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Everything posted by ACPL Jon

  1. what they said, plus What's the ETA? :)
  2. ACPL Jon

    Isla Duala

    Thank You man! Cheers from ACPL Team :)
  3. What about closed beta-tests [like in PLA Mod case]? 8) Btw what objects will be required? Only Opteryx's ones?
  4. Hey Quincy, any ETA? Weeks\Months? ...days for beta? <3
  5. ACPL Jon


    thanks Beton, can't wait too see a "happier" Chernarus! :)
  6. ACPL Jon

    Island Jade Groove

    Interstate '76? That's like... USA. So TBH I think we need more desert maps, but more like afghanistan, iraq or whatever-middleeast-hotspot. Yeah, original maps are cool, but most of the time & cases - not really useful. You proved You're one of the best islandmakers out there, so; Except Duala and [too small] Quesh Kibrul... there's no decent desert map, especially if we talk about middle east. Why only these 2, if there's Shekhabad, or Razani? Simply because I talk about maps You can give people (coop teams, for example) to download, without mentioning "oh, and look out, it's only 3 GB's". CAA1 requirement is a true map killer. So, to sum up: We need standalone desert middle-east maps\islands which are more complex than just 5x5 km...
  7. It wasn't a perm ban afair 2 weeks and You get Your "racist" back :)
  8. Hey Sickboy, what post You were responding too? Mizz one? Bcz I'm afraid I didn't get any response, blah
  9. 'ey guys. We finally converted ourself to ACE. Cool But then, during the testing, there's that one question that thrills me... why US Army models have goggles already on them? Now try to get the goggles from the box and put them on and see how bad it looks... Btw last time we tried (v290?) the chopper dust (UH60) didn't blinded anyone without gogs (standard MARPAT soldiers). And lastly, is there any chance You could arm Ruskies with AK-74M? By default of course.
  10. ACPL Jon

    WW2 island_Beta release by Daraofp

    Win counter is over 9000 Thanks man
  11. I don't really have decent audio system here [GF's house] so they probably sound very flat compared to my 6.1. However, they gave me the feeling of being too soft (in my own custom soundpack half of the armory can make You deaf), which I don't like. I especially hate the super-unpowerful pistols, which doesn't even do "bang". This isn't going well with my shooting experience.However, like I stated, impacts, echo's and nade explosions are the best I ever heard.
  12. Personally I dislike the gun sounds, but the echos (of the combat somewhere nearby), impacts, explosions... these are just... SO DAMN SEXEY. They are perfect and belive me, I heard many sound mods. Thank You!
  13. +1and from what I heard in the vidoes it's gonna rock just like the Tracked SM... ;> Thank You SO MUCH.
  14. Hey guys, maybe it's a better idea to post it mainly here, like Kju mentioned?
  15. ACPL Jon

    Isla Duala

    New Duala is awesome. Thanks!
  16. ACPL Jon

    Missing Infantry Classes

    Not really needed, You can just set A-10 and link them in a group. I can't make a Spetznatz operator a medic... Cmon ppl, vote! http://dev-heaven.net/issues/show/7748 Ammobrearers are a good idea, but they should be listed as another feature
  17. Vote for missing classes at dev-heaven: http://dev-heaven.net/issues/show/7748 MIA Classes: - Spetznatz medic - Force Recon AT Operator - Russian Army Engineer There's also no corpsman for MVD, but I guess we can get over it the other way (MVD is more like counter-terrorist forces so I guess "medic" would look stupid in the unit list), like setting up a medical vehicle; But SF operating behind enemy lines, with no backup should have it's own medic. Please BIS, fix it, and HAPPY NEW YEAR and thanks for OFP2! (as I call A2) PS: Other players, please tell me if I forgot anything
  18. ACPL Jon

    Default Loadout

    I find it bad. MAIN PROBLEMS: - NOT ENOUGH AMMO - Misplanned equipment selection - M136 - Missing gun classes WHAT SHOULD'VE BEEN CHANGED: - Every soldier should have around 2 more magazines, also by removing unnecessary grenades (Vanilla A2 - M136 operator have 5 mags and a grenade... guess who's ammo ends first, when other slots is just M136 rocket). - Colored Smoke Nades instead of HE in Team Leaders equipment. I have NEVER seen anyone using it, I never used it too, and it's just pretty annoying when You have to change the loadout every, single, time just to have a reason to switch to M203 during the fight. - Mentioned M136 ammo should only take up to 2-3 slots. It'd end the first reported problem for M136 operator. - Engineers should have more mines. 2 are pretty useless, and giving him grenades is not a good excuse - You should be able to load M4, M16, etc with C-Mag. Also the silenced variants (then we finally have silenced AR, without hitting the realism). - Silenced mags should work in a regular, non-silenced weapon. WHAT I, AND OTHER PEOPLE, MISS: - M4 ACOG (without M203) - M4 ACOG SD (same) - MK12 SD - M249 & RPK74 RCO - M240 RCO and until someone discovers America for me, I want to tell everybody, that: YES, I KNOW about the ability to change the weapons in the editor\scripts and YES, I KNOW about the ability to rearm at ammoboxes or briefing it's just that it takes so much damn time to rearm (in editor or by ammoboxes) whole squad just so it doesn't need the ammo truck after first firefight, and it'd be nice, if BIS could correct the equipment in the nearest patch, just so we can just use standard classes equipment. It'd really help. Please fix it, BIS.
  19. ACPL Jon

    Default Loadout

    Didn't had the patience to read all of Your stuff (some other time, as I mentioned sometime before I hate replying to A4 posts), so I'll just tell You: Guys, wake up. A2 isn't just Domination...