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bad benson

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Everything posted by bad benson

  1. bad benson

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    i just remembered that we were initially talking about the AI not the player :D i guess one could apply it almost the same way there. like maybe even have them not be allowed to go prone in too high grass. at least not when firing. that would actually be a great improvement that could allow more excessive use of more thick and high clutter. it was always a reeeaaal bummer to have grass clutter only be a "local" effect for the player that is essentially ignored by the AI (oh the horrors on chernarus when arma 2 got released...). one of two steps has been taken. one more left to perfection :D
  2. bad benson

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    nice debugging there. interesting info. thanks! i still wonder though if that offset value could somehow be used to make one less visible to the AI. maybe adding it to the stealth value from the config? or maybe using it to add some error to the perceived position? dunno. but seeing it change its height seamlessly makes it look very useful. who knows. BI probably already uses it for the surface stuff introduced in arma 3.
  3. wow. i totally missed this so far. just learned about it from your signature in an unrelated thread. i totally love what you've done here. this fits my taste spot on. finally the weapons have this crisp tight pop they were always missing. thanks for the work you have done so far. and for the love of god, keep it up! can't wait to hear your take on explosions. and thx for not compressing your sounds to death :P
  4. yea i agree. it could help to make the sounds a little more subtle so the main shot sound is more pronounced. another idea would be to slightly pitch the slap sound according to caliber or some other config values to get some randomness in there. i'd also suggest making different slap back sounds for different weapon types but i tend to prefer intelligent systems that adapt on their own without too much extra content.
  5. bad benson

    End Game MP Mode - Feedback

    that sounds great! i'd prefer that over ditching the system overall or making it optional. there are enough other game modes with classic respawn. while the current system in its current state (WIP) can lead to unwanted situations, i think that even if it's "unrealistic" it can still, after some polish, add to the tactical aspect like i mentioned before (keeping teams together automatically so to speak). this system encourages teamplay while classic respawn at base will inevitably lead to lone wolfing especially on public servers. it's a great way of compensating for that. one thought on limiting respawn on the leaders: especially in a public environment this can become frustrating, if the leader isn't playing according to his role. he could just ignore everyone else and play as if he's not the respawn hub. this could already happen just due to ignorance/being new to the gamemode/game. imho it's always good to be more agressive with mechanics, if the outcome is eventually and on average better than without doing so. there are already countless communites doing all the coordination properly via comms but it would be great to have a gamemode for once that allows quickly hopping in and teamplay at the same time. another thing worth looking into are placable rally points or spawn beacons. that requires more tactical thought and gives less of an advantage since it's a stationary spawn hub. works great in other games/mods.
  6. bad benson

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    i remember when i worked on a terrain in arma 1 that there was this second layer over the terrain that units would sink in to (i think it's still there now). reason i mention it is that i experimented with clutter size back then for a wheat field and noticed that that layer would seem to adapt to hte height of the clutter models. would be great if the AI would kind of use that adaption for determining their spotting ability.
  7. bad benson

    End Game MP Mode - Feedback

    can people spawn on eachother at all times or is there a check for if they are in combat? i could swear i got shot by a guy popping right out of the ass of a guy i just killed (yes he had just dropped...wasn't alive anymore). if that's the case then it needs to be more on point so it doesn't happen after death. i'd prefer a combat check though to avoid ridiculous situations. even bf4 has it now and it's really easing up on the ridiculousness of such a fast paced spawn system. don't get me wrong. i always wanted a system like this in arma 3. big fan of the concept itself. we had it in insurgency in arma2 but there it was better due to the combat check (check for near enemies i think). not only prevents it people appearing infront of you but it also creates this interesting tactical aspect of having to fall back as the last remeining guy to allow your squad mates to spawn. it takes the chaos of people appearing right inside combat out a little and keeps some kind of imaginary shifting frontline.
  8. just tested the latest version. the following feedback is not based on studying videos or real life experience. just using my gut here ;D slap back is brilliant. forest reverb is brilliant. hillside reverb is brilliant, but: imho it needs to be more thin and subtle. the effect itself is great but i kinda dislike that air friction sound almost like air is pouring out of something quickly. in sound terms i think that specific reverb needs less of a white noise feel and more of a hollow sound. like some frequency tweaking is needed or something. and maybe some work on that tail that sounds almost liek a whisle. just talking about that one sound here. the rest feels very finished.
  9. bad benson

    Arma 3 - Marksmen DLC First Look Livestream

    yes please!!!
  10. bad benson

    Enhanced Movement

    no worries. as i said. i will keep this addon updated and functional (if it breaks due to game updates). i just won't try to push the boundaries and come up with new features anymore. instead i will slowly and occasionally polish what i already got here. i had some fun last night making new animations. so the next update will have updated anims after all (3dsmax does what i want it to so i can bare working with it :D). the current anims are all still the ones i rushed in a few hours before the contest deadline so they deserve some updating. i know it sucks that the addon is kinda broken atm but my current internal version is not suited for a quick hotfix release. so i'll instead try to clean the whole thing up and finish those anims and then give you guys a proper update. i hope you understand.
  11. bad benson

    Arma 3 - Marksmen DLC First Look Livestream

    i really like all the new weapon models. good to see some gritty designs based on real stuff. adn the fact that you guys added the M14...:239: perfect choice...for me personally :D the bipods look really promising. the IK stuff looks pretty natural so far. can't wait to use it. nice touch on the leaning too! one suggestion: could you add a generic gesture for deploying the bipod? like just a generic hand wave downwards? would be great since it looks kind robotic when it just happens. a specific gesture for each attachment that is referenced inside the attachment class much like handanims and reload gestures are in weapon classes. that way the bipod slot would be easy to abuse for modders to use it for something totally different possibly.
  12. problem in this engine is that many systems are far from flexible. there is a close connection between animation sets and weapon slots. you can test it by changing the parameter "type"on weapons or simply using certain simulation types (config). your weapon will automatically be assigned to one of the premade weapon slots/animation sets according to the changes you made. and then certain features like per weapon hand animations are tied to certain slots (only rifle i think). all this seems to be deeply rooted. that's probably why it won't ever change unless they reset most systems and rework them in a new iteration. i'm not saying it's impossible to change but you know how it is. it's been like this since ofp. i'd also love a more flexible system with all the nice new inventory functionality in arma 3.
  13. bad benson

    Enhanced Movement

    do you mean for when you cycle through different missions on a server and stuff? i'll try to add a variable in this patch. not sure yet if there will be one major patch or a hot fix first and then the final (for now) update.
  14. bad benson

    Door opening and closing

    i hope this is sarcasm. otherwise it'd be pretty sad. there are doors since arma 1 and they have the same problems since then. the action menu was never good. it always sucked. it's broken. it always was. nothing to do with mods. the fact that more and more mods fix obvious amateurish bullshit like that is merely a sign of people finally getting fed up with this studio never fixing obvious dilettantish flaws like this. again i really really hope this was sarcasm...
  15. bad benson

    Enhanced Movement

    hm. i'm sorry but i don't really understand. can you try to say it a different way or maybe ask a friend to translate for you. don't take this the wrong way. i really just want to understand what you mean so i can fix it.
  16. bad benson

    What do you want to see in the expansion?

    yes! bears! what's wrong with bears?! and deer. just in general some more and bigger wild life with simple but better than now AI. i always hated that the boar in arma 2 for example didn't run away like the rabbits do. for some reason none of the animals behaved like the rabbit in terms of fleeing.
  17. i thought i was the only one who felt that way.. oh and btw. on the unreal engine talk from before: https://www.unrealengine.com/blog/ue4-is-free it's free now :D
  18. bad benson

    Community challenge as advertising

    or at least have proper bolt anims on the existing ones. would be kinda embarrassing to have a marksman themed DLC but not those anims. it's 2015 ffs.
  19. bad benson

    DirecxtX 12 for ArmA 3?

    that's project reality basically. so one PvP mode (AAS) instead of the whole of arma. not saying UE4 is not capable of it. just that squad is, afaik, based around realisitc PvP only. looking forward to it though. i don't see what the big deal about "what arma does" is supposed to be anyways. arma doesn't do shit. it's modders and scripters that do the interesting stuff. gamemodes and features that go beyond what is basically a more clunky than average and bigger than average shooter with vehicles. i don't see anything mind blowing happening while it actually performs at a non-painful level too. having good FPS on an empty map doesn't create good gameplay. people like to juggle these huge numbers when it comes to arma but, if you would really analyse it and see under which circumstances it actually performs at an "acceptable" (by normal standards like comparing to other games...) rate, it would be a quite sobering experience. the only thing that arma as a game does different in a bigger way is AI. and if you played against them since ofp, they won't blow your mind. the opposite actually. not to mention how they drive (or don't). they fly ok. but there are no obstacles so it's hard to judge. they still suck at landing. their limited behaviors are understandable since they have to scale up and keep doing stuff. but after all these years being basically the same at the core, it's really nothing to brag about (only enterable buildings on the map but AI ignores them...). the one thing that gives arma long term "playability" is the editor and its moddability. it makes it basically like an engine with a lot of starter content (relatively :p) for hobbyist to play with. the great side effect for the devs is that all the content those hobbyist constantly push out increases the value of their basically updated ofp by a million and makes it more than it is just as a game. even without the much appreciated progress the current devs are making, it would be a constant construction site with the constant promise of more stuff to discover or general improvement. early access at its best. adding that mission editor was the single most lucrative decision the original devs ever made. in my eyes the mission makers basically make the game survive. i mean the reason mods are so limited and these days mostly focussed on fixing the game are mainly the tools, documentation and arma overall being not very moddable (story of my life :D) so props to anyone keeping at making mods for arma. but i sometimes feel that the mission makers are taken for granted because they always did this job. but now more than ever arma would literally be dead without the community designing and creating its MP. looking at how UE4 is going for large scale support and just generally speaking: more modding allowed on other engines = death of arma. i really think that the military aspect has far less to do with arma's success than it being a sandbox. realism is an intriguing thing but arma isn't even that realistic. what makes it good on the gameplay side is it being hardcore. challenge = fun. streamlined games simply get old much faster. let's hope the industry relearns that some day :D anyways. too much beer = too many words.
  20. bad benson

    Weapon Resting & Deployment Feedback

    isn't that how inertia is done though? afaik it's just a camera offset. seems to work fine. should be enough, if it's just a subtle shift. i'd also like it more than an icon.
  21. bad benson

    Enhanced Movement

    gonna be fixed soon. sorry for the inconvenience. i'm just not very motivated at the moment. will do my best to hurry up. probably somewhere aroudn the coming weekend or next week. i will just play around with UE4 and have fun. nothing serious planned. i made a new t-rex model for the raptor pack but the way things are looking now it will probably never be put ingame or released. jus the thought of a creature that size in arma makes me go *sigh*. i don't even wanna try and think about the problems that i already know it will have for sure and will never be fixed. arma is good for making more guns, vehicles and units and scripting stuff. anything else is a waste of time.
  22. bad benson

    Weapon Resting & Deployment Feedback

    i was really hoping for a proper IK based solution for both axis. but sure doesn't sound like it :(
  23. bad benson

    Weapon Resting & Deployment Feedback

    That's the plan. Attachments like bipods help, but, physically, one can create a point of rotation in any given circumstance (currently limited to a horizontal plane for technical reasons). oh that's awesome! does that apply to resting on vertical surfaces aka side resting too? if so, i think one could really either remove or severally nerf the side resting without deployment like Defunkt suggested. that could also solve some of those problems illustrated in that video, if Sniperwolf is right about the side detection causing the constant resting when turning. it's just a bit much to passively rest on walls and corners not even from a realism but also gameplay perspective. why would you even bother deploying your weapon, if you get such steady aim from just being around stuff, which happens a lot anyways. so worst case could be that one feature makes the other obsolete.
  24. bad benson

    Weapon Resting & Deployment Feedback

    i was talking about the fact that an icon (or similar) would be needed even more, if it would be more unforgiving, which in my opinion it needs to be, if they want it to be realistic. you misunderstood. i meant the opposite ;) i too prefer auto resting over a button. much like in i44 and my personal resting mod i played with. ironically the fact that modders had to handle resting via animations prevented some of the problems the current system has. such as checking contact per anim change (that's how i did it, no idea how others did). that way it would reset always when it made sense since turning has an animation too. (except for turning in adjust stances which is th reason i dropped that project :D) i agree that auto feels more natural. but my point was that the way you can rest on walls and the way it is forgiving now, it would work much better/balanced with it having to be manually triggered. if it would be very accurate and convincing in how it detects and how contact is broken, then auto resting would be fine, but i'm talking about the entire picture here. in reality it requires more than gravity to "rest" you weapon on a corner. then we're really talking more about deployment. it's all a matter of design balance. weighing of pros and cons of an approach and finding the one that has fewest logical/balance problems. the current system does one thing well but the rest is lacking. it's just too simplistic to treat every rest the same way, no matter the angle of the surface. a bit harsh but since i don't see them adding a more complex system for it, i'd agree on that.
  25. bad benson

    Weapon Resting & Deployment Feedback

    well yea i agree on all points you made. and i have to say that instead of using auto resting, using a button like all the resting mods did would solve that problem. i get the concept of the reset that you mentioned (when turning) but reading the discussion about the icon i have to say that that would complicate things even more. "am i resting again, yet?". it's just a fundamental design flaw of autoresting implemented in such a simplistic way (fatigue deja vu... :p). to me having to consciously engage in resting would solve all these problems and that is what made the resting mods so great. the way you could lose grip once you turned too far. that could only work due to the detection being so accurate compared to this vanilla implementation. overall it seems way too forgiving. it's better than not working when it should but i think the detection needs to be much more unforgiving. that also plays into the problems that sniperwolf described. by wanting to simulate side resting (on walls) too using a very simple system the devs are wanting too much while not putting in the extra work imho (no offense). this in my eyes (side resting) can only work with super accurate detection, causing the contact to break easily, and even better a real bipod like resting pivot like someone described above. otherwise it will just be what people fittingly described as a force field. overall it's a good start but now it's like the hold breath feature. it's just there and doesn't seem balanced with the rest at all.