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About smacker1

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Ok, thanks.. So for clarification; FA Simulation module = AIS. And is should NOT be used with FA Action module. So I really should only load FA Action and FA Battlefield Clearance in my missions.
  2. What is AIS? I dont see it listed with the other modules. I know it's alternative injury system.. or something like that.. I see on the Wiki for FA mods, DO NOT USE WITH AIS. I dont see documentation for AIS though?
  3. smacker1

    AI out of ammo

    I thought they were only giving me their grid. I'll have to re check that. Thanks!
  4. smacker1

    AI out of ammo

    Is there a way to find out if AI under your command is out of ammo without having to wait for them to tell you? I know they tell you right away.. but in the heat of battle.. when I forget who told me that they were out and then I send that guy to flank the enemy!
  5. Got it.. thanks! So far, these modules are adding lots of fun and emersion to my missions :) Will the ability to order AI to drag wounded be added at some point? or is there a reason this is not available.
  6. Ok, I am the commander, and only see the option for 'heal' if I'm close and then perform the heal myself on the AI. I have all three modules and have them sync'd to all of use.. myself and 4 subs. ---------- Post added at 01:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:02 AM ---------- Hmmm..not sure I what I was doing wrong, but I now see the option to order an AI to heal another AI. Would be nice if they could be ordered to drag to safe area first before healing. :)
  7. Sorry, I meant to say, I can heal and drag others.. but can't get the AI to heal and drag each other.
  8. I have gotten most functions working as described in the wiki, but cant seem to figure out how to get my AI to patch up and drag each other. I can heal and drag myself, but don't see the option to order one of my Ai to do it.
  9. Will these be loaded via the Ambient Civilian module?
  10. I haven't found anything documented that says 'respawn' is only for MP missions, but from my testing, this seems to be the case. Can someone confirm this?
  11. smacker1

    Is there a way...

    All good points! yes, it's my own mission, so I now know, I need to make any vital weapon carring soldiers 'playable'.
  12. I'm having the same trouble. Must be to basic a question for folks to bother answering.. :confused: I have been searching in the forums and will post an answer, if I find one. I added a file called description.ext to my mission folder with the following.. Loaded it in the editor and previewed. Die and no respawn. // === Respawn ==========================> respawn = 3; respawndelay = 5; ---------- Post added at 08:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:42 PM ---------- Saved as Multiplayer mission and it works, but not in Single player. Maybe respawn doesn't work for single player? I'm searching...
  13. smacker1

    Is there a way...

    :butbut: I didn't know you could ask him to 'gear somewhere' lol.. my bad! I changed the mission to a distroy artillery now.. I'm carrying the explosives. ---------- Post added at 03:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:25 PM ---------- Probably not if it's crew has bailed out.
  14. smacker1

    Is there a way...

    problem is, mission success depends on destroying the tank. Target/fire didn't work. I tried that. I shot him in the head and took his AT gun! That worked.
  15. smacker1

    Is there a way...

    ...to make an AI (AT) soldier (under your command) fire on a damaged tank? I have him target the tank and open fire.. but he just stands there :confused: doesn't even pull out his AT weapon! Tank's engine is still running, and can fire, but can't move. The tanks driver, gunner and commander have bailed and been killed.