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bad benson

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Everything posted by bad benson

  1. bad benson

    Enhanced Movement

    it's just me ;) i won't do that. makes no sense. key combos are planned though. using third party things is not the only way to add a feature ;) . it's just kind of a luxury feature and the focus is still on the core right now (climbing still not feature complete). i also don't understand how binding B could ever be a problem. maybe i misunderstood but i personally never had a problem with any key i tried. obviously you will need to unbind vanilla functions from your key to avoid overlap. i personally use "space" to jump and climb because i also play other games and i like to have consitency and not do weird shit because of muscle memory from another context. i also have the "use" key on "F". so i had to rebind all action menu related things from space and i moved changing weapon/firemode to "V" since i don't need that anymore. it's very straight forward and intuitive. i also can recommend to use "Q" instead of "space" for execution of the selected scroll action. eventhoguh it's also lean left it works really well. i don't use "default action" because it's broken and unintuitive anyways. so freeing up "space" for jump adn climb was easy liek that. just some suggestions. :)
  2. bad benson

    Enhanced Movement

    it's less visible in daytiem on purpose. it generally needs a lot of work though. the current state is mroe like a simple first test. i plan to rework the laser at some point. with a laser beam and stuffs.
  3. bad benson

    End Game MP Mode - Feedback

    sorry if this has benn answered before but is there a way to know if a unit is in unconscious state? can i do getvariabe for a var or something similar? i couldn't find anything on that so far.
  4. bad benson

    Enhanced Movement

    yea i had two of those dead entries. already pointed out by some peopel and already fixed. nonetheless, thx very much for the report. much appreciated. update is coming soon. jsut suffering from a lack of motivatin atm. but no worries. it's almost ready.
  5. bad benson

    Enhanced Movement

    yes most definately ace. yes dropping down safely is coming in the next update. check the first post for planned features and known issues.
  6. bad benson

    [Terrain] Chernarus Winter A3

    agreed. also you should look into the rvmats. if i remember correctly from messing with cherno trees, a lot of them have colours instead of white in the "forced diffuse" setting. you might want to set that to white to get rid of those orange and red tones. leave-less or not, that would already help a lot making it look even more snowy.
  7. bad benson

    Enhanced Movement

    yea the ejection thing is an intended but legacy feature from when there was fast get in. i will probably replace it with a menu for when you're inside the vehicle. until then it will be temporarily removed i think. thx for the report. no there will be no AI climbing for obvious reasons. i know you guys like to dream but think it through to the end. really asses arma's AI and think again if you still think that feature is feasible or even useful at all. at most there might be an attempt to add an option to order an AI mate to climb only over walls but probably not for the same reasons. great you made your squad member climb up somewhere. what now? AI on/inside objects are useless outside of the predefined paths inside the model. sorry to crush some dreams but while i'm insane to some degree (for even making this one) i'n not THAT insane :lol: so i don't see myself wasting time on this sorry. from what i know there is just pain and failure to be discovered on that frontier. took a little break from EM for the past week or so. but most things are layed out and ready for deployment. only thing that bugs me and i haven't looked into yet is the new/old problems with parachuting. i had this test and tested it myself specifically right before release. so either something changed or it wasn't thoroughly enough. either way. i gotta take care of that before i can release an update. i wish character collision wouldn't be retardedly broken in this game so i wouldn#t have to intercept damage and simulate my own avaerage/vague values. but it's arma...so. thx for your list btw. will be addressed.
  8. you can jsut make a replacement config for that.
  9. this is so great. it adds such depth. you got a real talent to make gun sounds sound powerful but not annoying. i also had some awesome moments listening to the impact sounds last night. almost died because i tried to listen to them :D. keep it up! this one is a keeper
  10. bad benson

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    this is a very minor issue but can someone for the love of god please but a proper material (fake reflection environment map thingy) on the Acog's lense? it really ruins the model for me and gives that unwanted OFP vibe. i know you guys' list is probably long and this is minor but it's also easy to do. pretty please. my version is a little outdated so feel free to slap me if this is already changed. also big props to Laxemann for the sounds. it all sounds amazing especially compared to the old version. and to RHS in general. this feels like a free expansion now (i mean atleast WE didn't pay you lol). couldn't imagine playing without it. combined with AiA-TP this gives arma a PR like variety of climates and according uniforms and stuff. keep it up guys. much appreciated.
  11. bad benson

    Enhanced Movement

    fall damage will need to be worked on anyways since i noticed how the new dropping safe thing let's me drop safely from too high places. i mentioned this before but just giving a heads up to everyone to prepare for it to get more unforgiving when you just fall from somewhere.
  12. bad benson

    Enhanced Movement

    with that kind of detailed report it sure is! thx seems liek i need to add a delay. got armAed again...yay... hm. never tested. assumed it would jsut work. must be a logical problem or missing animation transition. will 100 % look into that. yea speeds will be tweaked and eventually made fully dynamic. waitign for some script commands to not make this stupid hacky.
  13. bad benson

    Enhanced Movement

    oh? ok thx for the report. gonna have to look into that. it's with that other mod though yea?
  14. bad benson

    Enhanced Movement

    would it be possible to provide some useful info? i can't take every single vague report and go try to find an issue i know nothing about. i personally don't use ACE but last time i briefly checked it seemed fine so i need some details. ye probably not related. i don't change anything in the NVG class. it all happens with scripts at run time. i will defo add that stuff to the menu for SP players. jsut gotta fidn some time to check MP for exploit possibilities. no idea what that means. are you talking about jumping? i'm sorry to say though that i can't possibly support compatibility with all kinds of stuff. i have no control of other people's code and they don't have over mine. it'S just hte nature of things. this mod madness is like with drugs. be careful when mixing. unexpected results very likely :lol: . if i get very detaled reports that make me go "oh yea ofc! that will be the issue. i'll go right in there an fix it" there's a good chance but otherwise i just hope that most of the functionality is not breaking for you.
  15. bad benson

    Scripting Discussion (dev branch)

    awesome stuff! quick (possibly stupid) questions. ctrlSetAngle is for 2d controls? :o setAnimSpeedCoef will actually allow anim speed change at runtime? :o
  16. bad benson

    Enhanced Movement

    sadly that is hard to do since Zeus uses remote control instead of selectplayer (which is just like normal teamswitch in SP which should work fine with EM). i will try to find a solution for this later. right now i'm focussing on making this mod feature complete though. so for anyone interested, these are the things i'm planning out/already working on at the moment: - preparation of some balance measures for when Nexus comes and all balance achieved by the fatigue will be gone...namely. slower versions of all anims for heavier loads (this will be optional to allow all the parkour lovers to move fast still) - implementation of helping someone up from above - implementation of dropping down safely most of this i already know exactly how to do (and it partly already is done) but tbh i slowed down a little to regain some motivation and energy. working on something really cool on the side though that has been hybernating on my p drive for ages and now finally came to fruition. i think it'll bring some extra fun and dimension to the game just like EM.
  17. bad benson

    Enhanced Movement

    ah dude. you just saved me some time. thx! makes total sense. it's no biggie but needs fixing. i basically moved stuff from _int to _core. so there is probably jsut some legacy config entry there. good find.
  18. bad benson

    What's wrong with the official MP Missions?

    i think the notion that arma is just a coop game and especially that that's what made it successful is wrong or at least outdated. first of all. i had my best gameplay in arma 2 in PvP. and not exactly unpopular missions. Insurgency was being played daily by many people and back then there were servers who actually allowed Opfor slots. for some reason that feature has gone extinct now. it's a real shame because Insurgency did the coop plus PvP thing much better than Endgame since there wasn't this weird filler state of both teams fighting AI at different sides of the map but instead had everyone have the same point of interest more or less. as for the success. the reason arma sales are what they are now is largly due to dayZ, which is a full on PvP experience (what it actually plays out to be and not what people wish it to be). all these dayZ clones and wasteland and especially battle royale show that not only that arma CAN do PvP but also that a large amount of its players ARE playing PvP. so not only please speak for yourself but also consider the reality of things. arma is open. there will always be coop communities and servers. so no need to get scared of the competitive part and just deny it. arma has a lot of unused potential there still since it's one fo the few games that actually allows you to flank at will in its open terrains and gives much more interesting engagement ranges than most other games. i'd love to get some engaging PvP concepts more or less inside the military scope, or let's say without loot and zombies, but more than the same old sector control stuff that just gets old and dry. how about some escort stuff. in alpha there was a period where some VIP escort missions had come out and they were played a lot. it was fantastic. but it just disappeared for some reason. probably because soem dayZ like thing came out and fludded the server browser. real shame.
  19. bad benson

    Enhanced Movement

    your english is fine no worries. both errors seem really strange. first one makes no sense since the file is there since it's being used fine by most people. just like the other main functions. it sounds a little like it's a mission specific thing maybe where the CfgFunctions stuff fails. please tell me in what mission this occured. i will take a closer look thoguh since it's the same file as froggyluv reported. you should redownload the files or something. bad version p3d sounds like something is corrupt. although i'm wondering. are you on DEV branch? maybe BI changed the p3d format or something. interesting that this pops up for both of you suddenly. or did it always happen? i'd like to know the mission you played too. kinda scary to see CfgFunctions fail like that.
  20. bad benson

    BIS should release old models and textures unbinarized

    do you mean like the stuff that was shown befoer alpha release but never made it into the game?
  21. bad benson

    [Terrain] Chernarus Winter A3

    awesome. been waiting for someone to do this.
  22. bad benson

    Enhanced Movement

    hm. correct me if i'm wrong but i think this doesn't happen without these additional mods. if it does please report back. in general i just can't support 100% compatibility with each single mod out there even if i wanted to. people need to realise that mods are basically guerilla additions to the game. use at own risk, possible unexpected behaviour blablabla. so always expect the worst when mixing them. i did my best to make it work with most things by design though. i can try to look into it in the future but right now it's not a priority, sorry. i'm happy to hear that the actual functionality is working though. that's the main thing. and the fatigue HUD will be obsolete after BI's Nexus update anyways. so it allows me even more to be lazy :lol: . thx for your report though and taking the time to get back to me with details. could you explain the purpose of this? like do you want to balance yourself in SP or something? just make it sound good to me so i can get motivated doing it :lol: also. does a userconfig folder work with SWS? what are the benefits over mission variables? if more control is really needed i'd rather use my menu. that's what it's for. just gotta make sure it works properly in MP. right now i do a isMultiplayer check before doing anythng to fatigue for example. but i still had some weird behaviour that i didn't have before. gotta look into that more.
  23. bad benson

    Enhanced Movement

    fall damage interception doesn't really work with ACE. you could disable ACE med stuff. that could help. but i haven't tested indepth with ACE tbh. just looked if the basics work. multiple handle damage EHs at the same time is always a little tricky though. yea i had someone else request modules too. i don't like them because when you stop using a mod they will be in the mission and cause hassle but i guess i'll let you guys decide if you want that hassle or not. will do the module in the next update. i play Ravage a lot myself and i never had a problem. it was one of the things i tested the savegame handling stuff on. i will do a double check now though. so basically the fatigue bar disappears but the rest works? i need a detailed description please. also, are you only using EM and Ravage? in general if you sue other mods too please list them so i don't have to ask everytime. just to make sure i fully understand. have you tried loading hte save again? sometimes after full game restart it can help. EDIT: here are some cool screenshots by fabio chavez showing some new tactical possibilities :lol: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=542833272 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=542833230 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=542833178 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=542833414 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=542833392 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=538910882
  24. bad benson

    War Chronicles WW2 Modification

    the screenshots on the dev blog thingy are way too small even when you click on them. needs some high res stuff so you can see the details of the model properly. the bolt action animation is bad ass though. loving it.