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Everything posted by old_painless

  1. Now I had them at Aware, Normal speed, Open Fire, Fire at Will (previous test was with Combat instead of Aware). As for 1 and 2, from 10m out they do not know that I am there. If I move just a little bit closer, even slowly, they eventually hear me and start shooting at the sound. They are not super accurate (shooting at me directly) which indicates that they spray towards the sound rather than my character. You are not able to walk all the way up to them within arms length as your noises will give you away. So I'd say a pretty legit behaviour.
  2. old_painless

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Hm, preparing for something is usually what priming means. Could it be something with distant clutter !?
  3. 1) I'll check a little later 2) I haven't tried that, will test 3) This I did try, obviously :) They immediately fire back, I am only 10 meters from them and they must be reacting to my muzzle flash and sound from the shots. I do have them on Combat mode and Open Fire, Fire at Will (from the waypoint) so they are at high alert before the action.
  4. They walked right by me while I was crouched and did not move. This is unmodded, on stable. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=714257244 Next I'll try without the NVGs to figure out if I could have seen or heard them when they walked past me. Edit: It turns out my monitor has several settings (learn something new everyday!), on FPS mode I could make them out without NVGs as they were lit up by the moonlight (22:00). But they could not detect me. So a bit unfair as we all were without NVGs. Monitor differences may also be why different people are reporting different results on seemingly the same scenario
  5. old_painless

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Try without NVGs. I think it is a good representation of visibility at night
  6. I just set up a small test. Arma 3, no mods, on Stratis at 22:00, me with NVGs against a CSAT patrol with no NVGs. I could not see anything until I turned on the NVGs. I fired a few shots at them and then changed position. When fired upon by me the CSAT patrol went prone and started scanning but did not fire back, probably because I had stopped shooting at them so they had no real information. So I did get some reaction, similar to what you would see during daytime with going prone and scanning when suppressed. I guess my observation is that they are just as passive under fire at night than during daytime, but even more so when hindered by the dark. On the other hand, they were soldiers with some skillset so if you put rebels in with lower skills at night its going to be quite easy,
  7. old_painless

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Interesting - does the LOD tech take into account how much video RAM is available for, say, caching LODs of various levels ? If not, that might be a low-hanging fruit (or I have just shown how clueless I am in these matters). And an incentive to look at the amount of RAM when upgrading video card :)
  8. What is the "Ambient Combat Manager" - any links ?
  9. I completely forgot one thing: Those passive AIs, what waypoint are they under? I have previously found that with no waypoint assigned, they are deaf and blind and do not care about being shot. If you want them to remain in one spot but be on alert and combat ready, make sure to give them a Guard or Sentry waypoint. Also, I think you can set waypoint properties like Combat alertness
  10. Them not seeing you at night may be down to your camouflage, which I suppose you are donning as a spec-op. So for sure, in a non-urban area at night opponents without NVGs against special ops are really at an disadvantage. Just for completeness, have you tried adjusting their skill? That being said, it makes no sense that they do not move or react when fired upon, this normally works through the suppression that was introduced some time ago. And you firing effectively gives away your position, that should also affect what they do. Although some ammo is more stealthy than other (muzzle flash, sound and so on) so also depends what you are throwing at them. From the change it seems that the distance between you and them is also relevant for how they act - someone mentioned that above 200m they seemed to not care now which is odd if they did react differently before the change.
  11. old_painless

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    As far as I remember, a few builds ago some things were tweaked in regard to the AIs ability to spot targets. Perhaps they went a bit too far .... This is what I am referring to: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/150500-development-branch-captains-ai-log/page-6#entry3045162
  12. old_painless

    LOD Discussion

    So that would support the theory that not all LODs are finished, only the highest resolution one. Leading to abrupt changes in visual appearance once the LOD switching algorithm determines that a change to lower LOD level is required
  13. old_painless

    LOD Discussion

    Up close you want to be able to see a very detailed texture and count rivets. From 100 m you still want to see a round wheel on a quad bike, but not rivets and so on. So every asset might need 4-5 LODs to be useful. Could it be that for many assets only the high-fidelity LOD and one crap one exists? That would explain the abrupt LOD change. How can we investigate what LODs are actually available ?
  14. old_painless

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Heh, you may be right. We are getting a lot of goodness these days, but this thing rubbed me the wrong way
  15. old_painless

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Slightly disturbing sentiment BI reveals here. Any community developer who is made aware that some parts of his island is inaccessible for the AI would promptly change things around (remove rocks, add ladders etc). But BI sees it as a perfectly fine tradeoff to make areas inaccessible for the AI in exchange for pleasing screenshot gamers. Hm ...
  16. old_painless

    Placed units lay down in buildings. Is CQB possible?

    Just barging in here, but wanted to share that I had some success with using the Sentry waypoint type. The AI does not seem prone to lying down as soon as bullets start flying
  17. old_painless

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Hi Tachyon 1 and 5 are good mods for commanding your AI, especially for sending them out on their own with waypoints that you give them. For that purpose you may also look into these excellent high command mods: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/190793-advanced-ai-command/and https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/185710-hcc-high-command-converter-1421/ 3 and 4 might have commanding features, too (I am not sure about that though). First and foremost they try to change the AIs behaviour to the better. Since you asked for AI control mods, I would say 1 and 5 and the high command ones I mentioned. Enjoy Arma! OP
  18. old_painless

    Spatial Awareness Improvements

    Yes that would be a great idea. For suppress and watch direction
  19. old_painless

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    Yeah, they do that to stay in formation. A real pain to always have to squint at the small unit pictures and figure out who the driver is and issue Stop! to him after getting out
  20. old_painless

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    LOL. It is the future indeed, far enough out for evolution to kick in
  21. old_painless

    LOD Discussion

    Can't help thinking that all these various LODs are necessary due to older hardware. I mean, on a 3 GB Ram video card, it could be possible to only use the max resolution LOD regardless of distance to object ? If so, a setting could be introduced for disabling LOD switching and only run with one and the same LOD level
  22. old_painless


    There's a decent stream up at https://gaming.youtube.com/watch?v=_TCblAe-kvo Will start very soon
  23. Igitur, thanks for coming through on the Coop-to-SP feature :)
  24. old_painless

    Advanced AI Command

    I would vote for Standard waypoint actions, first and foremost. And suppress. A scenario I am thinking of I send a group to a hilltop while I move into a flanking position with my team, I would like for them to hold fire until I am ready. Basically keep low and remain undetected. So that would mean that Find Cover would be useful once they are in position. I guess also the whole engagement menu set of options (Hold Fire, Fire at Will and so on) would be useful enforced on the entire group. Also the Combat mode (Combat, Aware,Stealth,Safe) menu would be really important to get them there in the first place. Then when my team is in position , I could call for the hilltop group to suppress, that would be very useful as a command. So to sum up (sorry for the messy response): Standard waypoint actions Find Cover Watch direction Engagement commands (3 command menu) Combat commands (7 command menu) Suppress
  25. old_painless

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Very interesting - we may finally get bridges working for the AI now that waterway Tanoa is coming. Excellent if that is the case. That would also help with Panthera and other nice maps. As for obstacles and AI behind the wheel, I distinctly remember playing an A3 mission where my AI driver was completely unable to maneuver out of the base that we started in. The base was custom built and they would crash into the large sandbag barriers repeatedly as if not "seeing" there was something there. So no pathfinding in that case. It may be different when they are on foot.