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Everything posted by liquidpinky

  1. liquidpinky

    Altis: Criticism and Suggestions

    They look like tide may effect them, especially the partially flooded one. Whether the tide needs modded by a mission maker for them to get the required water level I don't know.
  2. liquidpinky

    Altis - Info & Discussion

    Takes even longer with 36k veiw distance (who needs sliders when there is a lovely cfg to tweak?) and leaves you pondering if the game has crashed initially. ;) Still couldn't get my Titan over 3GB of memory usage with 5940x1080 resolution and objects on 2.5k though. Also, only ran at 15 to 20 fps at the very best but I had to test it out for the lolz. 36k view gets rid of the fog corona completly and 12k on objects so there is absolutly no pop in whatsoever those were the magic numbers I foundwhile messing around with Take On. If only I could run them in A3, bliss. The difference between 10 and 12k is negligible and 10k saves a good bit of framerate over 12k. Will be running 10k for air units for now. BIS need to incorporate veiw settings for different units like TAW into the game menu.
  3. liquidpinky

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Where? Is it far out to sea as I have combed the whole coastline and nothing but Sunken Trawlers, small Fishing Boats, Bhoys, Pipes and Cable Reels.
  4. liquidpinky

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    You can do it while sat in vehicles too, treat it as if it is a remote control garage door as it is a more useful feature left in the game.
  5. liquidpinky

    Will Arma 3 have fast roping ?

    Would be even more fun on the Collector Towers at the Solar Farms, could almost base jump those.
  6. liquidpinky

    Finding all watchtowers on Altis

    Done that, found a small smugglers like cave too. Will be using Kylania's genius later to make sure I found all the undersea wrecks later though, took a day to look for them manualy even with the water surface bug and you always miss one or two that are sandwitched between rock formations.
  7. liquidpinky

    Altis - Info & Discussion

    He needs to get out and walk more, the island has plenty of detail and hidden gems. Done my full Scube tour of the coast and now onto my tour of the coastline, maybe using a UGV as they are nice and slow and have plenty of visibitity from the passenger seat. Unarmed one of course.
  8. liquidpinky

    Altis: Criticism and Suggestions

    More shipwrecks please. Haven't found any aircraft underwater either and have done a full circuit of the sea around Altis so far, may have missed a wreck or two though. How about a unique large shipwreck too, a freighter or warship. Submerged crates as well, cargo ships lose them all the time. Maybe even have a trail of them leading to a large freighter wreck. Higher mountains perhaps and certainly most of Bonham's sugestions seem good, especially the Dam. So far the whole island has given the me feeling like when I was in Cyprus, including the Scuba Diving. I think you have captured the feeling of the island well and look forward to further improvements from this thread.
  9. liquidpinky

    Will old scopes/optics come back ?

    I hope the black ones are back in, nothing tortures my OCD like a tan scope on a black gun. Hopefully like the NVGs where each faction gets their own colour varient.
  10. liquidpinky

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Until I sit there 12k away on top of a mountain killing you with laser like accuracy with my OCed i7-980X and Titan GFX card, then come the QQs. ;)
  11. liquidpinky

    Underwater Remnants [Potential Spoiler]

    If you zoom in on the map at the grid the ruins are clearly marked. Worthwhile checking out the nearby Stonehenge on the small island as well while you are there.
  12. liquidpinky

    Too many destroyed cars in Altis

    It is set in war time, as well as being after riots, you know, the things where lots of cars get torched.
  13. liquidpinky

    Altis - Info & Discussion

    While being chauffuered around in a UGV in first person I got the the feeling like when I was in Cyprus. I get similar with diving off the coast also, I think they captured that quite well too.
  14. liquidpinky

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Find Stonehenge and then search in the water nearby to the North East. They are actually marked on the map if you zoom in close enough as well, will PM you a grid when I am home from work later today. Dont want to spoiler some folk.
  15. liquidpinky

    Altis - Info & Discussion

    Performance has been okay for me so far. Spent the evening getting chauffeured around in a UGV (don't ask them to do 20k runs or they just switch off in a sulk) and finished of with a midnight dive on some underwater ruins with an SDV lighting them up. This map is awesome.
  16. liquidpinky

    Altis - Info & Discussion

    Going diving to look for the large ship wreck mentioned on the first Livestream. Then I am going to night dive it with some chem lights.
  17. liquidpinky

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Not going to happen, BIS never even enabled them in Take On themselves. Think they would be mighty pissed off if someone else did it in A3.
  18. liquidpinky

    Fatigue effects

    Yes please. My wife must think I am watching pornos with all that heavy breathing going on.
  19. liquidpinky


    More commonly known as an aircrafts operational ceiling. Never had any problem flying above the clouds with addon aircraft from A2.
  20. liquidpinky

    Stealth ATV's

  21. liquidpinky

    Will performance drop on Atis,

    Probably wont feel it much at 2000 view distance.
  22. liquidpinky

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Or have it shut down engines while refuelling, just for the lulz.
  23. I have controlled multiple UAVs and UGVs while piloting a heli, just slap on auto hover, or not if you are confident in your flight path.
  24. Us Metal Gear fans think alike. :)