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Everything posted by KAA-Doc

  1. Ok, here's what I can't understand. I'm playing. A coop game, all around me I hear peps, on there radio giveing there current location, then I hear peps saying , what is your location, but try as I might I don't no how, to reply back, can sombody tell what key buttons I need to press plz
  2. KAA-Doc

    still confused, with coms

    So tell me, what is all the chatter I hear , like, when you hear someone say (I'm at grid) bla bla bla
  3. KAA-Doc


    Trying to get into arma 2, is it seems to me, very hard I find, so im doing a lot of coop at the mow, just to try and get to grips with the gameplay, But i have to say, it gets frustrating, when you hitch a lift on a heli only for it to crash, or get shot down, just as you arrive at your target So if someones got any good tip on how to stay alive longer :) would be good Also coms are a bit confusing, cant seem to find what i have to press, to give my loction, and stuff like that Anyways guys its a great sim, so any tips would be nice kind regards Doc
  4. KAA-Doc

    Thank you Arma 2

    Having just pre orderd my OFP 2 game, i decided to give my m8,s copy a go but i then decided, to cancel my order, because to be honest, the game is just not what the makers, are making it out to be So now i am proud to be, part of the Arma 2 Game, and community, and have to say this game is stunning Thank You Arma 2:bounce3: Regards Doc:yay:
  5. KAA-Doc

    Thank you Arma 2

    Quote: Originally Posted by VectorForFood On the ARMA2 note, OFP2 has WAY better graphics, and the actualy FPS gameplay blows ARMA2 out of the water To be honest with ya, i think the graphic in ofp, were over done, It not only felt like i was playing a console game, it look;d like it as well As for the FPS, im sure there will be, if not allready is, Tweaks, that can bost the FPS, so i can live with that regards Doc:butbut:
  6. KAA-Doc

    Thank you Arma 2

    Sorry for the late reply, been working, But thanks for the warm wellcome :bounce3: regsrds Doc