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Everything posted by liquidpinky

  1. liquidpinky

    Anyone seen facial armor systems yet?

    There are armoured heli crew pilots in A3 allready, the one shown in the OPs post is the F35 pilot helmet though.
  2. liquidpinky

    Oculus Rift VR headset

    Nope, considered it but decided to wait out till the better resolution release version.
  3. liquidpinky

    Fast Line and Repelling from Huey.

    Take On Helicopters had working fast ropes in it, hopefully they will add these into A3 and get them working properly in MP scenarios now as well.
  4. liquidpinky

    Ladder Animation and Sound

    I talked about that a page or two back, I was taught to use the sides for my trade. Stops you falling to your death if someone went up before you with muddy feet.
  5. liquidpinky

    Ladder Animation and Sound

    My point is that the animations are based in third person, in first you just get to see it from your own eyes perspective.
  6. liquidpinky

    Ladder Animation and Sound

    Not a single one showing third person ladder climbs, come back when you have a solution for that. ;)
  7. Depends how you set it up, the default method is balls, switch to using z axis so you actually lean to lean. Then tweak it so it matches your exact lean angle.
  8. liquidpinky

    Clan tag shoulder, vehicle patches?

    There are already some in game, although as usual it is a bit random what has and what deosn't have them. I think it comes down to the individual person who makes each unit. But yes, I would like these as standard on all units. It is these little touches that make a difference.
  9. liquidpinky

    Oculus Rift VR headset

    Still be okay for me, ditched keyboard in favour of controller in left hand and mouse with a load of buttons in other. I get full analogue movement speeds and only ever need keys for chat message or issuing orders to units. The second I can get rid of with vioce recognition software, possibly the chat too. My only concern with the Rift is long term comfort.
  10. liquidpinky


    No, I think you will find Wingsuits were invented before Black Ops 2. :P
  11. liquidpinky

    Ladder Animation and Sound

    Going up ladders isnt the real problem, getting back down is. Either the fps method or the one currently used in a3 can result in falling to your death. Fps by missing the ladder an a3 with that age old bug of the animation failing just as you get on the top of the ladder. As for the climb speed, i can do it that fast for real, pretty hairy with wet feet and carring a full rucksack of tools(weighs in at 38kg) though. Also on most industrial platforms they are staged to give you breaks on the way up, no way in hell you can do 100 feet in one go. They should add fatigue to long ladder climbs.
  12. liquidpinky

    Movement speed tweaking

    Should maybe be linked to running the animation used for the weapon, pistols and smaller smgs mostly use one handed running and bigger smgs upwards two handed animations. Slower again for launchers. Actuall carry weight should factor into it though, even empty handed with 50kg on your back will slow you down a lot. BIS need to get some poor sod on a track and try all the animations out on a set course then try varying weights also. I was going to suggest Ivan and placing a beer at the end as an incentive, but on hindsight this would achieve unaturaly fast times.
  13. liquidpinky

    Waypoint Marker Configurable?

    This should be configurable with the other hud elements as it is a pain in the ass to see. At the moment I use track IR and I look straight up and turn my head all round to try and spot it at the bottom of the screen, my wife thinks she is married to Stevie Wonder when she sees it. I hope we get the same amount of customisation as seen in ToH or I will be gutted, I really could do with it as parts of the hud are currently hidden behind my middle monitors bezel.
  14. liquidpinky

    Movement speed tweaking

    Pistol is a backup weapon, and functions quite well as one.
  15. liquidpinky

    Ladder Animation and Sound

    Would still require a few different animations though. Example, going from ladder to flat roof or ladder to walkway with railings require different techniques in real life. Done a ton of ladder climbing thanks to my job and there are load of ways to use them as well. Some trades are taught to put their hands on the rungs, others to use the sides and only have your feet on the rungs. Second way prevents falling to your death if someone went up in front of you with muddy boots. The A2 ladder sound was pretty much spot on for an industrial fixed ladder though. I would like to see more ladder animations though, they are one of the few things that stick out like a sore thumb at the moment.
  16. liquidpinky

    Clouds are not so volumetric

    Try flying through them in first person instead of third, big difference in appearance.
  17. liquidpinky

    Oculus Rift VR headset

    I would tend to agree, although I would probably like using the Oculus I would probably find wearing it tiresome after a while. I get sick of just using my headphones sometimes as my TrackIR clip is fitted on them, again I can switch to the hat with the ordinary clip but on a hot day that is uncomfortable too. For a real experience I would rob a bank to build a triple 4k projector system, would also have to murder my wife as there is no way of building it in the house while she is still breathing either. The Oculus would however be a value for money alternative take on it though, my only concern is long term comfort as I like mammoth gaming sessions.
  18. liquidpinky

    Suppression Effect missing in ARMA3

    Tis the way of the netz. I agree it is a tactic and agree that perhaps something is needed, I just am concerned about how it happens.
  19. liquidpinky

    Constant walking forward action

    Been doing it since day one, need to do the step over to get out of it. Pretty hairy getting stuck sprinting through a group of enemies. Will vote up immedeatly thanks.
  20. liquidpinky

    Suppression Effect missing in ARMA3

    So, do you think they got some shitty blur and false shake effect or did they use common sense and GTFO the line of fire meanwhile attempting to hit bullets close enough to their assailents and forcing them to do the same? Common sense tells you to get into cover, how do we simulate that?
  21. liquidpinky

    Suppression Effect missing in ARMA3

    Still wont remove that rotten hollow taste from my mouth though, like the one that junk in BF3 leaves you with.
  22. liquidpinky

    Suppression Effect missing in ARMA3

    Skill needs rewarded too. Putting someone in a position of being unable to fight back leaves me with a feeling of a hollow victory if I succeed in killing them, especially after removing their abilty to fight back solely by missing them in the first place.
  23. liquidpinky

    Load out at start of match/Armory

    They can aslo let you chose gear in the mission breifing screen before you even spawn at the start,if they allow it.
  24. liquidpinky

    Suppression Effect missing in ARMA3

    The innacuracy is not built in, it is a side effect of having to have a slacker bore to prevent the gun overheating under sustained fire while suppressing targets. Now although I am in the anti-supression camp at the moment, I would be happy if it was implemented better than current games do. The dust and dirt effect mention by ARM505 and better application of some physical effect (not visual blur crap) derived from a better formula. I would actually probably welcome and enjoy. eg like I mentioned ages back and similar to others as well it should be calculated from volume of incomming fire, caliber of incomming fire and distance from player. Not the current bullet lands withing 5m so make player blur and shake for 15 seconds, repeat until no more incomming bullets. Wait 15 seconds then remove effect. It should also tail off the longer you are under suppression as you grow accustomed to it, to a certain level deemed as the ultimate lower limit while under fire. So as to keep it fair on those dishing out the suppression. Hard cover needs to be taken into account as well, lying in the grass being suppressed would be more effective than being in a bunker getting shot at. And again, make it an option for those who will detest it no matter how well they impliment it.
  25. liquidpinky

    Suppression Effect missing in ARMA3

    You are asking the wrong person, I design and build control systems for a living. So to make a system that could fire a gun close to myself directly linked to my PC would not be a problem. I could also make a robotic leg kick me in the face if I wanted true realism during melee combat as well. Both would be going a little too far with the realism thing though.