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road runner

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Everything posted by road runner

  1. road runner

    Kunduz, Afghanistan [10km] v1.20

    Cosmic 1, that's a totally cool video!!
  2. road runner

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Yeah, it's too light in my opinion too.
  3. Nice one Master Chief, is the AI jumping with you issue sorted? or is this still MP/Solo jumping for now?
  4. road runner

    Terrain - Porquerolles Island

    I've ran the map on DEV, with CUP's Lighting fix, and without , and the result seems the same, the aqua look remains, well for me it does, it could be a number of issues on my end, so maybe wait out and see if others are experiencing the same issues.
  5. road runner

    Terrain - Porquerolles Island

    I'm still seeing it blueish as well, but on dev build, however have metalcraze terrain lighting fix added, probably doesn't help I'm also on my shitty laptop!! There's also some satellite imagery glitches around the Marina, the green grass? goes to the waters edge and no distinction between grass and sand. St Still an awesome map though
  6. road runner

    SOCMOD Release Thread

    Asking for updates, no matter how subtle is against the forum rules mate, best to just be patient :P
  7. road runner

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Guys, I'd refrain from posting pictures your re textures of the G3's, it's a bit of a sore point at the moment with some addons having been created without permission from the original artists, it's just going to start finger pointing as why x is allowed to post pictures, but Y was my addon banned? Until RHS and Cunico and Sabre release statements to the effect that their textures can be edited, then keep your work private for now. Just a humble suggestion.
  8. road runner

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Are we likely to see this bad boy put in an RHS appearance any time soon? http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2015/08/31/zenitco-ak-furniture-review-does-the-russian-hype-measure-up/
  9. road runner

    US Military Mod

    Are you considering any RAID type BDU/DCU's ?
  10. road runner

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I have to agree somewhat with what Vasily here is saying with regards to the way certain weapons are textured and portrayed, irrespective of the weapon type, no professional soldier allows his weapon to look dirty and rusty, even here in Iraq, weapons can gather dust acutely but they're still maintained in good working order. Yes, seeing an AK texture that's striking and stands out, is awesome, and yes the AK rusts quickly due to the way they're made, but any weathering should be subtle, note I used the words "professional soldier" your rag tag militia types are not conscious of weapon maintenance, I guess it's fine balance of practicality and "eye candy" .. a the end of the day, then you pres the fire button, the results are one and the same.
  11. road runner

    Zero Dark Zero

    VQ, if it's any help, the error appears as soon as you deploy the parachute I'm using V0.5 USAF as well.
  12. road runner

    Zero Dark Zero

    I posted a picture on the previous page mate https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/176453-spookwarcom-darker-immersion-spec-ops-gameplay/page-27#entry3026996
  13. road runner

    Zero Dark Zero

    post 545 Kenneth, create your player, and just add the module, but place it to the flight line, sometimes if you add it off on rough ground the plane breaks and wont take off and the crew leg it from the scene
  14. road runner

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    If you could deliver beer and pizza that truly would be the best mod for any game ever!!! :D I'm sure you guys have a road map of what you want released, but it's easy to see what you do release just gets better and better, but don't make it too good, as too good means larger file size!! :D
  15. road runner

    Zero Dark Zero

    try placing a single character(player) then add the module but don't sync it to the player It works fine for me also, apart from the error I posted on the previous page.
  16. road runner

    Zero Dark Zero

    LOL, sorry I should have been a lot more specific, let me fire it up again and grab a screen shot for you. Here you go. Addons CBA VQ Leap RHSUSF RHSAFRF RHSGREF USAF
  17. road runner

    Zero Dark Zero

    Okay, had a little play with this, I get an error about a missing parachute and something about line 7 , but the parachute is there, I can HALO and PARADROP without too much issues. My AI squad though.. remain on the tarmac where the module is placed.
  18. road runner

    Zero Dark Zero

    Keep the faith, all good things come to those who wait! :D
  19. road runner

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Gotcha cheers
  20. road runner

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    da12thmonkey Is that your 552 that's in the latest update?
  21. road runner

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    I've had warnings before as well for doing the same thing ;)
  22. road runner

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    The MK 11 EC Crane stock looks over scaled compared to the MK18 KAC, is it that much larger in real life?
  23. road runner

    [WIP] Static animations pack

    Yes, but they're STATIC animation poses, designed for screen shots, they serve no other purpose, as they have no game play function.
  24. road runner

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I don't think that's strictly true, there was an addon on steam workshop that allowed you to swap out stocks, grips and barrels