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Everything posted by AceOfSpades
ANNOUNCE: PVP script pack released
AceOfSpades replied to sbsmac's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : Community Made Utilities
ahhhh so the timer/#players was the culprit! Doh! :o I had a feeling that it would be something like that and not really a problem but felt compelled to report anyways. Happy then I did not make any work for you that is new. I get the feeling I make too much work for you as it is :D I think what I am gonna do on the manual is , once I am done making some TvT maps for our servers I will start another co-op and will design the tutorial as a walkthrough for that mission. I will incorporate all features useful to co-op in one mission. On that note gonna make a short list, a wish list of sorts, of features we have discussed elsewhere in this thread that would be great for co-op mode. I know your busy so no worries just gathering these things so its all on one post. **ability to turn the score system off and just keep track of deaths and kills. **helicopter insertion, you can see a working version of this in xeno's MP paradrop mission that comes in his domination pack. It nvr has failed and me and my son have pllayed it often together.(makes the chopper teleport to avoid AI crashes) **Side specific ammo boxes **More control over artillary, either some kind of trigger or timer ect to make it start/stop (like drive into this area and arty starts, drive out it stops) **Ability to hide markers displayed to players in case co-op design calls for unknown mine fields ect. **Ability to make AI respawn at a location if that location is not taken(for some reason but I am ignorant, this one I think would be hard to figure out) I think this is all from prior posts that have been discussed. Also, I cannot find documentation on safezone or hostage other than the 2.03 video. Can you update the manual a bit with the keywords that can be used/combined with that? I am sure this will be used by coop makers often. Also "sign" keyword syntax in manual would be useful so video does not have to be referred to. (easier to read some text than find that spot in video ect.) I would edit the manual regarding this myself but since I have not used it yet I am afraid I will input wrong info. -
ANNOUNCE: PVP script pack released
AceOfSpades replied to sbsmac's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : Community Made Utilities
My Afghan mission is up on Armaholic.com if any are interested. Do not forget that you will need the a few mods to run it as listed on the download page. Mac think I stumbled across more work for you accidently or maybe not , might be related to the time problem you have hot fix for.(I always just wait for new releases) I was messing around with this "football" gamemode after putting it up on our server to get some folks to take a peak and shoot me some ideas... anyhow 2 things..one was the timer did not seem to be running,the time was set in parameters to 5 minutes so I can test outro music. 5 minutes turned into 10 and nothing. The clock on the HUD was not ticking off either. Also noticed that any other time I have messed with this map, the clock was not running, this was first time though I tried to let it go the distance. The other thing was ... got rid of stock ak for a g-36, then scored some flag points then decided to do a blow myself up test and chk other features. I respawned with loadout but the gun would not fire until I used the weapon select key "F" and cycled back to the g-36, even though it looked as if I could fire. I tested this each time and duplicated the results. -
ANNOUNCE: PVP script pack released
AceOfSpades replied to sbsmac's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : Community Made Utilities
Yea, I will work on it Mac, least I can do. Must say tho, probably won't get started on anything until monday morning my next whole day off. I wanna get some notes together I'm a note whore cause my memory is non por caca. -
ANNOUNCE: PVP script pack released
AceOfSpades replied to sbsmac's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : Community Made Utilities
I would be more than happy to help out with a manual, not sure how the google thing works would imagine like wiki. A few folks are asking me how I got last nights mission done, you will be having a few more people download your pack soon I would think. I was actually thinking about writing a how-to for making coop's with your script pack and post on our community. Mac asked: Hmmm - not sure what you mean by this (I don't play squad based co-op enough!) Could you describe a bit more ? .... If the squad leader presses one of the squad command buttons ( F1 - F12 ) he will still get the riing with distance shown ect, just like when you press the space bar. The space bar goes into command mode and highlights all squad members, the F keys do the same for individual squad members on the leaders control. This applies to only those that would be able to issue commands. -
ANNOUNCE: PVP script pack released
AceOfSpades replied to sbsmac's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : Community Made Utilities
Mission test went well only a few minor tweaks suggested.. but a few things were noticed. In this mission players are under restrictions not to use explosives in town, I have eliminated all ways to get explosives thru ammo boxes besides what the mission specifically calls for unless a player picks up gear from a dead soldier. I have the starting weapon as "" so marksmen starts with dmr ect. I have ctf_grenades=0 but players still start with grenades, as well as saveloadout not working even though I had ammo box in respawn area. This ammo box btw was not one of yours since I needed one with just satchels and mines( U.S. Ordnance Ammo Box). Also is there a way to prevent players from grabbing gear from deadmen? For now I just changed to save on death instead. One bug was noticed but not sure what you can do about it. When in a coop squad the squad leaders can still access command funtions by using the squad keys. Not sure if this is even worth messing with, only affects squad leaders. One person on start up could not access thier map at the paradrop deployment marker. They had to leave server and come back in, then it worked fine. No one has ever had this problem before, think it was just a fluke maybe. This mission will be up on Armahaulic friday or saturday at the latest if you wish to try it out with some friends. I recondmend 8+ guys to "feel" all the stuff I put in mission has a max capacity of 15 and make sure everyone has a six-pack to boot and 2-3 hrs. You will need the caa1 mod set that allows you to run arma 1 maps ect and also the afghani 1.5 mod as that is the map that is used as well as desert USMC mod for the uniforms. All of these can be gotten on armahaulic. Wish list...... desert enemy uniforms and turban wearing guerillas. So I had some time and thought I would take a look into the TvT that some folks are requesting we have. I am very intersted in the rugby gamemode. Hope you don't mind me re-naming it football, even though rugby is played here in the US , doesn't mean too many folks have even heard of it LoL. I was wondering a few things..... I was messing around in a rugby I created, I had copied your borders exactly by merging missions with a blank one on the map I wanted and then moved it all and arranged ect. So I know the markers are right. As I was messing around with this and that I thought I would fire some shots into the opposite sides spawn border and nothing happened but I did blow up when I entered. I am assuming that you only die when you fire and hit someone?? Also I would really like to take the football idea a bit farther and was wondering if this was possible....I would like 2 flag return spots for each side. 1 that would score 3 points if you take the flag to it and it would be placed closer to the flag spawn point and the other flag return spot would score 7 points and would naturally be placed farther away and closer to the opposing forces spawn area making it easier to defend. Is this possible? I would imagine you could change the score with the keyword score=3 or 7? But can you have that many flag return spots? Thanks alot, I swear this pack of yours amazes me and man is makign a TvT map a breeze in comparison to my coop lol. -
ANNOUNCE: PVP script pack released
AceOfSpades replied to sbsmac's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : Community Made Utilities
mission is complete and rdy for final testing by squad tonite. I ran some tests and this is what I did/found...(some of this may want to make it into manual) I recreated a test mission using a copy of the script pack from the last version of my mission. I set respawn point, then the following objectives. 1st obj named rally point and is neutral until take. 2nd obj. named obj 2 and set to east controlled 3rd obj. named destroy this set to east controlled with a bmp inside it 4th obj. named obj 4 set to east controlled and overlapping 3rd obj this is pretty much a mini replica minus a good amount of objectives in my mission but every different "type" is reflected minus one hold objective. 1st test dominate set true, neutral set false started completed objectives it did not work just like my mission. 2nd test both dominate and neutral set to true , started game and it went strait to the ending and would not allow you to play. 3rd test left cfg both to true but changed the rally point to blufor owned, started mission , completed objectives and got ending. 4th test just incase it hadnt been tested yet and for my own curiosity, I left cfg's set to true but moved the destroy obj. out from under obj 4. started and played,completed,got ending. So.. a note might need to be made if it is not already there, that an objective cannot start out as neutral IF you use any destroy objective. You CAN have an objective start as neutral but only if you DO NOT use a destroy objective. -
ANNOUNCE: PVP script pack released
AceOfSpades replied to sbsmac's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : Community Made Utilities
woot ok, so there may be light here shining down hehe... if I read what you say Mac, I should be able to insert the destroy objective back in and then set both domination and neutralization to true and then mission should work as originally intended? hehe hope you can reply to this one soon I might be able to sneak in another version with the above change before our squad night test. and I sure hope it is a cool mission been working my but off but learning tons in the process :) gonna try and do a quickie test mission re-creating everything from the problem to solution. -
ANNOUNCE: PVP script pack released
AceOfSpades replied to sbsmac's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : Community Made Utilities
Tom - yes version 2.08 and have toggled the time of day on and off to show up in parameters and everything is still working fine. As soon as I get the chance I will test it again as my memory is not all that great but yes, 2.08. Also have run my mission on our server, time is set to 0630 and that is the time it starts everytime. Mac- ok , I will keep the ammo boxes in the respawn area or use preserve on death thanks for the info. ---------- Post added at 02:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:36 PM ---------- After testing in multiplayer editor preview I cannot get my afghan mission to quit when the objectives are met. I have ctf_domination set to true. These were the parameters that I can think may or may not be effecting it.... Tested in muliplayer editor preview with one mod called lost key activated. Started mission, activated lost key to use unlimited ammo and ghost mode to breeze through the mission. 1.5 hrs later and over 200 enemy <pant,pant> I have everything turned blue except the one spot that has a hold conditino placed on it, I goto the hold objective, turn it "blue" and wait and wait.... Because of the nature of the mission I have some guerillas that are NOT friendly to blufor but they do not trip the objective markers because they ate not opfor. Using lost key I scan the map and locate the 4 guerillas that still occupy the "blue" objectives..I kill them and run back to hold objective, turn it "blue" still nothing. The following things I can think maybe made a difference?.... Lost keys ghost mode broke it?? Although I was able to turn the objectives from opfor to blufor controlled with it on, also tried finishing the mission with ghost mode off. One lost keys anomoly tho, when in ghost mode your kills are considered friendly since the enemy cannot see you and your kill score goes into the negative, could this be the cause? Only other thing I can think of is the destroy objective I had placed. Over the top of it as I mentioned in a prior post, a regular clear enemy objective. Could the two over lapping have something to do with it? Or just the destroy objective being there period? I have since removed the destroy objective, uploading latest version of mission to dedicated server, a bunch of us will play test it tonite and see if the mission ends or not, if it doesn't then it is definately not connected to the destroy objective. Two other things I have thought of, in my mission there are counter attacks of opfor (not guerillas) that take back some of the objectives, while play testing they worked and turned them back to opfor controlled. As the players would I went back and killed them turning it back to "blue" then went on with the mission. Could this be a cause? The last thing is one squad of counter attack opfor did not make it from thier starting spot to the objectives,they got lost about a km away. They never touched an objective and did not start in one but I did not go find them on the map and kill them. I just saw them far away on map when I scanned it using lost keys mod. Thanks -
ANNOUNCE: PVP script pack released
AceOfSpades replied to sbsmac's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : Community Made Utilities
if it helps any, every mission i have put on our dedicated server works fine with proper daytime/nighttime settings, these are co-op if that helps. Hey Mac can you reply to my prior post regarding ammo box markers and scoring please? thanks. ***edit nm on the score nothing in the cfg and tried setting keyword score=0 on an objective and it still scores points so guess there is no way to change that. -
ANNOUNCE: PVP script pack released
AceOfSpades replied to sbsmac's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : Community Made Utilities
lol true,true and true lol Ok i was tired what can I say. Yes just having the check mark on the task list turn green or checked ect would solve any confusion amoung players that are not familiar with the map. Right now since the objectives on the task list do not update, players look at the map or the HUD if you put it up there ( I had to remove mine from afghan mission too many objectives and it took up too much screen space) to determine what has been completed ect. So yea just getting the task list to cooperate would be grand. Thanks, sorry for my ramblings early this morning. Oh on a coop mission the scoring is a bit uneeded and during play testing several players have asked "why is my score so huge and going up like it is when im just sitting here?", I can remove that by inserting key word score=0 for each capture objective correct? Or is zero not an acceptable number? Have not tried it but thought I would ask. Also I did not check but does a destroy objective score points for the person doing the destroying? Can that also be set to 0 as well? My community has asked for me to do some TvT matches for those days we don't want to work together but instead kick the booty out of eachother. They have been very impressed by what I have been able to do with your script pack for co-op. Just want to say thanks, you really allow the world of mission making to open up to many like myself who are creative enough but not skilled with scripts in anyway. **edit I have a question regarding the ammo markers, saving gear loadout and possibly a favor to ask for the coop part of your script pack. Afghan mission I am finishing up, I have very strict weapons restrictions for the sake of realism. In order to keep that I had to use the game's ammo boxes in order to keep players from getting weapons that they shouldn't. I noticed during testing that it did not save any loadout taken from these boxes. I am assuming because the gear save is connected to your specific ammo box markers?? Preserrve loadout has been set to true. If that is the case , do you think we can get opfor and bluefor versions of ammo boxes? explosives,rocket launchers and guns/misc equip.? I realize for TvT this doesn't make any difference but for coop's especially if your trying to make things somewhat realistic it sure would be helpful. Also ... when restricting weapons via the cfg like turning grenade launchers off is that pertain to the gear available from your ammo box markers? Does it prevent you from obtaining them from your ammo boxes? or also the game? -
ANNOUNCE: PVP script pack released
AceOfSpades replied to sbsmac's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : Community Made Utilities
Mac wrote: How woudl you want this to work ? I'm guessing you would want it so that the objective was neutralised after destroying the contents but then effectively turned into a normal objective ? Well I guess my hangup with the destroy objective is when you destroy it, it becomes neutral and some players ask why it is not turning "blue". If no one there knows better and can explain then folks think it is a bug. For my Afghan mission that I will be releasing this weekend I hope I found a work around and placed a regular objective over it, with clever placement of stuff, the players in the end do not see anything that appears "wrong". While writing this a thought occured to me. What about a destroy objective marker with a key word for an object? Like how the paradrop works and you can chage the vehicle you use to access the paradrop. So instead of a oblise or rectangle it would be a marker icon. In the game it would just be whatver vehicle you chose. So the text line of this kind of destroy objective would look like: Destroy Tank,east,vehicle=T72. Actually I can see were both kinds of destroy objectives would be useful. The idea I just described for one or two targets. The present way but with it somehow changing to the opposite of what it started as(not neutral) for large areas with many things to destroy. Hope I am making sense been finishing up my afghan mission, it is horribly late or early in the morning for that matter and I have toothpicks holding my eyes open. Good night. -
ANNOUNCE: PVP script pack released
AceOfSpades replied to sbsmac's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : Community Made Utilities
Well got the music working right after finding a file converter, didnt really think changing the format name but thought what the hell I will try it. Is there a way in future releases to make a destroy objective also a capturable objective at the same time? I tried the flag keyword, the pole appeared but it captures nothing after everything has been destroyed. yes I stood very close and waited for 2 minutes to make sure it was not working. Also noticed in the briefing area under tasks that the check boxes never turn green when completed, not really a huge deal though just thought I would mention it since I am on the same topic. Thanks -
ANNOUNCE: PVP script pack released
AceOfSpades replied to sbsmac's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : Community Made Utilities
yes, I started with a 3 hour game so 180 minutes I believe and the ticket system was set to 50. With the individual respawn count "//" again so it would not mess with the ticket system. I kind of figured it was a special file format, you wouldn't happen to know of a name of a decent free converter would you? -
ANNOUNCE: PVP script pack released
AceOfSpades replied to sbsmac's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : Community Made Utilities
I was trying to set my own intro and outro music and could not get it to work, this is what I did. Made an edited version 35 secs long of the song I wanted for both intro and outro. Saved it twice under names introSong.ogg and outroSong.ogg within my mission/sounds folder. In the cgf for intro and outro I put "introSong" and "outroSong" respectively. End result was nothing. Now the music editor I was using did not offer the file extension .ogg so I had to rename the file and change .mp3 to .ogg. Is this what caused the break? Still not the right format?? I put it all back the way it was until I hear from you again. Also think I found a co-op bug, before my mission each player was limited in lives but decided to change that and make it an allotment of lives shared using the ticket system. I also changed the game length time but don't think this is what caused the break. Anyhow mission would start but almost exactly 2 minutes into mission it would end and goto outro saying that the mission time had run out. I kept lowering the time, finally I found that 120 minutes would work, but also removed the ticket system and went back to player respawn count at the same time. After making those changes mission works fine again. So somewhere in there it broke and somewhere in there it unbroke. Sorry I can't give more details, it was not til after I had it working again that I realized I should have paid more attention to what I was doing and un-doing so I could report to you. -
ANNOUNCE: PVP script pack released
AceOfSpades replied to sbsmac's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : Community Made Utilities
Good work, getting rdy to put the new pack to work. We tested my afghan mission last night , everything worked very smoothly on the script pack end, although had a we bit of a problem with my enemy palcements hehe but everything was a go, now you got the notes part up, woohoo now I can get to wrapping this mission up. There was minor thing noticed in the testing last night tho, the space bar limiter, ever so often someone would spawn/respawn with the space bar working, this happened to me after one of my deaths, respawned and space bar worked for that entire life, died and went back to not working like it should. This seemed to be pretty rare, was 5 of us testing and it was reported maybe 4 or 5 times through the coarse of 20 or so team deaths. So not a big deal since it still keeps people from cheating most of the time. Was wondering , if I remove the signs say for a minefield will that also remove the map marker seen by players during a mission? I like the signs but can see several reasons and instances where other than the in game little signs in russian I would not want any players to know in advance about a minefield. Is there a way to set so the map markers will not be visible? -
ANNOUNCE: PVP script pack released
AceOfSpades replied to sbsmac's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : Community Made Utilities
oo script triggered arty would be grand :) -
ANNOUNCE: PVP script pack released
AceOfSpades replied to sbsmac's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : Community Made Utilities
I fixed it, don't know what the problem was exactly lol but something in the process I used, unbroke the respawn. Mission is up on our dedicated server and fully playable. Was thinking a bit ahead of myself on another mission idea but is it possible in placing arty markers that you can have the arty only fire for a set amount of time? I have not placeed arty yet or anything just something that popped into my head a few minutes ago. Is arty marker made with elipse or like an ammo box placement? If done with an elipse will the arty fire its salvos randomly dispersed within the elipse? Really looking forward to the release with the notes addition for briefings. Will be out in perfect time with me needing to finish up the details on this mission I am working on( the one that was broken ). Thanks -
ANNOUNCE: PVP script pack released
AceOfSpades replied to sbsmac's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : Community Made Utilities
1) I noticed this fact awhile ago, you might remember me making a post on the topic for you to include a note regarding saving under a new name in the manual. 2) I am using vista but I don't know what a simlink is LoL so not sure if that is the problem. 3) My training mission still works completely and this co-op mission in question was totally working in all modes SP preview,MP self hosting. I have even removed all players and the respawn_west marker, inserted just one player in a new respawn_west marker and respawn still does not work. All other functions of the script pack are working, just not the respawn. Also my standard practice in exporting is to first save work as user, then to export to mp. So I don't think that was the problem as it worked in MP once. It really seems to be NOT related to the script pack itself, I mean the exact same script pack is working in another mission that has also been exported to MP. But all thats left is the mission.sqm and I can't find nor think of anything in there that would cause this. I mean this is a real stumper. I really hope somehow I can salvage this cause it took several hours to get the enemy placement right since many are placed on top of buildings so I used RTE(real time editor) which is horribly slow but allows for easier placement of enemy in the verticle sense. It can't be RTE cause all that does is modify the mission.sqm and it was working just fine after inserting those enemy with it. If none of this information helps then just reply for me to send you a copy and I will send you a fresh exported to MP .pbo of it. If it comes to that can I send just the finished .pbo? Or do you need the editor version with the mission folder zipped? I am not too sure I know how to zip files, but I know how to unzip them so I can probably figure out how to. -
ANNOUNCE: PVP script pack released
AceOfSpades replied to sbsmac's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : Community Made Utilities
Hey Mac, was wondering is there a way to make the "loading..." splash screen stay up for a set amount of time? I was thinking of making a custom splash and basically make it somewhat of a briefing, but would like it to stay up long enough to read it all, then maybe make intro shorter or something. ***edit ... well had pretty much a fully done and tested by myself co-op mission minus a few enemy. this is were it just gets wierd....I tested it in single player, played 3 hrs by myself to finish it, exported to multiplayer, everything seems to be working but did not play thru it all, put the mission on our dedicated server for testing, got around to testing it a few hours later, luckily no one else was with me at the time cause the respawn is just plain broke, nothing else, just the respawn. So I remove mission off server, I go into single player editor and load up the mission expecting to see it worked and something just went wrong in the exporting, nope it did not work, respawn busted, checked objectives,paradrop,ammo boxes alll of it works except respawn.Now it gets even stranger...So I pour over the cfg's thinking I must of changed something a typo or something in making the final adjustments to export to MP like turning off testing ect. I find nothing...so I then take a copy of the script pack and copy over the script pack files in my mission folder, thereby giving me completely new cfg's and scripts. I test it in singleplayer editor and still no respawn, everthing else is reset to the defaults so I know that the script pack copied over successfully, so now im just plain stumped. ****edit...ok loaded up a training mission I made with your script pack,respawn worked fine, so I erased the script pack out of the mission folder that did not work and copied the script pack again, still no respawn. Is there something I could have done somewhere the break the respawn? The only changes I can remember making was the removal of some vehicles, moving the respawn maker and players to a corner of the map and added paradrop marker and some map markers to show the players info on thier map. I used the name mapmarker_1 ect for those. I did test the paradropping but cannot remember if I teseted the respawn as this was after I had run thru the entire map and it all worked, must have died 15+ times. I have no idea if this helps any lol I am grasping at straws. -
ANNOUNCE: PVP script pack released
AceOfSpades replied to sbsmac's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : Community Made Utilities
Just wanted to let you know mac cause I disappeared for a bit... Everything is working fine think I had some conflict with older version and new arma patch,who knows but I know it works now. Absolutly love the spectate ability. Just designed a live fire exercise to evaluate applicants for my squad. The spectate is invaluable addition. Fantastic work man. From a co-op point of view only improvement I can think of is to have a chopper ferry as I mentioned in a previous post. Also is there a way to allow the space bar to work? In a few training scenarios I can think of it would be a good thing to have that as a switch. Once again fantastic man...fantastic -
ANNOUNCE: PVP script pack released
AceOfSpades replied to sbsmac's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : Community Made Utilities
ok gonna come back here mac , I have sent you enough PM's this morning lol, but my mind is still going thru the last 24 hrs of events. The problem I am having now after some thought plays right along with a problem I told you about earlier, the fact I could stand right next to an AI opfor soldier and turn an object neutrual then blue. I think looking at everything the AI are definately not being "sense" in anyway at all. Not smart enough to fix a problem but trying to help out by eliminating things it might or might not be. I think I have done all the testing I can think of and will leave the ball in your court. Was wondering do you think this has something to do with latest .04 patch? You dont think because I did this in MP editor that its like forcing there to be 2 playable sides? I will try one last thing and open and preview in single player editor.Thanks again *edit First PBO'd file to single player missions, this being files with the cfg so AI off and no russian playable units. So ie. mission that would not work in mp editor or mp mode. Went to single player and wouldnt let me play since no "player" unit on blue. Transfers copy then of MP editor un PBO'd files to single. Opened it up in single player editor, made a blue unit as "player" started a preview and still got a loop. Safe to say not editor related either. -
ANNOUNCE: PVP script pack released
AceOfSpades replied to sbsmac's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : Community Made Utilities
Well great! I am glad my slowness to learn is of some help lol. When I tested the intro/outro I had no objectives or anything so maybe you right I will test that out now that I do have an west owned and east owned objective. Which bring me to a question which might already be answered but will ask anyways. Turned domination mode on, have east and west owned objective. I go and kill the unarmed ai opfor I placed there in preview mode and turn the red to neutral then to blue, game should end but doesn't. Is that becasue I have intro outro stuff turned off or // at least so it's whatever default is. Or does preview not let a mission end? Related to that, I noticed objective could be turned to blue without killing the AI and with him standing in the objective area with me. Is there a way to make sure all AI are dead before objective starts to change sides? Making flyby's can you have one flyby marker with multiple random planes or do you need to make a seperate marker for each plane type with like a random interval so they don't or hopefully don't all flyby at once? Is there a way to change the marker type that shows on players maps for objectives? Rather than the black circle X. And finally..whew..sorry..Is there a way to turn players HUD crosshairs off forcing them to use sights? -
ANNOUNCE: PVP script pack released
AceOfSpades replied to sbsmac's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : Community Made Utilities
Ok , I feel kind of dumb....lol All my problems regarding ammo and paradrop markers ect are resolved. As it turned out, yes a syntax error. saving the cfg once with out that semi colon broke everything I did thereafter and was not reversable. Started completly over re-transferring the script pack and perfect. On the AI squads if you wanted to know, they still work, tried it out and then turned it back off. Was trying out the CTF_testing=off and noticed something tho. Did it, saved cfg, previewed and the flyby was flying all over the place in kind of a spastic mode. Imagine this is because no objectives yet? Also even tho I have music on as far as I can tell (intro/outro uncommented ect). I hear no music during the flyby and when the flyby ends it onyl gives player control for about 3 secs then starts the flyby and titles over again.?? Locking player in loop of flyby. *edit Was re-reading your last post, Yea the only thing different between the script pack cfg and the coop template cfg is the lack of CTF lines to uncomment if you so choose, which isn't that important since you can add/remove those at will, but there is one other difference, the set game type in the cfg of the main script pack does not have the gametype "coop" listed, the cfg in the coop template does. Does this make a difference? Refferening to the #define lines at the end of the cfg. Oh and also in one of the other cfg's, there is map on or off, I noticed this turns on the map instead of black screen in the preloading stages. Is this the only feature of that or does it show players things they shouldn't see? Thanks again for all your help, other than the title flyby thing,I seem to have a grasp on all of this, which is a testament to you cause this old dog has a hard time learning new tricks lol. For now titles back off and also skipped for the mission itself as well, until I hear further from you. *edit several hours later... I seem to be having trouble setting up a no para drop zone. Para drop works fine, created a marker with name "noParaDrop" placed it where it was wanted, previewed and I can still drop there. Although this was a mistake on my part this might want to be included in the manual if it's not for the "not so brite" people like me...If you save a mission by using version numbers to save as you go and have a back-up you must copy all files except the mission.sqm file into the new user mission folder. Otherwise when you preview after a new save you have no scripts at all. That I think was my whole problem with not getting things to work in the beginning. Took me awhile to figure out why my mission scripts where there, then gone. -
ANNOUNCE: PVP script pack released
AceOfSpades replied to sbsmac's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : Community Made Utilities
OK, I really hope I am not being too much of a pita, bear with me I am old lol. On the objective thing, should I then also make an objective for the players side that they own at the outset to prevent an immediate loss? I noticed AI can be turned on/off, off by default, this AI only pertains to AI players and not AI enemy I may place, correct? If I am making a co-op for my squad and wanted say... several 3, 5 man squads would I just do that thru having them linked the way I want but still as "playable" , I noticed in one of the configs has squad size and allow squads.. do I need to change those? I have started to create my first co-op, hate to say it but have a few questions as I am going... I started editor = fine, got respawn_west set up and a starting guy as playable, saved mission and transfered your script files over, added my own title ect, previewed mission and went off and fragged myself, respawn worked. Then I started to have problems, probably something dumb on my part... I noticed when I did first preview that words came up saying title not being displayed because I am testing and if I want to see it then to add variable CTF_testing=false to cfg. Now the cfg I copied was the co-op template one you supplied because I noticed it was a bit different that the one in the script pack folder. The only CTF line in the co-op template is CTF_preservePlayerSpawnPos=false; so I added under that CTF_testing=false and saved. I previewed, this time the words didn't come up but the title did not either. BUT, I think being a super novice at this I forgot to include ";" at the end of the line. I removed the line and saved , previewed and still no screen regarding testing and no title either. Did I break things by leaving out the ";" ? I am going to start completely over with all new files copied this time making sure the semi colon is there. Two other things popped up tho.. I obviously did the respawn right cause it worked when tested, I went to make an ammo box using "guns" as the name, no elipse or other changes, saved and previewed and had nothing, also tried allWeapons as marker name since I want all weapons available anyways, still no ammo crate. Also went to put in a paradrop spot, used paraDrop as name, make elipse marker as suggested in manual. saved and previewed, nothing. What am I or where am I typing wrong? The respawn worked by making elipse marker with name respawn_west. So I am a bit confused. -
ANNOUNCE: PVP script pack released
AceOfSpades replied to sbsmac's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : Community Made Utilities
Sorry about the one confusing question...what I meant is when placing AI at a C&H objective, west being the players side, do I set the objective as east or neutral? Hehe the only reason I have yet to start was because I thought the AI were broken in a way that they didn't work, thanks for that info, just got home and finally have time so starting work. Would imagine most questions will be answered on thier own as I work with it. Thanks alot.