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Everything posted by liquidpinky

  1. liquidpinky

    Oculus Rift VR headset

    How are the current 3DOF holding out, I only really use those the most in Arma anyway and use a separate button to zoom in? Have you messed around in A3 with it yet?
  2. liquidpinky

    ARMA 3 is so poor

    Although you may want to check his other posts out. ;)
  3. liquidpinky

    Oculus Rift VR headset

    So far TrackIR has proven more accurate though and deosn't suffer drift as bad as the methods used on the Rift.
  4. liquidpinky

    Does anyone else want an easier editor?

    An undo would be nice as well.
  5. liquidpinky

    Does anyone else want an easier editor?

    That is all we are after, plus making it easier to switch from one to the other on the fly would be very appreciated. Currently RTE tears the backside out of using the BIS one in how much easier it is to import your creation back into your mission file, deosnt require you to exit the game either. Just reload the mission and all your creation is there in its glory.
  6. liquidpinky

    Does anyone else want an easier editor?

    Currently using RTE with Take On Helicopters, makes a massive difference for building up assets like airports. Tempted to try it with A3 alpha actually. Now if a modder (albiet a talented one) can do it, why not BIS? I think intigrating the 3D editor in properly would be an excellent upgrade to the series, especially for those wanting to create larger assets for their missions.
  7. liquidpinky

    Automatic Mod Downloading

    WTH Posted in the wrong topic. Thanks slow assed works internet. FPDR
  8. liquidpinky

    H&K USP 9 mm Pistol

    CrazyBump FTW when it comes to frigging normal maps.
  9. liquidpinky

    TrackIR thoughts with Alpha

    You need to do a little tweaking in the TiR software to sort out the sensitivty.
  10. liquidpinky

    Just Overclocked my CPU.

    Fixed Not seen anything that deosn't benefit yet from making my CPU faster, some minor and some major improvements to be had right from the moment you press the power on button.
  11. liquidpinky

    TrackIR thoughts with Alpha

    Was also the case in Take On, even more noticible when wearing NVGs and having a third person peek about. Awsome leaning out for landing though.
  12. liquidpinky

    CSAR Helicopter Scripting

    Another thing that would be nice if it was ported in from Take On Helis like fast roping would be decent as well. Not like they haven't already made it.
  13. liquidpinky

    Any chance for default melee weapons?

    Sounds worse thanks to the wooded area, anyone who has fired a gun into the woods will know how much more sound is reflected back at you.
  14. liquidpinky

    Any chance for default melee weapons?

    Until I read this I thought melee might be a good addition. Now I am just going to make sure I don't run out of ammo, ever.
  15. liquidpinky

    Helicopter Assault Landing

    Pretty much bang on the money. Records the designated units movements to a file that can then be used with unitplay I think it is.
  16. liquidpinky

    Helicopter Assault Landing

    If it is quite technical or a setpeice landing unitcapture can be used to stage it, provided yourself or someone you know is a good pilot.
  17. liquidpinky

    what is your opinion about the new enhanched fog.

    That would be mist then, should maybe get it's own set of sliders too for even more mission fun. ;) Altittude to start at and altitude to tailing off etc.
  18. liquidpinky

    Better SLI support?

    Same, two 3gig 580s and SLi is running fine. Wonder if the others are hitting the full vram mark not allowing the cards cpus to work properly?
  19. liquidpinky

    FHQ Accessories pack

    Nice, will be giving these a shot after work. Pretty quick turnaround after solving your alpha problem, good job.
  20. liquidpinky

    silencers useless!

    Not entirely true, the VSS and suppressed M4 worked pretty well I thought. Could hide under a tree and snipe into Cherno (no, not DayZ :P )all day long and never get busted with the VSS. And the M4 was excellent for using in OA for getting in close to those radio towers in Domi. But then, both worked well because I was mostly hitting targets in two shots or under. Firing all day long and missing will get you busted.
  21. The gun also raises with a quick tap of the trigger, i dont even have mine bound to the ads button at all. I also have raise and lower on a specific button, it all depends on how you set your controls up.
  22. liquidpinky

    How to get the Collimator sights to work?

    Have you compared the textures for the materials themselves and the texture types, eg alpha layers?
  23. Try testing it with your pagefile on the RAMdisk, I akways found that more beneficial than putting the whole game on it.
  24. liquidpinky

    How to get the Collimator sights to work?

    Not really messed with O2 but it is usually just done by moving one part higher or lower in the hierarchy. The end face and the cylinder (or whatever shape it needs to be to match the sight frame) have to be separate objects usualy
  25. liquidpinky

    How to get the Collimator sights to work?

    It is an alpha material trick, not done it in A3 but used the same thing in some mods I made for GTSA ages ago. You could actually spot it by swimming with a holosight equiped EBR until a recent update. You create like a long cylinder from the sight towards the barrel and have the sight picture on the face at the end of it. It is then a case of setting alpha material layers priorities so that they hide the sight picture (also on an alpha material) when it is fully hidden within the tunnel at an angle outside of the holosight's frame.