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Everything posted by old_painless

  1. old_painless

    Alienware M17x...

    Sintacks, FYI here is an article about gaming Arma2 on an Alienware - could be relevant for you http://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/2967804/Review_Alienware_M11x_Gaming_L.html -OP
  2. old_painless


    Hi, here's something to get you started, links to lots of code as well: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DLL_injection -OP
  3. old_painless

    Guerilla Warfare [SP-Dynamic]

    Allright, thanks a lot for the pointers! Cheers, OP
  4. old_painless

    Guerilla Warfare [SP-Dynamic]

    Thanks very much for the fast reply! By "official addons" do you mean the BIS pbo's, like the trees etc (can't recall the exact filenames now - at work)? And if so, do you copy them there or move them so that they are not at their original installed location? :)
  5. old_painless

    Guerilla Warfare [SP-Dynamic]

    Hi MrN. I noticed your signature about using a USB stick to improve the game - how did you go about that? Sorry for a non-mission related question :) Cheers, OP
  6. I get that the video is "Private" - anyone else seeing this?
  7. There are probably many other download vendors. Impulsedriven.com, I would guess, will have it - they have ArmaII now
  8. old_painless


    LOL Aeneas, Farewell and adieu to you, fair Spanish ladies :D
  9. I really hope they fix how hiding in grass, bushes etc. works visually. As you know, when viewed through a scope an enemy can appear partly sunk into the ground -OP
  10. old_painless

    ARMACast | The Arma 2 Podcast

    Hi - looks VERY nice ! One thing, I can't make anything out of the impulse TV link - it just takes me to their homepage and the impulse tv links from there just sends me to the Arma2 sales page? EDIT: Seems I have to install the impulse client to watch them. Is that safe, can I get cancer? LOL
  11. old_painless

    Ordering your men to go prone etc

    This is a great help: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=97589
  12. old_painless

    Afghan Village - Aiaktalik

    Excellent movie!
  13. old_painless

    Cheat sheat for keyboard layout?

    What a great keyboard layout - thanks! By the way, is it the Arma1 version ? Easiest way of buying the game is electronically (as download) from impulsedriven.com or Steam.com -OP
  14. Hello all, has anyone come across SP missions that take place on Podagorsk? The environment looks great, really want to try it out in a mission Cheers, OP
  15. old_painless

    ArmA II launcher by alpinestars

    Hi, I noted the space in "@ ww2" That might be something to change to see if it helps -OP
  16. old_painless

    SP missions on Podagorsk?

    LOL, I am unfortunately old enough! Looking forward to your mission :)
  17. old_painless

    @ SAS Task Force Black Campaign

    Hi Lepssa, I just downloaded the campaign and the addons. I launch through Alpinestars launcher and got that problem too (no particular addon load order selected in the launcher). After selecting difficulty, it gave a message (No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWorlds.0'). You may be seeing that one, too ? It turns out that I made a noob mistake: I placed the campaign pbo in my Missions folder - only place that made sense to me even though it said to place it into the Campaigns folder (see, I did read the install instructions :o), because I did not have a Campaigns folder. From reading this thread, it turns out that you have to create a Campaigns folder in the main Arma2 folder and place the pbo file in that. After I corrected that mistake, I could then start the campaign. Phew, 3 hours of download and trial-and-error. Can't wait to start playing the campaign :cool:
  18. old_painless

    SP missions on Podagorsk?

    Sounds good, AnimalMother. Keep going :) Manzilla, thanks for the pointers :)
  19. old_painless

    SP missions on Podagorsk?

    Brilliant, thanks very much ! -OP
  20. old_painless

    SP missions on Podagorsk ?

    Hello all, has anyone come across SP missions that take place on Podagorsk? The environment looks great, really want to try it out in a mission :) Cheers, OP SORRY - WRONG ARMA version. Please disregard
  21. The GL4 mod already has a lot of improvements regarding group movement. You should check that out - it is released, as opposed to that other mod -OP
  22. old_painless

    SLX Mod WIP

    Hm, just saw this and it sounds awesome. But I sense a great overlap between this and GL4 - there's a lot of mention of GL3, group behaviour etc. Will this mod conflict with SNKMANs GL4 ? Cheers, OP
  23. old_painless

    Good downloadable mission for a new player?

    jpinard, in the User Mission section of this forum you can find single player missions that do not require mods. That way, you can get going right away