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Everything posted by ACPL Jon

  1. ACPL Jon

    -=/UP-ARMORED Vehicles\=-

    Same guy, same thing. Btw, You may want to take a look at this... ;] http://www.moddb.com/members/vorabat/downloads
  2. ACPL Jon

    Forces Spéciales, a must-be-seen french movie

    And few Poles in last year too, so what? You can't change that. And afaik, it was their own decision to join the army, and furthermore to go on a mission. Muslims do loose their family members too, and You probably have no problem joking about that, or something. Also, getting back to the national jokes analogy, when You say Poles are stealing stuff You do insult 98 % of very fair Polish people, it's similiar kind of thing, get what I mean? I joke about blacks and jews too, that doesn't mean I hate them or disrespect them in any way. Don't let the national pride blind You, don't be that narrow-minded and buffoonish.
  3. ACPL Jon

    Forces Spéciales, a must-be-seen french movie

    Yep, I had the same thoughts - Tears Of The Sun 2. Except I think ToS should be called PoS and You probably don't :P And btw You french guys, and french-loving guys, You really can't stand a little humour? It's like Poles stealing things, it's funny coz' today it's not true, get it :)
  4. ACPL Jon

    F/A-18 Super Hornet

    I can do this for You :) Here You go: Hey, Kilgore69, work about this plane is complete ........ Happier now? :P :D
  5. Random problem with You, never had any problems with RO.
  6. thats (your second guess) how it works in standard Combined Ops...
  7. ACPL Jon

    -=/UP-ARMORED Vehicles\=-

    That is the best developer right there, yo.
  8. ACPL Jon

    ACE for OA 1.11

    This version is such full of win. Thanks guys !
  9. Great video, thanks. Can You make a similiar one for PMC?
  10. ACPL Jon

    [ADO] Brik 2

    This version is much better. Thanks, it's great. Now I only miss a good shooting range(s) map, Lauserheide style.
  11. ACPL Jon

    -=/UP-ARMORED Vehicles\=-

    Report them to the Moddb staff, or talk with Placebo. They (BIS) killed the POT mod which was all stolen ArmA 2 models.
  12. Guys, what's wrong with You? It's not that bad solution and I bet it can be easily modded.
  13. Baff, You're a troll, aren't You? I'm one of those unique few, who didn't completely wipe their ass off with this game, but what You did write is unacceptable, not to say "utter bullshit". How dare You comparing this mediocore CORRIDOR\ARENA SHOOTER to the open game world with civilians, animals, dynamic lightning (!), dynamic weather, dynamic viewdistance, every object destructable, every vehicle drivable IN EVERY MOMENT, NOT ONLY IN ONE GAME MODE, with EPIC editor and which easily runs fluidly with around 200-300 units (if we don't talk about epic scripted mission engines like Domi) on the map with a 2 year old PC, producing many scripted and non-scripted events, letting You play comfortably up to 40-50 players... how... how dare You? This shit games You mentioned "handle memory better"? Are You f... kidding me? I saw it running on the PC unit which can run ArmA 2 on medium settings in battles and missions much much bigger (up to 150 AI's in coop with ~20 players) then those in DR\RR. RR? Guy had to reset the coligation every time to don't have a slideshow, comp was running loud like a tractor and he had to turn the game to medium settings so it runs kinda smooth. Even with that it was 10 times more clunky (movement) and "too far to the right, one step too many to the left" and similiar problems which You accuse ArmA 2 of. It's not fluid like You say (it's a lie), not to mention YOU CAN'T CROUCH THROUGHOUT THE RELOAD ANIMATION ;] unless You move. That's realism? That's bullshit sir. Don't even try to mention "RR can do X better then ArmA 2" because it can't, except reload animations and having fun within 30 minutes (if You can accept it's numerous problems and limitations) opposed to arma which is better for longer and more engaging sessions. Even ragdoll isn't better, I saw arms sticking through the wall and stuck in the doors, also it has been changed from kinda-good game-beta state (youtube videos from previous E3 or some other "con"). And well, that pretty much sums up my outburst. I can't stand when people post things far from truth acting like it's all the opposite :)
  14. ACPL Jon

    Army hero's shock as he is used in.. ARMA!

    (mine) Thumbs up for court case against assholes.
  15. ACPL Jon

    Behaviorism ;-)

    Errr, not really man. "Players" tab on the map. You see who's in and who's not.And JIP is really... well, we wouldn't play without it probably. Because from v1.55 and higher crashes are so often, half of the players would be gone, some even in the briefing section. And JIP let's them back in action, as well as the guys who had a connection reset or power off in most tragic cases. Don't ever criticize it :P JIP ftw.
  16. ACPL Jon

    Anti-realistic gear in real life =)

    I guess You guys never heard of ACE 2?
  17. ACPL Jon

    Army hero's shock as he is used in.. ARMA!

    He should sue You for using his name on the internets.
  18. ACPL Jon

    Army hero's shock as he is used in.. ARMA!

    You mean that shoot-em-up game? after all.I wonder tho, why won't BIS sue these guys for false accusations? :)
  19. ACPL Jon

    Behaviorism ;-)

    Of course Vilas. Like You have a big experience in multiplayer gaming :) Herbal, I feel Your pain but sadly that's todays society. I assure You tho - there's many people who talk. It just depends on who you will meet in the server (simple stuff: the more addons you use, the bigger chance you will meet a talking and experienced player). It's more common on arma 2 vanilla game, mostly because there's a wave of newbies from A2F and polish game magazine - some of these people didn't even knew how to use chat or VON (OFP and ArmA controls were always way off from corridorish shooters). Also, most of the true (and mature) fans are already on combined ops, so the rest playing on vanilla is probably the mentioned newbies or people who have stolen the game (piracy). In the end, it's just the fact that gaming is less "elitish" then it was in the past, now there's just many assholes out there :)
  20. Like CoD's or BF's listen to the community -.-
  21. I'd like to ask (26 pages, I think You can understand me), but will there be some anti-nade-spam measures? It's one of main 3 problems with standard RO for me (dull movement, bullshit ballistics in close combat and the damn asshole-ish grenade rain), making the games on maps like Danzig or Basovka almost a one big frustration-run.
  22. ACPL Jon

    CWR² Demo

    GJ You guys. Since the armaholic's mirror is up, we made some news for the Polish community. We're also gonna set up our own mirror soon.
  23. ACPL Jon

    Brothers in Arms: Franchise Down

    ...until You do it the BIS or Relic's way.
  24. ACPL Jon

    Brothers in Arms: Franchise Down

    Kiddin', right? I did finished RtH 30 on my friends Xbox for the first time.Dunno about EiB, but RtH 30 hit the Xbox and PS2 and even one more platform I can't remember. Check the facts before posting stuff :) True, true.