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Everything posted by ataribaby

  1. ataribaby

    [SP/MP] Siege of Athira

    Finally found and fixed constant FPS loss over time caused by breath fog script.
  2. ataribaby

    [SP/MP] Siege of Athira

    Server up again Official server:
  3. ataribaby

    [SP/MP] Siege of Athira

    Added random AI NATO survivors. In MP they will try fill empty player slots. They are friendly until you pull the trigger on them.
  4. ataribaby

    [SP/MP] Siege of Athira

    Thanks, happy you enjoyed it ;)
  5. ataribaby

    [SP/MP] Siege of Athira

    Server has been shut down because of very low population and very low interest.
  6. ataribaby

    [SP/MP] Siege of Athira

    Mission walkthrough part 2 - Night Hunt * Character (gear/health) persistence after reconnect * Food usage when entering new raid * Night gameplay * CSAT fired flare to light up city for snipers * Using chemlights and weapon flashlight * CSAT SF Recon Team helicopter insertion (random event) * Finding guerilla hidden weapon cache (randomly scattered around the town) * Dying https://youtu.be/rfhVm7m0QPk
  7. ataribaby

    [SP/MP] Siege of Athira

    Mission walkthrough part 1 - Beginning * Basic gameflow : hideout -> raid -> survive -> return * Fight and scavenging for food * Searching dead bodies for food and gear * Get wounded * CSAT propaganda drones with leaflets (random event) * Storing scavenged gear into hideout stash to persist it https://youtu.be/QtGzEhRpeac
  8. Thanks for update! Works like a charm!
  9. ataribaby

    Laws of War DLC Leaflets

    I made leaflet this way: Downloaded JPG image from https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Leaflets#Leaflet_Preview Opened JPG in Paint.Net (it is free) and use magic wand or rectangular select tool to select white bars on each side and press delete key to make side transparent. Clean text with brush tool from original leaflet and make new layers and put your own text there and set opacity (double click on layer) around 180 so it will blend nicely with paper. Save as PNG with Auto detect to retain transparency and. Be sure name ends with _CA or _CO Then install ARMA 3 Tools from steam tools section and run it and start TexView 2 Drag and drop your created png there. Select DXT3 and File -> Save As and add .paa to fine name and save Done! Just don't forget to add _CO or _CA to filename or texture will be bad in-game. It somehow tells game to handle image with transparency correctly. Hope this helps Here is cleaned CSAT leaflet that I used as base: http://prekladytextu.eu/leaflet_co.zip
  10. ataribaby

    Laws of War DLC Leaflets

    Defined my own leaflet and fixed JIP issue with script that runs after client connects and reinit all leaflets localy on client. description.ext class CfgLeaflets { class East { text = $STR_Leaflet; texture = "images\leaflet_ca.paa"; } }; code after client JIP if (gClientMode == "CLIENT") then { { if(_x iskindof "Leaflet_05_F") then { ["init",[_x, "images\leaflet_ca.paa", localize "STR_Leaflet"]] call bis_fnc_initLeaflet; }; } foreach (nearestObjects [getMarkerPos "zoneCenter", [], 3000]); }; Only problem remains is that some leaflets are blank and without inspection action after drop in MP although after JIP script above fixes them all. In SP drop works fine.
  11. ataribaby

    Laws of War DLC Leaflets

    Seems leaflets doesn't work in MP. On dedicated server only some has picture and are inspectable and after JIP reconnect all leaflets on ground are white and without inspect action.
  12. Hello, Why I getting this after Jets DLC update? I own jets DLC and getting this in every mission now. Even if you open editor and place player there and run it.
  13. ataribaby

    Bug after jets update

    Hehe yeah :)
  14. ataribaby

    Bug after jets update

    Load Apex preset fixed issue. Thanks for tip. Still looks as bug if you do not reapply preset.
  15. ataribaby

    Bug after jets update

    OK I will try reload.
  16. ataribaby

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    Gunsight is completely wrong. I explained few posts before. TD box should follow target and gun lead circle should be where you need but TD box over gun lead circle. Gun cross on HUD is purely as reference only. What we have now is complete madness and not useable. Just watch videos I posted there. Also waypoint tickmark on heading HUD tape still moves when you roll jet. When target is not locked then lead circle shows where bullets will land for some fixed range - for examble 1200 m or so. Mirage uses circle as TD box and big thick mark on bullets path snake to mark leading shoot point.
  17. Hehe, second mission in chernarus done :) Rgr about double tap ESC.
  18. Just spent first hours with it and man! Amazing! I knew arma 3 version will be better but that much? :) Very nice progress on planning and base interface. First bug or lets say quirk. First I tried Altis version. Mission was liberate and all fine, intense firefight, enemy backups arrived, spark was wiped and mission objective reached. Extraction heli down, ground extraction destroyed so nice long walk to nearest friendly sector. Ambient battle was amazing. Encountered some patrols and BMP in valley. Finaly made extraction. Second misson was weapons chache at night. Planned ground insertion and about 8 km from insertion point driver shouted that we are ambushed. it was some soldriers and abandoned BMP without crew. Our transport meanwhile we dealt with enemy turned back and returned to base so I hijacked that empty BMP and went towards original insertion point. After while BMP was despawned under our asses and we was on foot. Some clean-up or caching problem? Apart from this all worked as charm. Tried good old chernarus version and I must say that one I like most. First mission was Raid on Lopatino and all went well and heli extraction worked. Just question, chedaki enemies are that eastern boys option? If not any chance to et chedaki selectable? I am not sure if I saw chedaky red starts on vehihles or not. I like that sector war. On Altis version, possible to add FIA guerrilla faction as enemy? it will fit Altis setting best. Any posibility to add Save and Quit option to planner UI? as now I am forced to plan next mission and start it and then I am able to save and quit. As deniodan said, high command for Spark will be great help. I must say it is piece of good coding. I had Show All Errors enabled during my gameplay cos I make mission on my own as well and no single error was triggered. Hats off as I can imagine complexity of scripts there.
  19. Congrats on release! Downloading with all needed mods. Love workshop and how it makes easy to get dependencies if author care to set that correctly.
  20. Just reinstalled ARMA 2 Combined Ops 1.62 and gave first The Forgotten Few spin and tears in my eyes. It is still absolutely awesome. Good old Chernarus as well :) Really looking forward to ARMA 3 version. BTW is donate link in ARMA 2 The Forgotten Few thread still valid?
  21. ataribaby

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    Also I have feeling that ship ILS approach is too shallow. In RL is more like "controlled crash" than landing :) ILS should be bit more steep IMHO
  22. ataribaby

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    Tested DLC on dev again today and pleased with fine-tuning. Commander now speaks normally and not over radio and FPM maker is fixed on HMD HUD. Very nice. So some other feedback from hard die Falcon BMS simmer :) * US jets should have knots and feet and not km/h and meters. - Bad immersion breaker. Maybe US adopted SI in 2035? I highly doubt. * Roll jet do not produce turning in real sense. It's nearly stays frozen in "knife flight". I know it is all FBW but it doesn't works like that. FBW planes still fly as planes and do not counteract turn when wings are rolled. What it is doing is it set rudder automatically to make perfect turn. In this jets pilot barely touch rudder pedals. It completely takes away sensation of flight from it. I know ArmA FM is what is it but this is too much. Watch any jet combat fighter video in turn as reference on YouTube. Planes naturaly turn cos aerodynamics over rolled wings. it makes flight feels even more on rails than ARMA jets fm engine normaly is. * Gun sight is somewhat strangely reversed and totally useless. I am supposed to place watermark symbol over leading Circle - It is wrong. There should be TD box over target and Leading gun piper should indicate solution. You need superimpose gun piper over TD box and fire (and be at similar plane of motion as target - but that's pilot work). Using watermark symbol as gun sight reference is completely wrong. If Gun selected watermark symbol should be replaced with gun cross reference symbol (F-16 HUD has it on top of HUD as pilot looks thru HUD little down so gun fire axis is on top pf HUD, in ARMA it seems to match center of HUD/HMD). Look here how F-16 LCOS gun sight work - leading piper starts at 0:43 3:54 here: * FM bleeds too much speed in turns and why throttle goes down (by engine sound) when speed falls down (no I don't mean engine stall what new engines is prone to)? Arma engine limitation? * Waypoint caret on HMD heading tape should stay on its course and do not slide as you roll jet. If waypoint is on heading 60 caret should stay there all times. * When looking down HMD should get more transparent to not obscure MFD screen and cockpit controls. I know it is not hardcore jet sim but this is really basics that breaks immersion a lot.
  23. ataribaby

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    Got same issues with DLC showcase as well. If team wants finetune to perfection then please change commader briefing to be just spoken. It not makes sense It sounds like transmited over radio if commander is in front of you.