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About Avoidable

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    Private First Class
  1. Have you disabled any power management settings? Most laptops neuter their performance to gain battery life. Just plug you lappy in and do away with any power management settings in Win 7
  2. Avoidable

    Arrowhead E08: Benchmark

    I don't have a screen shot but... 1680 x 1050 interface... need a new monitor next :( 1680 x 1050 3D VD 5000 Texture detail: High Video memory: Default Ansiotropic filtering: Disabled (set to 16x AF in CCC) Antialiasing: Normal Terrain detail: Normal Object detail: High Shadow detail: High Post processing: Normal Results in 57 FPS with Vsynch on. I'll update when I'm at home and can bench again with Vsynch forced off.
  3. Avoidable

    Latest Beta Patch: 72197

    SSAO? I noticed this when I played around with the settings in the Nvidia CP. Either uncheck AO in Nvidia CP or tone down the PP in the Arma graphics options and see if it helps :)
  4. Avoidable

    Huey Venom missing

    I had this issue recently. Check what mods you are running. I installed the hiFi SFX mods for aircraft and my UH1-Y option disappeared from the editor menu. I removed the Huey related PBO's and it was back. Just to clarify, I'm running steam so all my mods are copied to the common folder and not installed correctly. I plan on a fresh install when my hard copy of OA arrives and I can bugger steam off
  5. Could it be something to do with the fact that the 295 runs SLI with the 2 GPUs? Don't see why it should make a difference, but Arma did have some major issues with 295s earlier (due to SLI) and this may be a left over. Just putting it out there. Might try it out with my 285's and see what happens.
  6. What version are you trying to beta patch? If all you have done is install vanilla and not patched at all, you may need to patch up to 1.4 then try beta patches as the betas most likely require this version.
  7. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the steroscopic 3d compatability purely something to do with the 3d glasses and nvidia 3d vision thing? I don't think this is refelctive of performance when using arma normally. Do you use the 3d glasses? If so then disregard what I said. At any rate, I'd be checking a few different drivers out to test compatability with your rig and arma. I get random ctd's too, but I think its an SLI issue
  8. I always thought most planes were fairly capable of level flight without constant elevator input through design. Might have to look into a joystick. Now to think of excuses to justify the purchase with the missus. I shall use your post for this Celery
  9. Anyone else get the annoying "auto nose up" this happening if you stop all your control inputs? Try getting a plane flying level then take your hand off the mouse and the nose will start to come up slowly. Its annoying having to make small constant corrections. Happens in choppers too but only at speed. I was ferrying some people from base yesterday in the black hawk and had to keep tapping nose down to keep the chopper from bring the nose up.
  10. Avoidable

    Cant fix Headbug

    Check your FOV settings in the ARMA2.cfg or "username".cfg in mydocuments\arma2. You can change that setting to increase or decrease the angle rendered which will be like affecting the level of zoom. Increase those numbers to zoom out, decrease to zoom in. If someone has access to the .cfg they can post the default x and y values (at work atm unfortunately).
  11. Avoidable

    Changing environment due to pollution

    Relax mate, you won't need to worry. It'll just be your kids left with the crap, or their kids etc. But you'll be fine.
  12. Avoidable

    Changing environment due to pollution

    Good times will be over for the species if scientific opinion is right. The ecomonmy that you don't want people ruining won't help you when it's stuffed as a result of hyperinflation from food shortages and what not. People will lose jobs due to lack of demand for luxury items since consumers will be struggling to buy the basics. Those cuts that will be reserved for the green movement will be shifted onto the poor, but they won't be employment cuts. If its true it won't be an overnight transition, but it will become harder and harder. Peoples lifestyle will take a hit, which would be ironic since the general lifestyle of the west has been noted as the major contributor to the whole issue and its what pro climate reps want changed. I might be wrong, and it'll be awesome if I am, but I think it'd be preferable not to test the scientific theory to find out. They might be wrong about smoking too, god I miss smoking (Edited for spacing, posted originally on a blackberry :o)
  13. Or... it could just be that they like COD. It's not for me, though some people may prefer that to what Arma brings to the table. Sure its not realistic in any way, but its visceral and in your face. I prefer Arma (as we all do obviously), but to put every COD in the low intelligence bracket seems a bit harsh. Its akin to being appalled that your girlfriend would rather watch Twilight over the Terminator. I mean Twilight has nowhere near the same amount of explosions and guns and stuff, how could she like it more?? At the risk of being flamed, this thread is sounding a bit elitist :eek:
  14. Avoidable

    Changing environment due to pollution

    Rant warning! :( I tend to believe the experts who are stating that society is playing a role in climate change. I can't be sure if any of it is real or not, but I tend to lean that way. If society as a whole were to take measures to cut emissions and we ended up being wrong about the whole thing, whats the loss? A couple of years of lost economic development? Someone couldn't afford the newest tv because increased cost of energy brought in to try and reduce demand? Not eating as much meat? I mean, would there really be that much to lose through changing your ways compared to the big risk you take if you don't? I just think we place too much value on economic growth and that maybe society needs to find the level of consumerism that the planet can sustain. I think we have already passed it, we can either lower our standards and become more sustainable or nature will lower them for us when the majority of people can no longer feed themselves and we reach an enforced equilibriuim through famine to start the cycle again. Either way, I think society as we know it will change radically over the near future. Im guilty, I have a 1Kw power supply :o Rant end
  15. Avoidable

    How to use artillery in editor

    I'd love this too and I'm sure they're working on something like this slowly (the biki pages), but they also heads down releasing beta patches every few days. Maybe we'll see more documentation after 1.5 is released.