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Everything posted by roy86

  1. certainly am ;) Similar, not the same. I have already tried Arsenal and while it is good, it does not suit the requirement. Armoury has a broader scope around class based restrictions and other features linked to PO.
  2. I'll have a sneak peek for you soon, it's called the "Virtual Armoury". Visually similar to the arsenal, it is configured to allow certain loadout setups (configurable) to certain classes such as rifleman or recon etc... Very easy to customise so it can be adapted to different mods and group setup preferences. Features etc were poorly documented in the past PO3 but the new functions and features will be documented in the functions viewer and In-game through the briefing screen. Cheers
  3. ACRE2 is not supported yet as it was released well after the last update to PO3. As above, please place a normal crate to access the radios. I'll look at supporting it in the next update.
  4. It should only be allowed by team leaders and Admins. Double check you have the normal version and not a 3rd party one which I cannot verify or support. Awesome, thanks for the info regarding fatigue. I'll make sure I include that in the next update.VAS depends on how many mods you have loaded if its the straight vanilla one. There are some code tweaks around pre-loading but I have not investigated this as the next version does not use VAS. Edit the PO3_CfgLogistics_UnitLoadouts array in Patrol_Ops_3_Configuration.hpp file and add/remove weapons and gear in that array. Yes there is :) same file as above but add new points to the following array: PO3_CfgRespawn_PreDefinedPositions It goes [<target>,<object/marker_name/position>,<marker_type>,<display_name>] I've also posted the first PO3 SITREP leading up to the release of the next version. http://roy86.com.au/a3po3sitrep20140903 I hope you enjoy cheers,
  5. 1) Use createMine to create it. And you'll need to set its position to get it to sit just below the surface (about 2m). _mine = createMine ["UnderwaterMine", [_pos select 0,_pos select 1], [], 0]; _mine setPosATL [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,(getPosATL _mine select 2) - 2]; 2&3&4) not that I'm aware of.
  6. 1. There is a calculation in each task file that can be modified to set the proportions of enemy per connected player (look for "_b = ..." 2. When an ammobox is created, a process is spawned that has a radius of 1000m by default. look for the below code in logistics\fn_createSupplyBox.sqf and change the 1000 to something larger. waitUntil{ sleep 10; count ([_box,1000,_side,["CAManBase","LandVehicle","Air"]] call PO3_fnc_getNearbyPlayers) == 0 }; 3. Nice idea 4. Never had the time to really work that one out. Very weird behaviour related to the velocity of the aircraft relative to the liftable object. Looking forward to helicopter expansion to solve the lifting ;) Can you verify this since the latest 1.26 update? Cheers mate, To remove logging, just delete the contents of the log script fn_log.sqf and just have "true" in it. That way no logs are generated ;) hmm thats odd. do the vehicles have the respawn function in their init? Standard PO3 has a modified VAS that is restricted to the assigned role of the player. The team leader can change a players role in their squadmod gui by selecting a player and changing their assigned role to AT to have access to AT weapons. Cheers,
  7. _unit = _this [color="#FF0000"]select [/color]0; the "select" is refering to a position in an array: [0,1,2,3...etc] as you are passing a player (unit/object) and not an array as "_this", that will not work. try either _unit = _this; or (recommended) [player] execVM "loadout.sqf" Cheers
  8. Not infinity just position [0,0,0] in the SW corner of the map. This is due to a function not performing correctly in MP. Not a game breaker but is annoying. Hi MattH 1. Remove the respawn all together. That way it will never de-spawn and will not be replaced making it very realistic OR increase the respawn timer to something really large 2. There are no IEDs in the public versions of 3.1. You will need to go back to the person who implemented it in your version. 1. The solution to the ammo boxes was given in the next post. I've not had the time to investigate or release an update as any time I have is going towards the next instalment. 2. Make sure this is not caused by an AI mod or something. The vanilla versions do not appear to suffer this. 3. I won't commit to a date at this time. Although I would love to develop in Arma more, my job keeps my away. FYI, The next update is not really an update but a "from scratch" re-build to how I originally wanted Patrol Ops. Based on the feedback I've been sent and shown, PO3 is a shadow to its predecessor and I'm not happy with its current direction. So, with this and the original plan in mind, the new version will see the return of old features enhanced and also with a host of new features that I'll tease you all with in due course before its release. I'm keeping in mind the requests to isolate features for use in others missions as well so it takes more time. Cheers,
  9. That's sound like some awesome work, would you mind sharing it with me? I'm always open to improvements and solutions email.me@roy86.com.au Cheers
  10. Extraction is difficult in 3.2. I would recommend http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?170975-A3-Wounding-System as they did a decent job at porting the original version of the script by Bon_Inf from A2.
  11. great work, congrats on the release and thanks the credit :D
  12. That's a global issue due to a bug introduced in the latest A3 patch 1.22. Effects more than just PO3.
  13. Hi Chal00, can't say we've had any problems. I'll take a deeper look soon and see whats happening. Nice work. I'll look at making the orbat not dependant on BIS group configuration so as not to effect High Command Thanks for reporting. Please log in the dev-heaven and I'll look into it. Cheers
  14. The task system relies on the whole MP framework behind PO3 and that is not an simple thing to "extract". Essentially PO3 IS the task system and the framework is supporting it. In your script all you need is when you run it, have an array of tasks that you want available and then execute a random one.
  15. not that I'm aware of. I made sure the AI not spawned by the PO3 scripts are generally absent of any over riding scripts so as to support the AI Mods that may be used. I have not use MCC so cannot validate that.
  16. Yep, I'll work on releasing feature separated scripts after Patrol Ops 3.3 Update
  17. Not like that. Like the below: _preAssignedRole = player setVariable ["PO3_VAR_roleAttribute",nil]; if(isNil "_preAssignedRole") then { switch (true) do { case (player == a1); case (player == a2); case (player == a3) : { player setVariable ["PO3_VAR_roleAttribute","Rifleman",true] }; /* OR */ case (player IN [a1,a2,a3] ) : { player setVariable ["PO3_VAR_roleAttribute","Rifleman",true] }; }; }; ---------- Post added at 08:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:31 AM ---------- This is not by design and is not present in any version I've tested/played. I cannot debug that for you. Recommend you check your mods.
  18. each of the case statement. e.g. switch (true) do { case (player == S1) : { player setVariable ["PO3_VAR_roleAttribute","MachineGunner",true] }; case .... case .... };
  19. TvT/PvP is not supported... yet. Your only option at the moment is to but side case handlers in the white/black list for VAS. I have a long list of things that the community want implemented and while most of these are ready, these haven't been tested and RL is having a big impact on that. There is no real ETA on when this will be delivered, only my assurance it will be. Cheers
  20. Thanks for the feedback guys, I'll take it on board for the next release.
  21. Still working on things, will have answers/solutions and an update soon. not much time to script atm.
  22. There will still be a vanilla scripted version which can be augmented by zeus as you've done but the plan for PO3 Zeus requires it to be a mod due to the additional custom modules.
  23. Got some major fixes being put together. I'll release once tested with a bunch of smaller tweaks. Work is busy and I'm spending a lot of time away. Also I'm tackling Zeus implementation and PO3 looks like it will become a mod, not just a mission. Thanks for the patience.
  24. Well done mate, looking forward to seeing these in action.