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Posts posted by bloodxgusher

  1. I have had similar ideas to this in the past but never sat down and tackled it. This sounds really do able and cool. I will sit down soon and play around with these for a mock for others.

    Is saving the parameters and state of a vehicle that much of a pain? It would be nice to see a mission where someone can buy a piece of land, park their vehicle with items in that vehicles storage/gear on their land and have it save to another day.

  2. My bad. That's because in MP the player is only the local player.

    Change getPlayerUID player to

    getPlayerUID _driver


    _vehicle = _this select 0; 
    _pilotstypes = ["B_Helipilot_F"]; 
    _clanmemberuids = ["UID","UID","UID"]; 
    _driver = objNull; 
    while {damage _vehicle < 0.5} do 
      _driver = driver _vehicle; 
      if (!isNull _driver) then 
         if (!((typeOf _driver) in _pilotstypes) && !(getPlayerUID _driver in _clanmemberuids)) then 
            _driver action ["GETOUT", _vehicle]; 
    hint "You are not trained to fly this type of Aircraft"; 
      Sleep 1; 

    Does this only work for the specific vehicle or every vehicle placed down?


  3. personally I would make a parameter out of it.

    in Description.ext:

    class Params
    class PLAYINTO
    	title = "Play Into";
    	values[] = {0,1};
    	texts[] = {"No","Yes"};
    	default = 1;

    then in init.sqf:

    //Saves all params into vars with the same name.
    for "_i" from (0) to ((count paramsArray) - 1) do
    missionNamespace setVariable [configName ((missionConfigFile/"Params") select _i),paramsArray select _i];

    And then do a if loop where you call the intro:

    if(PLAYINTO == 1) then
     //play into

    ---------- Post added at 12:04 ---------- Previous post was at 11:51 ----------

    Alternativly you could assign a key for the skip action. This is a bit more advanced tho.

    35 is a keycode (for the key H: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/DIK_KeyCodes). You will need to convert those hex codes into decimal (atleast when I tested it the hex values didn't work for me).


    init.sqf (I did not test this).

    //Waits till the main display is initialized.
    waitUntil {!(isNull (findDisplay 46))};
    INTRO_SKIP_HANDLER = (finddisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["keydown", "
      if ((_this select 1) == 35) then {
           terminate INTRO_HANLDE;
           (finddisplay 46) displayRemoveEventHandler ["keydown", INTRO_SKIP_HANDLER];
    INTRO_HANLDE = ["test.ogv", true] spawn BIS_fnc_titlecard;

    Interesting. I will check these out and report back.

    Thank you.

  4. So I am working on a mission that plays a video once the player enters mission.

    Its a 15 sec video but i want to give familiar players the option to skip the video once it starts playing

    he is the code I have assembled to try and get this done.

    //sleep 1;
    //1.10 cutText ["", "BLACK OUT"];
    _video = ["test.ogv", true];
    scriptName "initMission.hpp: mission start";
    ["test.ogv", true] spawn BIS_fnc_titlecard;	
    if (BIS_fnc_titlecard_finished) then {terminate _video};
    waitUntil {!(isNil "BIS_fnc_titlecard_finished")};
    //_video = ["test.ogv", -1, -1, 3.1, 3.1] spawn bis_fnc_playVideo;
    //waitUntil {scriptDone _video}; 
    sleep 1; 
    1.10 cutText ["", "BLACK IN"];
    //hint "video over";  
    sleep 15;

    The current issue I have with this is that the video stops but audio from the video still runs its course.

    I tried to use the terminate command to stop the entire script but I am not sure if it is firing or if that would even stop the audio.

    If someone could look at this and help me out would be much appreciated.


  5. have a look in the variable.sqf file

    there :

    TW_BasePos_Array = [

    ["basepos", "basepos_1"],

    ["basepos_2", "basepos_3"],

    ["basepos_4", "basepos_5"],

    ["basepos_6", "basepos_7"],

    ["basepos_8", "basepos_9"],

    ["basepos_10", "basepos_11"],

    ["basepos_12", "basepos_13"]


    so try this it would be ok.

    TW_BasePos_Array = [

    ["basepos", "basepos_1"]


    Yes. I have tried this but instead of using basepose, I just used ["east_hq","west_hq"]

    However, just using ["east_hq","west_hq"] means your HQ will not spawn on your designated marker 100% of the time.

    In the Function_Server.sqf, I had to change the following

    Tee_Server_Base_Set_Base = {
    private ["_pos","_sel_1","_sel_2"];
    _pos = TW_BasePos_Array select (round(random (count TW_BasePos_Array - 1)));
    if((random 2) < 1) then {
    	_sel_1 = 1;
    	_sel_2 = 0;
    } else {
    	_sel_1 = 0;
    	_sel_2 = 1;
    ///////////////////////////////////////////Change to below///////////////////////////////////
    Tee_Server_Base_Set_Base = {
    private ["_pos","_sel_1","_sel_2"];
    _pos = TW_BasePos_Array select (round(random (count TW_BasePos_Array - 1)));
    if((random 2) < 1) then {
    	_sel_1 = 1;
    	_sel_2 = 0;
    } else {
    	_sel_1 = 1;
    	_sel_2 = 0;

    The 1 and 0 dictate if there will be a random spawn or not.

    If anyone needs and example I can mail you my mission.

  6. This should be the HQ solution you are looking for:

    TW_BasePos_Array = [

    ["west_hq" ,"east_hq"]


    Yes. I was just testing this and it worked however, the issue I am having now is getting the east and west HQ's to always spawn on their markers instead of randomly being chosen.

    A solution I was thinking of testing was creating a second base array with respective hq's. I will update soon for others.

  7. We released the 634

    Here is the changelog:


    Some small Problems


    All ingame Messages are now in a strintable.csv this makes ist easy to change the mission language (see first Post for a description)


    First Functions of a Playergroup System have been added. You can join a playergroup by looking at a player and using the actions. To leave the current group use the action at the HQ

    We are looking for people who will translate the Mission into more languages like Russian,French, etc.

    If you are interested please PM me or send me the finished translatet stringtable.csv

    Sweet. Will be testing this out.

  8. GO in the variable file and change the array with base position.

    Is this what you are referring to?

    TW_Base_TownProtection	= 300;	//Distance in m in which you are not allowed to build a hq
    TW_West_BaseMarker 		= "west_base";
    TW_West_ShopMarker_V 	= "west_m_veh";	//Vehicle
    TW_West_ShopMarker_G 	= "west_m_wp";
    TW_West_ShopMarker_AI 	= "west_m_ai";
    TW_East_BaseMarker 		= "east_base";
    TW_East_ShopMarker_V 	= "east_m_veh";	//Vehicle
    TW_East_ShopMarker_G 	= "east_m_wp";	//Weapon
    TW_East_ShopMarker_AI 	= "east_m_ai";	//AI
    TW_West_Respawn = "tw_west_respawn";
    TW_East_Respawn = "tw_east_respawn";
    TW_BasePos_Array = [
    ["west_hq"   ,"east_hq"],
    ["basepos",	"basepos_1"],
    ["basepos_2",	"basepos_3"],
    ["basepos_4",	"basepos_5"],
    ["basepos_6",	"basepos_7"],
    ["basepos_8",	"basepos_9"],
    ["basepos_10",	"basepos_11"],
    ["basepos_12",	"basepos_13"]

    I made some small changes in my testing but this is what is in the variables.

    I added west_hq and east_hq and then tried to force the placement of the hq via the fucntion.sqf

    I believe I changed the BaseMarker as well.

    ---------- Post added at 03:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:31 PM ----------

    Hi i want using building for change the H-harrier and HQ(HQ vehicul after deploy bulding)

    I change AI shop... in building after vehicul deploy in building too and change the position of respawn building

    Ifrit HMG and hunter HMG used for the bug Ifrit wheel broken hq none option for drive...(add damage false removed)

    after i search for using deploy hq and you select the position of AF... in zone around of HQ

    It was hard to understand what you were saying but I think what you want to do is replace the Vehicle Shop, AI Shop, Weapon Shop to something different other than the sandbag walls.

    I think what you want to do is add those addons from arma 2 via the addons folder or mission folder then go into the editor and place the buildings down in the mission.

    Next you want to define the addons via the function.sqf, function_server.sqf and I think variable.sqf.

    The buildings you want to use are not in Arma 3 yet I believe.

  9. You can make the HQ Static by using the Parameters. If you want it always Static in your mission just go into the init.sqf and change line 95 to "TW_Para_MobilBase = false;" thats it.

    That was useful info on this mission.

    I think what I meant to ask was how do I place the HQ's where I want them instead of them randomly being placed.

    I want them static but in a location I designate.

    I am looking in the Function_Server.sqf and see there are is some lines that dictate this. I am trying to set the HQ's spawn on a specific marker I set in the editor.

    Is there a easier way of going about this?


  10. town colours voting etc are/ should not be linked to eachother so disabling once shouldnt have any effects on the other thing. Additional the hq is not essential in any way. Its only needed to let the shops spawn.

    The 631 you can see at two severs is already using a new and improved gearsaving system. This should fix all problems.

    Ok good. I just got v630 yesterday and will be playing with the settings. Thanks

  11. Ah ok. That was more simpler than what I managed to do so far. Bus the function.awfully and server.sqf, I managed to disable random spawning of the hq, shops and voting.

    The only issues I have now is using this with btc revive and towns updating color.

    I noticed once when disabling voting, town markers did not activate.

    I'm assuming the ha is essential to how the mission runs.

  12. I don't really know. I would imagine they just read from the query ports like gamespy

    try the following first, if you havent already

    1) Open the required ports (As per the first post)

    2) Try disabling your router and windows firewall temporarily to see if that has any effect.

    If you are still stuck, have a read through this


    Sweet. Thanks for the quick reply. Will check this out and report back.

  13. Hello everyone.

    I need some assistance with a problem I am having. Here is the situation.

    I am working on a mission based off this mission.

    Basically what I am trying to do host this mission but with some features off.

    here is what I have so far.

    Features that are turned off.


    -buying al



    Features that are still on






    Features that I want active and tweaked

    -money was a simple fix due to lowering prices and turning off shops (so i think)

    -respawning. This seems to be a issue on multiple levels.

    1. I have the issue of instantly respawing.

    2. The ability to spawn on towns after capturing is non existent via the map click.

    3. spawning in the corner of the map depending on what features I turn off

    -bases. I would like the option or ability to set the base instead of having one randomly chosen at the beginning of the game.

    The mission I have developed features a fully created base designated for both factions on the map and I would like to set those as the main bases.

    -HQ. I'm pretty sure bases corallate with the HQ. If could turn them off and keep the bases funtioning would be great since in my mission there would be no need to drive around and set the HQ however, if there is no work around for this, I would not mind have the HQ spawn in a fixed position that I can designate.

    I appreciate any all suggestions on this matter. Thanks.

  14. An easy "solution" is to change the income system to zero (or near zero). You will still have an HQ but not be able to buy stuff. Work around of course, but easy to do.

    After playing around for some hours. I was able to get a working solution to what I was aiming for.

    I was able to remove some towns

    Removed the HQ and factory/shops

    added some gear to resistance

    and did some price changes

    I was going for a more logistical approach where all weapons and vehicles come from main base and limited.

    So what you carry in field is what you got and to get more ammo requires the help of teamates.

    My only issue now is being able to spawn with out weapons and gear. Almost like being a new recruit upon spawning. Im using BTC Revive. I hope this is not causing conflicts.

    I plan on hosting this mission in a few hours.

  15. Hey TeeTime.

    I want to host this mission but with some functions disabled.

    I basically just want to be able to cap towns and leave out the HQ, money system, and the ability to buy vehicles and such from the shops.

    What part of the script is all that handled? I played around with variables and functions but that seems to mess up the over all mission.

