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About Sined_{Oz}

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  1. Sined_{Oz}

    Beginners Start Here

    Hey love this game but even the Faqs start a little bit advanced and theres a lot of options to get lost in. Perhaps a sticky that lets ppl know about mods addons and mapping dos and donts, and points them in right direction for me id like to download some of these pbos but not sure where to put them in what folder or somewhere else? is there specific rules?. i notice i should "never never"put a pbo in "Add ons" folder. for example. but if i play evo or warfare all the time can i download it and put it in a place that means i dont have to keep downloading it? Also i discovered i need a launcher..so i got one.. i discovered i needed "shift minus endmission"in campaign etc I realise these are all basic noobie things. but BIA is a new engine to some of us old unreal ppl. and a simple index sticky for beginners would be handy. Also it could be updated when "issues" are known to be fixed ..like first campaign mission. or vehicles driving under ground in armoury etc just the beginners stuff though obviously
  2. i might not be understanding this clearly. but i voted yes. integrate Mumble quality into VOn (replacce whats currently there). allow a user to hear A: direct local noise(chat from someone in game virtually beside me) as well as hearing hostile local sounds B: radio traffic: on the channel of my choosing (as well as a: above just like listening to ipod with one ear) if im carrying a radio :-) C: in vehicle i can have A: above and B: above (personal radio) and an in vehicle radio maybe on a different channel .just like real life!) Essential that this be modelled ingame. as others above have said.. not another external app to switch to. Cheers thanks These forums are helping to make Arma2 experience better and better after initial mission one (campaign timeout trap Aaargh)
  3. Sined_{Oz}

    Stupid Multiplayer problem

    I had similar issues but i must say going into router and opening relevant ports seems to have cured all ills. look around there were like listings of 5 ports to open in my router somewhere on these forums.
  4. Sined_{Oz}

    How Satisfied with Arma2 Are you??

    The campaigns first mission being stuck if it times out is unforgivable. (thanks shiftminus endmission (or whatever it was)) CTD in online multiplayers come on! no way acceptable. that said the graphics are a challenge! Requires a heck of a lot of tweaking. since a movie on at a theatre runs at about 25 to 30 fps and given your screen refresh rate is over 70Hz this game should look and play very very well. So the pauses may be related to a tight combination of Graphics and Memory use and background stuff on your PC it appears to me the limitations to graphics are linked very much to what is going on on the desktop of your windows machine. when i lower setings on desktop Arma2 allows better playability. Also Gamebooster a free proggy that can selectively shutdown background tasks is VERY good at giving my processor (a Dual core Athx64) lots of free time. making urban encounters very much fun. Keep trying BI and users the potential is right here for an awesome game..