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About ademczuk

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  1. TOH? I built myself a plane but quickly got bored of the simulators out there (phoenix RC/FMS) so I have been practising with Arma since, which has helped me build up my muscle memory.
  2. Thanks. For the most part I use the throttle (which doesn't spring back) as a way to plough through forests to a destination while I grab a morning coffee.
  3. While recording I took off the 3D glasses as I had trouble Frapsing more than 30 seconds of 3D.
  4. how did you go with the trailer? Did you find a script to attach it to a vehicle?
  5. Let me know if you need a female voice actor to do some soundbytes
  6. ademczuk


    what happened to the google spreadsheet love? http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Al3NXpquRRMvdDVVSDQ0X21LeUhJbFFuN1N2YkNwMGc&hl=en