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About Salvador

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  1. --new-- I don't know, but I do know that I am playing the game on perfactly new and legal version (game reseller myself, so..), even with the cd inside the drive. Also I have no trouble shooting. I would like to add that I am playing on a P4 3 ghz, but that had no bad effects so far (graphic wise and or performance wise). --old-- Fade?
  2. Hello fella's, I hope any of you can help me with this weird bug or perhaps tell me if you have the some problem, so we can sort things out.. The bug consists of running and sprinting significantly slower than other people. So lets say we are in line formation anall start running/ sprinting at the same time, than I am lagging behind in no time. Almost as if ace is still on and I am out of breath... Please help :confused: