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Everything posted by thor2k4

  1. since the A3 update yesterday some of the TADST difficulty modifiers are not working (hiding hud, enabling 3rd person,hiding hud wpt.. just to name a few).. anyone else confirm or is it something on our end?
  2. we currently are running on clafgan, with anywhere from 15-25 people. id say mission wise somewhere in the middle of massive and small. im not the actual mission maker, i just run the servers but i will try and get a better size scale.
  3. can anyone point me to a guide/walkthru on how to setup the info on the TADST performance tab. I have scoured google and have yet to find anything that helps me ;(
  4. thor2k4


    is this just client side? or is it required to be on the server as well?
  5. thor2k4

    Advanced Vehicle Interaction

    loved this mod, any plans for it being updated for the current version?
  6. are the steam port and steam query port different for each running server? u really dont need to have everything seperated, u just make a new profile for each server.
  7. most of the time i have herd of problems like this is because the person tryin to heal has an outdated/older version of xmed then what is running on the server.
  8. make sure you have the missions located in the arma 3/mpmissions folder.. also make sure they are in .pbo format
  9. found that i had an old version of TFAR hidden in my A3 root.. removed it and now it works :)
  10. when ever i run this with the latest version of TFAR i get a 'Include file task_force_radio_items\radio_ids.hpp not found' any thoughts?
  11. in the latest a3 update it now gives you the option to search for dedicated servers via steam or gamespy.. id say the reason why your server is not showing up is by default it is set to search for servers for steam. at the ingame brower screen look at the top right corner, where it says 'steam' click it till it says 'gamespy'.
  12. i noticed in this latest a3 update there is now an option in the ingame browser to set it to steam rather then gamespy, ,not sure if the update also came with info on it or not. but ya, like you said, im sure as we get closer to the 31st they will get us more info :)
  13. from my understanding may 31st gamespy will be shutting down their multiplayer server. thus the ingame (and for that matter all ways to 'report' dedicated servers) browser. at this point bis stated they are looking into haveing steam take over that sytem from teh below link: "This is going to affect multiplayer in our games that use Gamespy for matchmaking, cd keys authentification and NAT traversal from Arma: Resistance to Arma 3. We are planning to introduce an alternative solution using Steam to Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead and Arma 3 users. Other games (Take On Helicopters, Arma 2, Arma 2: Free, Arma, Arma: Cold War Assault) will have more limited multiplayer experience with loss of server browser, cd key authentification and NAT traversal systems." http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/04/03/gamespy-multiplayer-shutting-down-hundreds-of-games-at-risk
  14. any news on when the TSDST will be updated to launch games via steam rather then gamespy? i know that gamespy is not shuttin down till the end of may.
  15. anyone got a guide for the performance tuning settings? i have tried to tune our server, but i honestly don't really have a clue what i'm doing or noticed any major change.
  16. since this last A3 patch several of my fellow clanmates, and myself, have been getting a "no entry 'mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\description.ext/RscTitles/d_FrameHandlerRsc/controlsBackground/dummy_map.PowerSolar'" error it pops up once you actually start loading into any mission/server, with or without mods. we have tried re-verifying steamcache, still same error.. once you close it, it goes away.. but the next time you go to load up a mission it pops back up. anyone know where its coming from and how to remove it?
  17. @ spudly, from the sounds of it, it makes me think you guys are not using a repo of any sort to have the rest of your community get the mods.. to which i say dam. We used to use playwithsix, but found that even then was hard to stick to a "every 2 weeks we update mods" schedule. so we switched to arma3sync, and had no problems what so ever. in your case it may take a little effort to go from no repo to using one, but in the long run it will be easier for your community, AND it will allow you to regulate what versions of addons you guys use. if you would like more info or even help setting up either methods of repo, i would be happy to help/give info.
  18. I also run the mods/server for my group as well, please explain to me how this is change is "complicated". If you really want to use the mod, their are ways to get it to work that are "easier" for the rest of the community/group/clan. but if by complicated you mean "omg more folders" issue, then just consolidate it to one folder. if by chance you are trying to say that by having many folders and thus it would affect the server some how, then i would be completely amazed. from what i have seen it takes an excess of 40+ mods (referring to JUST the amount of mods, not what the mods are) to even remotely start affecting the server i do on the other hand agree with your suggestion though. Just in the fact that i em one of the few people in charge of keeping our server setup/running, but the simple adding/splitting of a mod is not going to cause any major problems. if we feel we have to many folders, we just consolidate them into fewer folders. keep up the good work X39. :)
  19. i would assume because they dont want you to hit respawn and bypass the medsystem
  20. Summary: - 18th Tactical Regiment. We are Tactical Realism clan that focuses on Arma 3. - We are a mature but playful clan, we have alot of jokes going on on the side, but when its needed we are serious. - We are a group of soldiers fighting side by side as brothers. - We currently have around 20 active members, and are always open for more. (Be aware, we rather pick quality then quantity) - Interviews will determine if you are fit as an active duty member of the 18th - We have a large amount of departments with everything from Infantry to Rotary. - We fight side by side as brothers, and everyone depends on each other. Description: - We offer a ranking and organization structure that mirrors the United States Marine Corps. - The sacrosanct bond of Brotherhood and Friendship. - A great community for Arma players and tactical realism players. - We offer a specialized training for all 18th Personnel, Basic Boot Camp aswell as advanced training. - We offer Technical support for all 18th Personnel. (Arma, Ace, Acre, Etc) - We offer major operations which includes Infantry, Aviation (Fixed and Rotary), Mechanized etc... - (More to be seen if joining) Requirements: - We require all 18th Personnel to have a working microphone. - Speak/Write/Read English to a manageable level. - We have a Code of Conduct to follow within the teamspeak and the servers. HERE - Take and follow orders from the Chain of Command. - 16 years or older, or you will need a member to vouch for you.
  21. Summary: - 18th Tactical Regiment. We are Tactical Realism clan that focuses on Arma 3. - We are a mature but playful clan, we have alot of jokes going on on the side, but when its needed we are serious. - We are a group of soldiers fighting side by side as brothers. - We currently have around 20 active members, and are always open for more. (Be aware, we rather pick quality then quantity) - Interviews will determine if you are fit as an active duty member of the 18th - We have a large amount of departments with everything from Infantry to Rotary. - We fight side by side as brothers, and everyone depends on each other. Description: - We offer a ranking and organization structure that mirrors the United States Marine Corps. - The sacrosanct bond of Brotherhood and Friendship. - A great community for Arma players and tactical realism players. - We offer a specialized training for all 18th Personnel, Basic Boot Camp aswell as advanced training. - We offer Technical support for all 18th Personnel. (Arma, Ace, Acre, Etc) - We offer major operations which includes Infantry, Aviation (Fixed and Rotary), Mechanized etc... - (More to be seen if joining) Requirements: - We require all 18th Personnel to have a working microphone. - Speak/Write/Read English to a manageable level. - We have a Code of Conduct to follow within the teamspeak and the servers. HERE - Take and follow orders from the Chain of Command. - 16 years or older, or you will need a member to vouch for you.
  22. Awesome mod! i have been waiting for one like this since A3 came out... very awesome job GToF :) on a side note, not sure if your aware, but if you have a garbage collector script running and have it include backpacks it does remove the backpack when its on your chest. just thought i would let you know, if you already do, then you can ignore this :D again very very awesome job :D ^5
  23. thor2k4

    CO64 Combat Air-Assault - U.S.Army

    hmm, when i walk up to it i dont get any "get in as pilot" option... i'll look @ our server setup again.. thanks for the info :)
  24. thor2k4

    CO64 Combat Air-Assault - U.S.Army

    on the USMC taki version, how do you (or even can you) control the UAV? or is it just there for decoration? thx
  25. ever since i have installed the1.07 patch for arma 2 when i go to change any video settings it always reverts back to the default settings and 1280x1024, when i normally run @ 1920x1080 on high settings.... anyone have any ideas?