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Everything posted by thedudeabides

  1. thedudeabides

    Moveing ArmA2 to SSD - how??

    Wait and do a clean install. Use the program SSD Tweaker to optimize it
  2. thedudeabides

    Next DLC: PMCs

    Islands +1 Optimized city +1
  3. thedudeabides

    WIP: Stuff you are working on 2!

    Nice ebanks, been waiting for the pech/korrengal valley. Looks great so far, maybe the FOB could be better but looks great.
  4. thedudeabides

    Grenade interface suggestions

    I like the original idea, also like the idea about longer you hold the button the shorter the throw goes. I would also like to see a safety mode thrown into the mix. An actuall safety mode with the weapon fire mode would be most helpfuli imo.
  5. thedudeabides

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Agree with you Brother. I was an US Army Infantryman for 8 years including two deployments to Iraq (OIF & OIFIII). This is the best sound mod for weapons so far. I still like TR for the wheeled and tracked vehicles but for most everything else J.S.R.S. pretty much kicks ass. Jarhead thanks for updating this like you have been, keep it up it is just getting better and better.
  6. Has anyone seen any FPS lag when using UPSMon in MP?
  7. Are there going to be different antennas for the manpacks as well ie short whip, long whip (what is on the prc 119 now) and the fancy new ones that I don't know what they are called because I never used them. What about SATcoms?
  8. thedudeabides

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    The weapon firing and echo sounds are good the incoming effects and some explosions need some work though. I like this mod and hope you can give some of these sounds alittle bit more umph.. if you know what I mean
  9. thedudeabides

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    I am getting the click of an empty weapon sometimes, it is not my weapon though it is coming from someone elses. I noticed it the most around the SCARs. It will just keep on making the sound for like thirty seconds. I am a pretty simple dude so I dont care really but thought you would like to know. Great mod though, I love the modular pbos. Thanks for the hard work and I look forward to any updates
  10. thedudeabides

    Multiplayer - is this a joke?

    Maybe joining a clan/squad would be your best bet. There is a whole thread dedicated to them. That seems to be the best way to get the most out of MP and they will help you set up your mods since most use a different set anyway. Just browse that thread and find the clan that fits what you are looking to do with Arma2OA
  11. It does seem like the AI will charge your position alot. Is there away you can have them fire and manuever/ take cover and suppress better in the next update? It seems like there is a certain threshhold on the accuracy. They are either dead on or spray and pray. No in between. Great mod, a few more AI Tweaks and it will be in awsome status
  12. thedudeabides

    DLC- What do YOU want?

    I would glady pay for a optimized large city map/island from BIS. Either in the Takistan or South Zagoria region.
  13. thedudeabides

    TF86 Navy SEALs Pack

    Luckily the people that use these units the most love them. I could probably download every addon posted in the BI forums and find some little fault. Ardvarkdb has invested alot of time into these units and I am pretty sure he would appreciate a pm stating a bug but this is just tit for tat stuff. Fox I like your style. You didnt like it so you fixed it yourself. People seem to forget that people make these addons in their own time for nothing except to make Arma2 even cooler. They were nice enough to release it to the community just to have some people nitpick small details. Long story short When you put the PBO files in your addons folders they work in Arma2. When you look at it and don't like what you are seeing it is as easy as pushing the delete key to make it go away. Report bugs and things that make the unit unplayable not small cosmetic things like a texture on an arm when I put my texture detail to normal. Addon makers release their hard work to the community for all to use and enjoy They do not release their hard work for everyone to complain and find every fault about it Most of these addon makers are just amateur modellers, texture artists etc.. If you want more quality complain to BI not to the guys just trying to making the game more enjoyable
  14. thedudeabides

    Generation kill mod

    Well when I was in Baghdad in 2003 one thing I remember about the sides of the major roads was that there were lots of little dips and mounds for bad guys to hide behind. And there is trash everywhere. Big piles of trash, small piles of trash, just trash everywhere. There were alot more palm trees and vegatation as well. this map has some great potential and I am looking forward to any updates. You might want to try an pm Ard, I will link you his post because I know he was working on some walls that you can blow holes into for a breach. maybe he could let you in on that little magic since he isn't pursuing his project much anymore it seems like. Would be a great addition to this map since walls play a huge role in Iraqi house planning http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=95496&page=60
  15. It is just the debug I think. You just need to disable it in your user configs
  16. thedudeabides


    How modular will this sound mod be. Would it be possible to have it as modular as HiFi?
  17. thedudeabides

    Generation kill mod

    Baghdad looks great so far. really looking forward to updates. In forthcoming updates it would be cool to have some more enterable houses along the river line so we can have some engagements over it. Some smaller roads off the main ones that get real tight would be cool. Is it possible to put in a overpass?
  18. thedudeabides

    TF86 Navy SEALs Pack

    @Sick1 I complety agree with you. The ACE guys had to adhere to the masses that don't quite have a top of the line system and the size of the file for those guys that are worrying about keeping a dedi up and running. There are alot of us that think this is the one of the best addons around for Arma2 (check out my signature) and just don't want to be getting this watered down ACE version.
  19. thedudeabides

    Urban Tunnel Objects (TKS)

    How many of the buildings are entrable? Skyscrapers as well?
  20. thedudeabides

    RH Mk18 1.0 pack

    Would it be possible to put in a dimmer action onto the eotech? Then people could set it how they want with a key action or something sorta like the NVG brightness in ACE2
  21. For server side settings, in the GL4 skill settings config, should I add all the different units? We use zeus as well. Does zeus eliminate the need to add all the different units? Is that only if I do not want to use default settings for a specific unit?
  22. thedudeabides

    RH Mk18 1.0 pack

    Are these configed for ACE? Edit: I am a jerk Albertors is doing it. Sorry Great Pack, love the MK14. Would it be possible to extend the rail system and most of the optics back over the bolt housing on the MK14?
  23. I would say the SFX from elias are the best. For weapons I use a mix of CSM2 and HiFi (mainly HiFi, it is more module....hint hint CSM2 team) For vehichles I use TRSM. When you get shot at with elias you know it which is pretty cool. Looking forward to all the updates that will come in the future and am excited for the new sound system Arrowhead is suppose to bring and the mods that will spawn from that