju" ? but i don't remember who exactly.
  8. What about new versions of UPSMON. Looks like 5.0.7 and no more new fixed.? Every one has something to say, something to fix but nothing comming into live? We need someone who put together our tips / fixes. Does the author of UPSMON will continue this great project ? example: I fixed heli para drop bug: squat get into heli and leave it. I made little fix to the code that civilians do not take weapons and vehicles (no more stealing of military vehicles) but it is only in my code. Project manager needed to include it into UPSMON (if needed by comunity).
  9. Rafalski


    just thinking.... as a2ts is the killer of a2voip :)
  10. Rafalski


    What do you think ? Is it going to be easy make version which works with Arrowhead? Or BIS does something to make it more complicated ?
  11. put in init.sqf "area0" setMarkerAlpha 0; "area1" setMarkerAlpha 0;
  12. That's right. It's a very annoying problem if you use upsmon civilians patrols. Sometimes the civilians run 100-150m out of the patrol area just to steal your humvee. the feature "AI try to get in combat vehicles" should be swithed off for civilians edit and how to stop CIV to use static weapons. NoAI does not work.
  13. Hi, questios 1) how near ? KRON_UPS_closeenough ?------------------------------------------- 2) How to stop civilians to use (steal) military vehicles ? or how to stop civilian to use (steal) vehicle at all.
  14. Rafalski


    arma 2 voip :confused: press 2x CAPS LOCK !:icon_eek:
  15. Am I right ? "KRON_UPS_closeenough tells AI when is close enough to enemy," to open fire.? example. Ai knows about enemy position, but comming closer as close as "KRON_UPS_closeenough" and then start shooting. Of course if not detected by enemy earlier.
  16. HI, could you explain me how exactly works following variables? Sorry but it is not clear for me from the description.
  17. Rafalski


    Always press Reload All (in plugins) TS3. Every time you start TS.
  18. you should increase it!KRON_UPS_searchVehicledist = 500; //the unit starts to look for the vehicle if the destination point is more than 500m from the unit. PS: I don't know far the unit is looking for vehicles , maybe in area of 200m from the unit?
  19. @ddoole "delete:",600 -> 600 sek after the unit is killed, the body will be removed.
  20. I do not want disable UPSMON, it's great. I was doing urban fight mission so I had to decrease range of communication to ~150m, as in case of 800m if the first patrol spotted players the whole town were aware of enemy present and it was one big attack :). Variable KRON_UPS_comradio was the question, because I still do not understand purpose of it. As KRON_UPS_comradio = 0/2 - > no comunication/comunication, so I think that this variable is not required as KRON_UPS_sharedist = 0/ (1-1000) no comunication / comunication (informing about enemy if squad in distance range to the enemy) comunication -> raporting position of the enemy to other squads (as long other squads are in KRON_UPS_sharedist to the enemy). --------------- another situation: If A (ambush mode) see the enemy, but do not engage it because it is too far (ambushmode), but A can pass the position of enemy to B to engage it. B must be no far then KRON_UPS_sharedist to the enemy. is that right ?
  21. thanks for info. What is the "sharing enemies". Is the same as knowlege of the target ? What for separate variable "KRON_UPS_comradio" is needed ? If we use KRON_UPS_sharedist = 0; or KRON_UPS_comradio = 0; is the effect the same?
  22. Could you explain how it works as it is not clear for me: KRON_UPS_sharedist : distance to share info only about enemy, or about enemy and to work together. If I make KRON_UPS_sharedist = 0; this mean that: two patrols do not comunicate at all (they both see enemy, but not work together to flank it). KRON_UPS_comradio: ? "2" what does the numbers do?
  23. it looks like "ambush2" does not work 5.0.7 beta 3 nul=[this,"area0","ambush2","delete:",300] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf"; the squad does not get into ambush mode, just start patroling. with parameter "ambush" works OK!. ---------- "NOSLOW" - inintial speed should be NORMAL instead of FULL ?
  24. Rafalski


    Thank You in 004a 5.1 works great.