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Everything posted by jacobs

  1. jacobs

    OPCOM - Operations Command (NEW UPDATE)

    Hey guys, is there a way to set the quantity of enemies on a mission? Usually I get 30+ enemies per mission, and it''s pretty difficult to win without using CAS/artillery. I would like to create small missions, winnable using a small fire team of 5~6 AI soldiers.
  2. It has modern AR's but not that specific... take a look at "tier 1 weapons" mod for those variants.
  3. They re-uploaded this mod to steam workshop so you'll have to subscribe and download again.
  4. jacobs

    [WIP] French Army Mod : ArmaModFrance

    Yeah, the vehicle have a futuristic look, and you are doing a fantastic job modeling it! 😉
  5. jacobs

    [WIP] French Army Mod : ArmaModFrance

    Sorry I was just kidding, the latest vehicle you shared looks like something from halo franchise. 😅
  6. jacobs

    [WIP] French Army Mod : ArmaModFrance

    When did you change from france faction to h.a.l.o ?
  7. If it's on the true, it's internet...
  8. jacobs


    Interesting... but SMA was abandoned a log time ago, think there are better HK 416 models available on NIArms and Tier1 weapons.
  9. Thanks guys, I was able to run TPW with a mission generatd by DRO and it worked fine. The environment felt much more alive and realistic. Does TPW makes enemy AI smarter?
  10. Hello guys, I would like to use tpw but usually I don't create my own missions. I use generators like dynamic recon ops. Is it possible to use tpw with these types of missions? Is it activated by default? Do I need to call those methods on debug window in order to activate?
  11. jacobs

    Tier 1 Weapons

    That Sig MCX is sick! Thanks a lot! 😎
  12. jacobs

    USP Gear & Uniforms

    Does vests and helmets have their own stand alone pack?
  13. jacobs

    B&T APC9

    So tacticool! Thanks!
  14. Great improvements to the USMC, really impressive! Thanks a lot!
  15. jacobs

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Sorry, somehow I inverted you affirmation and thought PIP should be desabled for PNVS to work. I'll enable PIP and test again.
  16. jacobs

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Sorry but I disabled PIP on video settings, with no luck. Are there more settings or key presses to make it work?
  17. Cool M110 model, but the reload animation is not there yet, it's using an AK reload animation. Is it possible to change the animation to an AR style?
  18. Wow that's exciting! Awesome work guys, thanks a lot for CUP!
  19. Cool! Sand looks more sand-ish now 😅
  20. jacobs

    USP Gear & Uniforms

    why don't YOU buy your models with your own money and stop whining?
  21. I completely disagree, CUP reload is quite good.
  22. Thanks for the awesome FAL models pushed to dev branch recently!