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Everything posted by liquidpinky

  1. liquidpinky

    Release date today or tommorow?

    For the first day or two it will look like a scrapyard with all the crashed equipment. My own lander among it.
  2. liquidpinky

    Enemy under ground

    It is actually to simulate them being in long grass, you will hardly ever (never say never) see them like this when they are laid on a road. This is to force parity whether you have settings of no grass up to max grass and it was the way BIS deemed to use for targets rendered at distances beyond that which detailed grass is rendered.
  3. liquidpinky

    Choppers now affect particles :)

    Think Doughnuts, mmmmmmmm doohhhnuuuts. :)
  4. liquidpinky

    Any old farts playing Arma 3?

    Lol, I thought it was I just appreciated the more mature woman. Now I know it is just me getting older. 41, been playing games since my dad brought home a ZX-81.
  5. liquidpinky

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    You guys must be playing on servers set to nursery school difficulty, or maybe just a server with a crap CPU. Any game I have played recently, if you dont get behind cover after you hear the first bullet crack(very audible on my cheap sehnheisser headphones BTW, I dont need no blur to tell me I am about to die) then you very rarely hear a second. Then wait for revive. Lets not turn sorting out AI into some hidden agenda for the pro suppression camp please.
  6. liquidpinky

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    I concur, seen these as well last night. Mostly the houses at the marina seemed to have it.
  7. liquidpinky

    Scopes with implemented rangefinder

    Would take the fun out of scanning for targets, getting range, switching to gun and adjust sights and firing at target. I addmittedly will use the Laser Designator so I can scan in thermal, but the process is the same and you have to make sure you identify your target correctly as well. Dont want any freindly fire incedents. All built into one scope would be pull trigger, yawn, pull trigger, yawn, etc, etc.
  8. I am sure you can agree we need a working aircraft control scheme in at a minimum though, currently I have to use a botched Xpadder scheme to fly Gnats Skywagon.
  9. liquidpinky

    ARMA 3 Main Battletanks

    I am not against them, I am against people thinking it would fit in a T90 sized tank. For it to work the tank would be huge, probably woefully underpowered in the engine dept to shift the Mammoth size. Think a modern day equivalent of the Panther G.
  10. Would be nice if only for just getting the aircraft control config in game and allowing modellers to use it.
  11. liquidpinky

    ARMA 3 Main Battletanks

    I work in the power industry, teaching granny to suck eggs. 930kW is FA BTW. ;) By the time it is hooked up to a generator(probably 80% efficient if your lucky) and further mechanical drive losses of around 5 to ten percent. you are looking at about 700kW produced. Meanwhile tank is sat still getting pummeled while it charges, slowly. Would make a lovely explosion too when all those capacitors go up.
  12. liquidpinky

    ARMA 3 Main Battletanks

    Great, but what is going to charge the capacitors to the level required? Even disconnecting the tanks engine temporarily and switching it to powering a generator of considerable size still wont do it. The tank would have to be larger than a house to have a generator and engine large enough, making it everyone on the battlefields target. And an easy one to hit at that.
  13. liquidpinky

    Cannot join any servers

    I have constant problems getting Dev servers to show a lot, I found resetting the filter to default clears it sometimes. OP: if you are trying to join servers with red cirlces it wont let you jion. I have also found that some servers just wont let you join, I move on and find another instead.
  14. liquidpinky

    Stamina-based recoil system.

    Weapon weight could be taken into account as well, if you have pistol equipped the factor would be way lower than the Lynx which is currently the heaviest rifle in the game.
  15. Currently it seems to simulate transmission failure, which is a rotor lock up you are really unlucky. The chance of it happening in game is very high though=Very Unlucky.
  16. liquidpinky

    Tracked APCS have messed up controlls

    Maybe as you see A3 as a simulator, maybe do yourself a favor and get analogue controls and ditch the keyboard. That's low speed sorted. Now also understand that at the max speeds you are already outside of the vehicles handling envelope, also understand that driving any vehicle on bumpy surfaces at high speeds is very twitchy indeed. Why not everyone is a pro rally driver, it isn't easy and takes balls of steel. You can however keep the vehicles under control if you do have any real off-road driving experience and can predict their reactions on terrains. Just holding down W for backwards keyboardist I think, down a hill and hoping for the best just won't work out for them in the end. It is a simulation after all so treat the vehicle like you are in it and like you will die if you stuff it up. So many moan about it being a poor simulator without actually doing actions in the game like they would for real.
  17. liquidpinky

    Vehicles need gears

    Possibly the easiest thing and "authentic" is to have the sprint or turbo button act just like a kick-down on an automatic, either forcing down if the lower gear is still possible or holding the current gear right up to its maximum revs before either shifting up or maybe even holding in gear till the key is released. A lot of Bees observations seem quite good, the impression of economy driving over trying to get up a hill as quickly as possible id the exact feeling it gives me while driving as well. It seems straight out of the miles per gallon milking handbook. The feeling of it not sustaining a gear for long however is how a heavy vehicle will operate, it takes a lot to get tons and tons of metal to gain momentum. I have personally once driven a Seddon Atkinson towtruck and it had around 20 gears, all manual and no power steering to boot. Like One of these bad boys It was a workout and a half.
  18. liquidpinky

    ARMA 3 Main Battletanks

    They could have picked up some Challanger 2s cheap in Germany.
  19. liquidpinky

    Green Army Strider/Fennek bugs

    You are supposed to be advancing on your enemy so hence smoke to the front, you are not meant to be running away so no smoke to the rear.
  20. Maybe set your Cards to Prefer Maximum Performance on the power management as they will sometimes clock down on opening the map and then jump to max when you exit it.
  21. liquidpinky

    3rd person view and difficulty levels

    That is only the case if winning is everything to the person, you can also have more fun killing people and considering that you beat someone who was using the third person hack. So you could get more satisfaction out of it in the long run, if winning isn't everything that is. Third person is only an advantage in outdoor urban battle, if it goes indoors first beats it hands down. First is also much better for long distance engagement for acquiring targets and getting rounds down onto them quicker, especially if the cross-hairs are disabled.
  22. liquidpinky

    Vehicles need gears

    I think they need to put the torque peaks down to lower RPM like real deisel engines and use RPM to shift down into the higher torque band like a real engine would. It seems like it is just a little (little doesn't equal easy) tweaking required though to get the torque into more useful RPM zones. Also a fatal mistake I see a lot of games make or people tuning cars in GT for example is they put the first gear on too low an initial ratio as well, first needs to be drawn out and the latter gears get closer and closer as the vehicle is then fighting drag. I think the problem is that a real engine deals out the torque and has a specific curve, the gearbox itself doesn't actually produce the torque itself but keeps the engine within the torque rev band as much as possible allowing the torque to be delivered to the final drive and drive wheels. BIS is doing it by calculating torque per ratio and it must be a ball buster to get the curves right for sure.
  23. liquidpinky

    Vehicles need gears

    Actually that is reasonably real to an auto when it spins up, shifts up, almost stalls as the tyres grip and the wheel-spin is over and shifts straight back down to compensate again if the speed is too low to warrant staying in the new gear. Sometimes it will shift up and spin even harder depending on the traction available, keep your foot down at this point to turn your tyres into slicks. Normally these are both compensated by the driver using throttle control and not just mashing his foot to boards constantly. I think the gearboxes need to down-shift a lot sooner to reduce the speed loss on hill climbs and they have to allow left foot braking to work properly on standing starts. The latter being handy for getting moving on a steep hill to start with, and racing off course. :) I may be guessing wrong on how they are set up, but the gearboxes seem (feels like) to use speed values to change up or down instead of RPM.
  24. liquidpinky

    No Brightness or Gamma adjust in Multiplayer

    Forcing NVGs would be unaceptible too, some of us like to use natural night vision for as long as possible before switching to NVGs. For me NVGs are a waste of hardware I have spent a fortune on going from three monitors in glorious technicouler down to a single monitor producing a picture like an ancient green and black CRT monitor. Usually when it reaches the stage of needing NVGs I will leave the server anyway. The gamma hack is a problem that BIS alone cannot fix. The alternative is no night missions, make sure all players have NVGs or have the mission during brighter nights.
  25. liquidpinky

    3rd person view and difficulty levels

    This. I would also like to add that you never hear Third Person preference players asking to have First Person removed as it is cheating or leetist, even though driving through woods and hiding under a bush is dire in third person and piss easy in first (pffft, first person cheater noobs). :P I would also state that every time one of these topics pops up the First Person advocates tend to come out as a bit extremist, some even coming across more like bigots, in their demands and actions. News for you guys, the ball isn't yours and everyone can in fact still play on once mummy has dragged you back in the house after playtime is over. Just choose the playpark you prefer to use the swings on better next time, they are often quite clearly signposted in the server browser. Although maybe better signs may be required to be implemented by the BIS council to make it absolutely clear what is in place. BTW, I play on third and first person, doesn't really bother me much either way as I know what is in store on each.