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Everything posted by c0mmanderKeen

  1. This was not true for me, and isnt for lots of folks.
  2. You can extract the mission file format (.pbo) with certain tools - just google un-pbo or similar search queries and you should come across an application that will suit you. These are usually small in size and self-explanatory to use. You can then extract the downloaded pbo-file with the unpbo-software and place this data in your missions folder in the "my documents"-part of arma 2 files. the missions in there are usually saved in folders with names like "mymission.utes" where the part after the "." can be any other island the mission was made on. edit: there is a tool for extracting the contents of a pbo mission file right here http://www.kegetys.net/
  3. To be honest, I dont think you can solve this problem during a mission. All I can think of is using the editor to enforce a certain behaviour on a unit (e.g combat) via radio trigger which is not a good solution at all. You're very welcome btw :) Good luck with your problem. My question remains unsanswered and its been asked a year ago already. please, devs, what does the SKILL SLIDER do, how do the maths work (simplified ofc), what does the SKILL SETTING in my profile do... which one is used when etc etc thanks :)
  4. BF2 Trooper: The missions in your docs folder are the ones you created yourself. The "missions"-folder in your arma 2 folder holds alle the mission-.pbo's that you want accessible in single player via the scenarios button. the "mpmissions"-folder hold all the mission-.pbo's you want accessible when hosting a multiplayer game (coop, deathmatch etc). So if you download a single player scenario, it goes into /..../ArmA 2/missions, if it also has coop you could place a copy in /..../ArmA 2/mpmissions so you can host a game on it. greytega: I am unsure about your questions. however: -your units have more freedom in arma2 then in lets say the (old) rainbow 6 games I played. you can issue a stance to them, but when you use team switch and thin switch back out of them some orders are "reset"! positioning them carefully with team switch might not be as precise as you want it to be. try issuing move orders instead. -as far as I know there is no "global" third person setting -I congratulate you to good perfomance :D I want a new rig as well... 2/4RAR make sure your cba is up to date. download the newest one. make sure you have the right files installed: OA / arma2 / combined ops are all a tad different in their installation. make sure your folder structure is correct (addons folder). maybe the server has an older cba version. else... no clue :O
  5. What EXACTLY does the SKILL setting do? How do the skill settings in the editor (slider) and the difficulty setting correspond? I understand how precision works, but "skill" is more of a mystery to me, I have tested several small situations and thereby learned that it affects the accuracy, detection etc but what else? Also the first part is important to mission making (slider/setting) thanks guys :)
  6. indeed it is :) I will re-post this question in the noob-question thread now. maybe the words "ai skill" are invisible to BIS :P jk of course.
  7. Wow. Didnt look at the date.. :O Any devs please ?! Would be very much appreciated...
  8. I would very much like to know this as well
  9. c0mmanderKeen

    Tanks: Gunner picking MG to fire at T-72

    ...will try that right now :D t-34 is my favorite tank in this game for fooling around :)
  10. I played through the first tank mission of the OA campaign without ever running into this issue, now I'm at the later one (assault the airfield etc) and I tested this in the editor as well with the same result. I placed myself as commander of a TUSK MBT. A platoon of russian tanks is set nearby. I set "danger" and "target that tank" and my gunner begins to fire the coaxial MG at the steel monstrum. I have to either: switch to manual fire and change to sabot or change to gunner pos. and switch weapons there. this behaviour does not change related to distance. occurs with many targets like bmps or brdms etc. any opinions? edit: first I had the zeus skill pbo enabled, now no AI mod or gameplay changing stuff is enabled - same result. 2nd edit: ok, I simply didnt know about ctrl+f to change gunner weapon. but still, this doesnt make much sense. shouldnt the gunner do that on his own? also now one of the enemy tanks fired back at me with his MG. which is of course really pointless.
  11. c0mmanderKeen

    Boot Camp - Spacebar issue

    I have encountered the same issue in the attack helo part of bootcamp. only there though. it occurs after flying through the waypoints, halting in a small canyon. every other BC misison had the spacebar thing working just fine...
  12. c0mmanderKeen

    [OA] Take a flight with the L39ZA

    hey bboy, just finished your mission! it is well done and the time of day is awesome to behold from a plane. I found it a bit too easy as there is no real threat to aircraft present ? but then again, maybe I was lucky. Good job, please make more aircraft missions :)
  13. c0mmanderKeen

    Sandstorm Help Needed

    Is there any way to call in the ammo trucks? If not, where are they located? using the "running out of ammo"-radio doesnt seem to work. maybe they are all dead already? I could hear my fellow units successfully call in support which was affirmed by HQ with something along the lines of "rearm-at-xxxxxx" this mission is really awesome by the way, I find it pretty hard and thats usually a good thing :)
  14. I can partially confirm this, tested KA-52, F-35, A-10 and AH1Z. Crosshairs were present in both the choppers, but absent in both planes. In OA, crosshairs are there but absent when using free look which makes sense I guess. In OA I dont have any crosshairs in the KA-52 when piloting with manual fire.
  15. c0mmanderKeen

    Tanks: Gunner picking MG to fire at T-72

    I actually sort of suspected this. Thanks guys, especially takko, for your trouble :) Arma got me hooked yet again, I try to actually finish a custom mission I start now.
  16. c0mmanderKeen

    Tanks: Gunner picking MG to fire at T-72

    yeah, thanks, just discovered that xD but still. when I target infantry, MG is used, when firing at armor, sabot, etc. I played the first tank mission without ever having to micro my weapons. not that it bothers me but I still think its rather odd. another edit. just fired up ofp since thats the last time I ever commanded a tank in this series. and of course its the same. so thank you takko for reminding me of the obvious :) Will try to find the weapon and armor specs of the different tanks in arma2 now. If anyone has them ready or knows where to look its appreciated (looking for cannon range, fuel, etc)
  17. c0mmanderKeen

    OA Mission Open season question

    The Truck has plenty of ammo for you. Try to get close and comfy with it. To take out the AA, start with the two Zu guns. Position yourself southwest of the marked area and ascend to ~250 altitude. Make sure its safe to do so. turn on auto hover and get your ulb. take out the first aaa and then use the topographic heightlines (or w/e you call those) to find a next suitable spot to disable the other aa. move closer bit by bit. after the 2 guns are destroyed you can use their hills as new staging areas and position your helo there. kill the shilka/tungusta (forgot which one it is) and then the igla pod and you're done. dont take too long as this mission is known to fail after taking too much time. make sure your altitude is high enough - doesnt seem like a smart thing to do but its safe in this mission, just go really high and rain hellfire.
  18. c0mmanderKeen

    OA Mission E04: Jackal

    This is very true. Except that Frodo has no invisibility cloak.
  19. c0mmanderKeen

    Operation Arrowhead Campaign

    The scenarios really are awesome. I especially like the black ops and tank mission. Tank combat was completely neglected in vanilla arma 2. Campaign should have been longer, I agree.
  20. I had this once after taking my sweet time disabling that AA with ULB assistance. When I was assigned to assault the defense line I decided to rearm first and then the objective failed for no reason before I could reach the FOB. @ victim913 you can display ammo count by switching to manual fire. @ kalshnutz you must destroy all enemies at the defense line. I was stuck for a while as well because I simply missed one of the tanks sitting there with its engines off, making it hard to spot in FLIR. Make sure no red dots are left, and then look carefully for any vehicles still about. mostly tanks. when all are destroyed you get an order to RTB and the mission ends after that. If you really cannot find the last enemies use the endmission cheat. I forgot how to execute it but you should be able to google it easily. Really great mission. Will play again and fail to get the rescue the pilot assigntment as well. Great campaign overall, good job BIS :)
  21. c0mmanderKeen

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    just tested on "Hills" and "lasershow" scenarios without any issues :) I wonder if it makes "open season" harder though, since the AA might engage you even if you keep out of the red marked area?
  22. Yes, it works again :) Thanks kju !
  23. Yes some buildings are always drawn at long distance, like the castle. This is what enabled kju to make the mod in the first place. So you suggest the old version will still work ?
  24. Strange... I guess thats affirmative... hm. Modfolder is loaded... settings are as stated above.. maybe objects need to be on high? Tank pops up at apprx. 1000 meters :(
  25. I dl'ed both from dev haven. It appears the low visuals still work (got used to them and see no difference now) Draw distance definately does NOT work and I dl'ed them again beforehand...