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About MadMantiz

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  • Interests
    Arma2, Tetris and retro demo coding
  • Occupation
    Production Engineer
  1. Excuse me for borrowing this thread too, but I found it while I was browsing for a solution to a problem I have. I am wondering exactly the same thing. I am working on a mission where you are going to get a helicopter and fly it over enemy grounds guarded by IGLA launchers. The idea is that you should take out the launchers before flying off with the chopper. Now, if I just place an empty huey from the empty list, jump in and fly over, the launchers won't even fire. They will just keep you in their sights. But if you place a huey from the blufor side, kill all the crew or order them to disembark, and then fly that chopper over the same area, you will be blown out of the sky very soon. The game doesn't seem to fully register empty vehicles as enemy in the same way. The odd thing is that enemy foot soldiers will fire at it, no matter what. I am probably overlooking something obvious but I would really want this to work without having to execute the crew or have it exit the chopper everytime I need to borrow it. Cheers!
  2. Hi everybody, I have recently started editing and creating my first missions in ArmA 2 and it is great fun. I have run into a few questions which I have not been able to find a clear answer for by reading and searchig the forums. It is possible the answer is out there but I have been unable to find it. My idea is to have a group of approaching enemy aircraft, like Su-25, trying to destroy a certain building which you have to defend (for testing purposes building 369000, ID369000 (on the southeast pier in Elektrozavodsk) . I have referred the building's ID with a game logic as I found in another thread. When the building is destroyed, the mission ends. The problem is that I cannot get any aircraft to attack it. I have tried different waypoints, differents orders (guard, destroy, seek and destroy etc) I also cannot get the approaching aircraft to fire at the player or any other soldiers at all. The only way I can get it to shoot, is if I shoot at it first. Otherwise is just keeps circling around the waypoints. Thanks for listening, cheers!