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Everything posted by HyperU2

  1. HyperU2

    Why don't AI use RPG's on Helo's?

    Seems a few folks think Blackhawk Down was just a movie.
  2. HyperU2

    Why don't AI use RPG's on Helo's?

    And Afghanistan and Iraq.
  3. HyperU2

    Why don't AI use RPG's on Helo's?

    I took five RPG hits in a hovering blackhawk this morning, surprising durability. I guess with ACE they will.
  4. HyperU2

    Secondary Weapons

    They're good for breaching skulls, some minds are tough to open.
  5. A rifle and one magazine at the least isn't going to drown you. That much should be acceptable to keep.
  6. Speaking strictly for the game I don't care about the cost or replacing me. Most of my unscheduled ARMA swimming comes from an ejection, once I'm ashore and unarmed I'm generally dead anyway.
  7. I'd just prefer to drown than lose equipment.
  8. Well it's not just the stock maps, it should be fine to make it across a river on Duala.
  9. HyperU2


    We ditched the 60 in the 90's. (for the most part)
  10. Well aren't you just the badass on a computer?
  11. ARMA2 seemed like quite a Marine sim to me.
  12. I don't know about other services. As a Marine I never cared. :)
  13. HyperU2


    I've only seen that MG in ACE, try the SEALS? They're the ones who fielded it IRL.
  14. The pack was full of standard gear, extra clothes, boots, tent half and tent stakes. It was waterproofed to provide some flotation aid. There were elements of the training with and without the pack. The sopor mat is what you sleep on, we didn't have to swim with that or our sleeping bag attached to our packs. Basically you would jump into the pool at one end, swim with your pack on you and then take it off and use it as a flotation aid to get to the other end of the pool. It wasn't much about distance as learning how to float in full gear. This is mainly a survival course since we deal with being on ship. With my unit we did more advanced swimming. "sopor" mat
  15. It's listed above. I had to edit. This video sucks, since it's a slideshow, but it's Marine Boot swim qual. cR8wdiNBSJA Way more recent than when I did it though. :)
  16. If I go for a swim do you promise we can change this?
  17. Marines are trained to and qualify annually. There are those who claim you can't and those of us that have done it. http://www.leatherneck.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-43574.html
  18. HyperU2

    Miner Wars

    Played the demo last week, couldn't get into it.
  19. HyperU2

    Liquid Body Armour.

    I use beer.
  20. HyperU2

    CO10 The Ridge

    It seems ok to me, I've only played it on Tora 1.5, fun mission.
  21. OT there's an OT for OT.
  22. I've never seen that option. I guess I was dead too fast. :)
  23. ^^^^ props for my favorite band. :) <<< yeah I'm not a fan of the spyplane.
  24. I don't get to do healing all the time but it seems it would be useful to be able to cancel the action once you're in the middle of it. I've begun administering before before only to have an unknown Opfor spring up and nothing I can do about it.