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Posts posted by mikey74

  1. een working a lot of hours. not much. Lets see if I can remember.


    added modules pbo

    has garrison






    ai respawn working 100%

    sp respawn needs work


    FOA pbo

    Rewrote arty script

    suppressing script

    LOS script

    fsm for morale and underfire

    fsm for moving into positions


    I'm hoping maybe in close future we will have a good release candidate.

    • Like 2

  2. In May 2015. I refused FOA of this problem. Disables FOA and cymbals no.suspicion of mods ace 3.maybe I'm wrong. asr_ai 3, vcom, kombat - children compared to this))) and plates simply trouble, not a game.. By the way, we play another 1.52. 


    Yup We know what the problem is. We are working on a fix. Not sure I can fix it. May have to remove suppressive fire all together. :/ But it is in the suppressive fire script.

  3. Hi mikey,


    working on AI is without exaggeration as probably the most difficult work you have choosen.  ;)

    So much is for sure: I really do not envy you, because it´s a lot to realise to satisfy all demands with regard to flexibility.

    I have thoroughly tested the AISS and can say that the results are really amazing and convincing.

    Especially the Garrison/Patrol control, the results have been mind-blowing.


    Thank you so much for doing this hard work, but with your team you can do it and I believe in you!  :)





    BTW: All links are broken - First post.

    LOL So I've been told. ;) The hardest thing as far as demands aside from some of the things we think are hard coded. Is balancing realism and making it fun with the very limited knowledge I have. lol Some people love it as close to real as possible yet some will cry because it doesn't fit with COD, Battle Fields, or popular Shooters on the Market.


    I've had to come to terms that I cannot make everyone happy. That I've got to put my Ideals 1st. Other wise not only burning out faster but I get frustrated faster. Its free and I dont make any money off this.


    lol As to the links..... I'm an idiot. lol My dropbox was full so I cleaned it.... Well lol I forgot about my releases and boom. Gone!


    BTW If you have some favorite German Voice overs for Suppressing, underfire, and hits Would love to add those into FOA's next release.


    Thanks so much for the encouraging words! :) :) :D


    P.S. Links of what I can find again will be fixed upon the next release. Other wise use steam version.

    • Like 1

  4. Ok got some things done. Updated cover system updated arty systems and made a few changes. New VO are now put in for Russia and CSati troops Thanks to Pulstar (If I got that wrong I cannot find our convo please send me a message to let me know who you are.)


    Right now its in testing faze for bugs and such. If you're interested to help us test let me know.


    I think we have vids hopefully those will be put up soon if not hopefully we will make a few soon. :)

    • Like 2

  5. Dude..... AI behavior modding is a pain. Bis has some things hard coded. But it is possible to do some things. Looks like you have some fans here. Let me encourage you like a few others encouraged me. Dont give up. Think of it as a losing your hair learning curve. I've learned tons sense I started my stuff. lol I've pulled most of my hair out as well and screemed and was ready to quit, but took a small break got back on the horse and got back at it. Hopefully soon I'll have some updates for my AI mod. So relax and take a breathe. Then get back up on the horse and see what you can learn from whats going on. ;) Maybe sooner or later a few of us can figure out how to work together and make an out of this world mod. One can hope and you never know.

    • Like 2

  6. This is only in theory. But have your tried making a backpack in your config? Depends on what you are trying to do? Then make a seperate config for your rabbit. Use bis config for rabit to set it up then do it like a reg soldier. lol Just woke up so I hope that makes some sense.


    ps did you put that in something like this

    class CfgVehicles
    class Animal_Base_F;
    class Rabbit_f : Animal_Base_F {
        maximumLoad = 20;
        transportMaxMagazines = 1;//not sure it's used in Arma3
        weaponSlots = 1*256;//allows one mag only

    What you may need is something similer to this again theory

    class CfgVehicles
    class Rabbit_f
    class MyRabbit_F: Rabbit_f
            camouflage= 0.8;

  7. Most of what you described cant be changed do to hard code by BIS. I can make them move some of the time, but most of it comes from bis... Tanks and arty especially.


    side note: I also notice you use ASR. Mind you FOA and ASR can work together, but both also cancel each other out in some instances as we both basically do the same thing except with our own tastes. You may want to try each that you think controls AI ace,asr,foa,bcombat,mcc or what ever 1 at a time and see what fits your tastes. ;)

  8. AI go prone when shot at. This most likely will stay. I have reduced the time out for it. But this will not come out for a while. Still working on somethings. Basically how it works every time a unit is shot at they will stay proned a second longer. Time in supression is the suppression time ie: 1 second plus a second each time a bullet flys by close + 30 + random 30 * (skill _unit). This simulates unit suppression under fire. It also effects units accuracy. If all clear is given it will negate suppression time and prone stance goes away.

  9. ok heres what im planning for most likely after Christmas. Sooner if possible.


    /////***************************** Plan of Action FOA duece*****************************\\\\\

    Make seperate pbos for:
    Voice overs:

    Just for voice over. Use the old find config thingy you used in Battle lines with if statment before you call for voice overs in AI Reaction scripts.

    AI reactions PBO:

    Make Underfire fsm out of AIR just for under fire take morale out.
    Use original Morale script for rest of actions.
    Use the old find config thingy you used in Battle lines with if statment before you call for voice overs

    Modules PBO's:

    Put all modules in seperate pbo ie:
    Battle lines will be its own pbo but rename it to FOA Battle lines in display name of config and catagorys.
    AMBS will be in its own pbo
    FOA original module rewrite and make in there own pbo.

    Try to stick to this from now on.
    1) It will make easier to update and edit.
    2) This way users can pick and choose what they like or dont like, and can keep or discard according to what they want.


    Most important Make adaquite instructions for alllllll uses of foa before we release. Explain what each and every module is how to use and what they do!




    PS if anyone has Voice overs for other countries they want please share and I'll see if I can remember how I got all that to work and add them to our collection. ALSO if anyone has experience in this area and/or coding and would like to join the team or at the least help us out please send me, cosmic or Sttosin a message about your interest and what you can contribute. :)

  10. Hi Special Ed... lol yeh thats an older code, but got the job done. never noticed frame being lost to bad even on my old dinosaur pc. The errors are probably do to other scripts that worked in conjunction with that one.... That being said.... I'm using getSuppression instead of a fired eventhandler. Works sooooo much better. Give that one a try... here is a test code for that to see how it worked. Maybe this will help you out. 

    While {alive TesS} do {
    	waitUntil {getSuppression TesS > 0};
    	_supres = getSuppression TesS;
    	hint str _supres;
    	sleep 1;
    //TesS is the name I gave a test unit. I put him on a hill and I fired around him on the ground and in the air. It will hint the suppression level when it goes above 0. ;) 
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  11. You can do this yourself by using a fired event handler. If I understand what ur trying to do.


    It will look something like this.

    _shooter = _x // if you use forEach allUnits
    _shooter addEventHandler ["Fired",{
    	[_this select 0,_this select 6,_this select 4] spawn {
    		Private ["_shooter","_bullet","_impact_info","_crack_dis","_weapon","_supresor","_supressed"];
    		_shooter	= _this select 0;
    		_bullet		= _this select 1;
    		sleep .001;
    		_B_pos = getPosATL _bullet;
    		_cutoff = speed _bullet;
    		_impact_info 	= getNumber (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> (_this select 2) >> "hit");
    		if (isNil "_impact_info" or _impact_info == 0) then {_impact_info = 42};
    		_crack_dis		= 7 + (_impact_info / 2);
    		if (isNil "_crack_dis" or (_crack_dis) < 28) then {_crack_dis = 28};
    			while {(speed _bullet) > (_cutoff/2)} do {
    				sleep 0.001;
    				if ((speed _bullet) > (_cutoff/2)) then {
    					_B_pos = getPosATL _bullet;
    				_B_pos = _B_pos;
    			_supressed = _B_pos nearEntities [["CAManBase","LandVehicle"], _crack_dis];//
    			if (alive _Shooter and count _supressed > 0) then {
    					 _x  SetVariable ["Bis_DetectedBullet",_Shooter,True]; //OR whatever you want here. ;)
    				} forEach _suppressed;
    } forEach Allunits;

    Yeh I know getting away from topic... sorta. But the man does have a point or we have missed something. There is so many ways you can go with this, but so few people and money to do it. Would be nice, but I'm not getting my hopes up to much on this. That being said. Arma 3 has come a loooooonnnnng way sense CWC. I think they have done a splendid job with  what they have. ;)

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  12. I think what Cosmic is trying to point out in the vids is all about AI modded and not modded. Not other mods like graphics, special effects, or anything else aside from AI.


    As for AI mods. Its about personal preference. I personaly do not want to tinker to much with AI because there is a ton of mods out there. This in part is why I've kept all edits to me and our group. I do not prefer rambo style AI. I like it when AI respond correctly when fired upon. They will get low and/or find cover. What I look for is moral being effected when they are shot at as well as performance of the unit. If someone is shooting at you your not going to run in guns blazing. Especially if they enemy shooting is fairly accurate. Vanilla tends to go to the rambo side. Bcombat, asr do a good job at correcting this, but the reaction doesnt always happen to what I've read heard and seen. Does this mean they are wrong. NO. They have there own personal preference as to how things should unfold. I like the fact that we have a ton of AI mods to select from. BIS is not going to make everyone happy either. Does this mean they should stop. NO!!! lol We paid them for an experience, and for the most part I've gotten my moneys worth. I've been playing this series sense CWC. I love it. Do I like all parts no. Why I created AISS and its predecessors. BUT I still love this series!

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