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About CptCrunch

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  1. CptCrunch

    FFAA MOD Spanish army

    SOrry guys, you probrably covered this and yet again i coudnt find any threads prior to, but i'm wondering how to load the new FFAA weapon set into a server...where do the pbo's go and such... thanks for your time!:bounce3:
  2. CptCrunch

    X_script Problem

    what do you mean by copy them in windows explorer? How would i go about doing that / find them for that certain mission? and where would they need to go?
  3. x_scripts\x_jip.sqf <----- This window pops up when loading a co_Domi map after editing(adding a few things to base)... i found a marker/trigger on the map with _xhandle = [] execVM "x_scripts\x_jip.sqf" in the Act box... everything else in the trigger window is "0" and "none". did i lose scripts with the file transfer to my editor or do i have to redo all the scripting for everything?! Also, there is no ammobox in the base spawn area which was obviously there online...i'm lost. Anyone?
  4. Hello all, i'm rather new to the editing but i know my basics except for one important piece of knowledge: How do i import a mission, that i downloaded, into the mission editor(arma2)?! :confused: Example: I want to loadup a DomiA2 mission and add/take away certain things and then be able to play it online... I have some missions DL'ed and the pbo's are in my MPMissions folder, and they show up when i create a new internet MP game, but won't show up in the editor under "Load"... Maybe you guys already covered this, but i couldn't find anything on the threads. Thanks for your time! -EAT MY CEREAL!-