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bad benson

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Everything posted by bad benson

  1. bad benson

    Enhanced Movement

    hm. gotta ask the SIX people. that being said. i'm working on some small changes at the moment. so steam is most uptodate currently for testing purposes. will post a link for other mirrors very soon. i jsut want to make sure it's as stable as possible. so peopel can just keep using it like before. i forgot (again ) about the frame handlers not throwing errors . so making a version without them made me aware of some error spam. i wanna fix that so RPTs can stay as clean as possible. so nothing big. probably tomorrow. so most likely one more update before the update with the server side module. after that resting time.
  2. bad benson

    [WIP] Jetman Wingsuit

    how about missiles and small bombs. would love that :lol: looking good so far.
  3. bad benson

    Jetpack v1

    man. i was going to suggest using feet ik handlers to make the pilot lean but you obviously know your shit and already made it. awesome! only suggestion i have is making the feet point more downwards so it looks more like they are hanging in a relaxed manner rather than liek he's pulling them up. just a small thing but i thought i'd bring it up.
  4. bad benson

    Enhanced Movement

    that's a feature (hold shift to move the menu) incase it overlaps with other menus... i constantly work with the dev console and never had a problem like this. EDIT: actually i was able to reproduce it now. next time please describe the issue in more detail. easier to fix. i actually never select text like that but i assume that is what you meant. should be fixable. but it's on the bottom of the list for sure.
  5. bad benson

    Scripting Discussion (dev branch)

    do you mean like canMove or checking the class name for general swimming capabilities?
  6. bad benson

    Enhanced Movement

    not sure how many people actually use the fast interaction stuff but i just realised i was using the wrong lod to detect doors all along was wondering why it wasn't working as intended. in short: that means you will be able to open any door, including glass doors and fence gates, with one button press by just looking at the actual door geometry. it's one of those hidden poorly documented features but one i use all the time. another long time issue that will be attempted to fix and is worth mentioning is the ability to climb with binoculars in your hands. i always forgot to put that transition in there so it was limited to the three main weapon slots.
  7. bad benson

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    i hate to be that wannabe moderator guy, but aren't 3 pages of this enough? let's get back to bitching and nit picking about Tanoa itself please :lol:
  8. bad benson

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    to be fair though. climbing is not a vanilla feature so it's up to the devs, if they want to go as far as supporting that. the main problem with that is creating a solid condition for the zombies to give up. i've been thinking about handling this in my own projects myself. height alone is not a good criteria since any slope would ruin that approach because you are higher than the zombie but still reachable. so the question arises. what IS the right criteria? (most likely a combination of things). best i could come up with so far is tracking distance to target and seeing, if it's close and doesn't change much over time. but there are probably countless other/better ways. still need to dig deeper. just some food for thought. not saying at all that it's impossible. i'm just suggesting that, if you could come up with a clever condition you might help out the devs fix this faster (and i'll be watching closely too :lol: j/k).
  9. awesome! can't wait to try out the jetpack man!
  10. hm. i just took a quick glance at the vanilla configs and the only obvious difference is you missing hte following in the death anim class: connectTo[] = {"Unconscious",0.1};
  11. bad benson

    [WIP] Terrain "X-Cam-Taunus"

    it's not so much about C64 hardware but arma in general. Tanoa for example, as awesome as it is, already eats way more FPS than any other map before (except certain areas on Altis like Kavala). that usually means having to make lighter mission code so that aiming doesn't become a chore and overall eye strain is kept low. although that driving video you showed a while back looke pretty smooth. fast driving usually exposes bad FPS really well. i'm really glad you intend to make a second version though. but either way at least the climate area the map is situated in makes sense for lots of fog for example. i was wondering. do you guys know how the geometry occluders are set up? i was wondering, if that stuff is generated from the existing View Geo lods or if models have to be set up specifically. i'm just curious, if that technology will apply to all the CUP stuff too. that might potentially help your map's performance too. anyways. it looks really awesome. keep it up! PS: i love the new lighting. i know you had to tweak stuff to make it work but i feel like it made your map look even better. jsut my personal opinion.
  12. bad benson

    Jurassic Arma - Raptor Pack

    i don't plan to do any model work. i might tweak some textures and materials though or simply create more color variations. here's a little screenshot showing how it looks with the raptors adapting to the terrain now (having the same angle as the slope they walk on). this makes a big difference not only visually but also prevents them from jsut jumping off slopes and killing themselves. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=764229269
  13. bad benson

    Jetpack v1

    ah man. i got confused by the video. missed those screenshots. looks great.
  14. bad benson

    Jetpack v1

    i love it! good work man. handling looks really nice too. send a PM if you need help with the cargo animation. or maybe hit up Macser. he's doing anims in blender. pretty sure it would take him no time to make one for you.
  15. speaking of ground shaking. i noticed that the cam shake on vehicles going by the player is way too pronounced. i'm talking about fast vehicles, yes, but since it's sopposed to (i think/hope) imitate the vibration you feel in your body rather than your head actually shaking, i feel like it should be way more subtle. i like the effect though. so i'm not hating. but atleast half as much would be already enough imho.
  16. bad benson

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    not sure if this is the right thread but did anyone else notice how you get that jungle like noise even when standing next to a line of palm trees on the side of a road in a pretty urban area? i kinda feel the the threshold for blending in that sound environment for dense vegetation areas needs some tweaking. or maybe have some components of the sounds be less loud until a certain density is reached. to hear what i mean stand next to some bushes with third person on and then move the camera in and out of the bushes. the bird soudns are great but there is that background noise of a shitload of insects that sounds like way too many for one or two bushes. i know it'S quite nit picky but thought i bring it up. also: pelase fix those too short roots on the large jungle trees. they are sticking out the ground all over the place. also: would be great, if AI could consider how tight those jungle paths are and either not use them or only use them, if the bounding box of their vehicle is small enough.
  17. bad benson

    Enhanced Movement

    lol. feedback acknowledged but that won't change anytime soon sorry.
  18. bad benson

    Jurassic Arma - Raptor Pack

    yea i'm back on it now. had to rewrite it once more since i had some issues with it after getting back to it after some time. first test release soon.
  19. bad benson

    Great White Shark

    i think above surface stuff should be possible. i think eventually it would be good to use humans as a base anyways to avoid several limitations simple animals have. i definately want to try different behaviour types like loitering with the fin sticking out, up and down diving under water and maybe even ramming boats. i find this really inspiring and i already have rewritten the base for the raptor AI. pretty much ready to try to make an underwater version. i was even going to try to make some hostile seagulls a la hitchcock but that'll be for later :lol:
  20. bad benson

    Enhanced Movement

    i don't think that will fix his issue though. haven't looked into the laser thing yet. but there's gonna be another update soon taking care of that. why would he say so if there wasn't? have you actually checked all options that are available? it's not many. anyways. if i ever get to it, then there will be a module for more options in a future update. i can put an option to disable stamina penalties in there. we'll see. overall i'm not really interested in putting too much work into feature overlap related issues . it's an infinite list of possibilities and just the nature of things. if one mod modifies stamina and another does too then it's just logical that there will be issues.
  21. bad benson

    Enhanced Movement

    i don't see why it wouldn't . haven't tested it though. maybe some time in the future. not very likely though. i was considering removign the possibility to disable stamina bu i think the problem you describe is more likely caused by the stamina penalty being applied. and that part is pretty integral.
  22. bad benson

    Dialog grid for data

    check this out: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=287378519 very useful. also: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/List_Box especially with dialogs always go from a working example, if you are new to this. at least that is how i found it works best. also consider that just asking "but how?" is not going to get you any meaningful answers. but now you have a starting point that will allow you to potentially come back with more meaningful questions. i know it sounds cheesy but it's about asking the right questions often times when you are trying to get to the bottom of things.
  23. bad benson

    Enhanced Movement

    no safe drop won't be changed. works great. looks okish. talking about going crouch after certain landing from certain heights and prone from even higher. i'll remove that until i can make it look and feel better.
  24. bad benson

    Enhanced Movement

    problem is. i've been using this version for weeks and i have no issues whatsoever. so i can't reproduce anything except it being more sensitive, which i explained already. might just have to revert to that test version i posted here, if that works better for everyone.
  25. bad benson

    Enhanced Movement

    corporal_lib: are you using the Exile pbo? also , are you using steam or armaholic? it would also be useful to get some coordinates on those places. 4 minutes delay sounds very strange. i have only added a few checks to fix the climbing through walls in some cases. sounds a little strange what you describe there. the test version i released doesn't differ at all from the one i just released actually, if i remember correctly.