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Everything posted by mikey74

  1. ASR no..... Make sure you're user configs is in proper place. Arma 3 directory where u see Addons folder and arma3.exe there should be a userconfig in that directory. Make sure you move the config from RAR with AISS userconfigs into main directory. As for blufor you will need to use AISS_Exclude module and sync all blufor units to it.
  2. Bcombat n AISS may be compatible. Few of my testers if memory serves said it was, but they also stopped bcombat as AISS suited there needs. Question have you tried the newest AISS alone? Now Vcom and ASR I 'm about 90% sure there would be major conflicts. With bcombat there will be a few I'm certian. As for main campaign. Yes it will mess that up. Examples. Reinforcments will be called in by AI. Which will mess with the story line. AISS was basically scripted for mission makers, or people who just want to through a simple battle together in the editor and have a blast. Hope this answeres ur question. :)
  3. Thanks man. Glad to here it. Most of my mods I try to base off low end pc's... lol Well have really no choice cause my pc is a classic. At any rate thanks for the compliment. :)
  4. mikey74


    Congrats FroggyLuv!!! :)
  5. Thanks I am glad you're enjoying AISS. :)
  6. nothing. I left it were u can set things by wp's or by modules.Get complaints with/without either. So left both in there. lol
  7. lol Dish is as bad as windows. We need a bash dish network thread. lol coolness I hope you enjoy. :)
  8. heyyyy Wrong thread. :p Please post on that thread please. ;) That being said. I increased the random multiplier and added distance to player for body/Vehicle removal. I'll look into it though.
  9. bahahahahahahahahahhaha!!!!!!!!! BTW me too. lol on both accounts. lol Gonna make an update hopefully before I lose my internet again. Wasn't quite happy with volumns..... hmmmm maybe later I'll add a volumns key. ;) Thanks both of ya :) ---------- Post added at 12:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:09 AM ---------- AMBS updated Wasn't quite happy with volumns so I tweaked a bit. Maybe next up date I'll add volumns to module. ;)
  10. lol Miller.... WOW havnt seen a .DE sight sense OFPCWC days or maybe arma 1. Any rate thanks. ohh AISS I think has been updated sense then last one on your site. ;)
  11. mikey74

    Speed Of Sound Pure

    Hi Dragon my bet is its either installed wrong or most likely the new Arma 3 update. Seeing errors I've not seen up till I got the update on arma 3. ;) Give him some time he will have it fixed right up. :)
  12. ahh ok so yeh its working. no hold keeps them from doing anything. They stay out of the loop so to speak and stay right where they are. suppression still works, but pretty much most everything else no nothing. ;) NOOOO you're not an idiot nor wasting my time. You don't know how many times I've done the same thing to other modders and even my own team. lol ;)
  13. hold WP basically puts them in a minor exclude from AISS form so thats working right. The patrol one is what I saw that you stated they did nothing. They are supposed to patrol and was for me the other day. lol but I havnt used AISS in about a week testing and working on other projects. When u test.... Is it in Zues? if so how long are they standing still? Did you read the instructions in the AISS folder.... Which needs written better. lol but give a basic understanding... hopefully.. lol
  14. ummm Just got one thing to say. You cannot please everyone!!!! There are things I'm not happy about, but Arma series as whole has been very satisfying. I've spend more time with the game than any other combined in my 40 years of life. Sure there are tons of things that can be improved upon, but what I think would be better doesn't mean you would agree. Sure theres a feedback tracker thats probably got several years worth of reports. But Bis is relatively a small company. So like modders they have to pick and choose there battles. ;) Like AISS mod. I have some raving that its the best thing sense the wheel, BUT I have many that would argue its not all that. Sure I know I'm an amateur of an amateur of an amateur 3 times removed. lol That being said mods are normally based on personal taste. I'm willing to bet a game that's created is basically based off the same thing..... Personal taste. ;) Now I know there has got to be a bug reporting thread and also customer support. Use those for help or to complain. :D Jmho
  15. hmmmm Arma has been updated. I'll have to take a look. May have broke somethings. :(
  16. mikey74

    Ambient Combat Sound

    if (!isdedicated && hasInterface) then { waitUntil {!isNull player}; waitUntil {player == player}; //hint format ["%1",count _this]; _source = _this select 0;//objective_pos_logic;// object/logic _plays = true; AmB_nosound = false; _battle_radius = if (count _this >=1) then {(_this select 1)} else {350}; hint format ["Battle radius %1",_battle_radius]; while {_plays} do { _center = createCenter sideLogic; _group = createGroup _center; _logic = _group createUnit ["LOGIC",(getPos _source) , [], 0, ""]; sleep (1 + random 7); for "_s" from 1 to (1 + Ceil (random 2)) do { [_logic,_source,_battle_radius] spawn { for "_s" from 1 to (random 7 + random 56) do { private ["_logic","_source","_radius","_allsounds"]; _logic = _this select 0; _source = _this select 1; _radius = if ((_this select 2) > 100) then {(_this select 2)/25} else {(_this select 2)}; _allsounds = []; _logic setPos (_logic modelToWorld [random _radius - Random _radius,random _radius - Random _radius,random 1 - Random 2]); private ["_sound","_sound1","_sound2","_maxtype"]; _sound1 = format ["A3\Sounds_F\ambient\battlefield\battlefield_explosions%1.wss",floor (random 4)+1]; _sound2 = format ["A3\Sounds_F\ambient\battlefield\battlefield_firefight%1.wss",floor (random 2)+2]; if (!(surfaceIsWater getPos _logic)) then {_allsounds pushBack _sound2;} else {AmB_nosound = true}; if (random 1 > .5 or (surfaceIsWater getPos _logic) or AmB_nosound) then {_allsounds pushBack _sound1;}; _vol = switch (true) do { case (_logic distance player <= 250) : {.1}; case (_logic distance player > 250 and _logic distance player <= 500) : {.5}; case (_logic distance player > 500 and _logic distance player <= 800) : {1}; case (_logic distance player > 800 and _logic distance player <= 1000) : {1.5}; case (_logic distance player > 1000) : {2}; }; _maxtype = (count _allsounds); _sound = _allsounds select (floor random _maxtype); _pitch = if (_sound == _sound1) then {random .5 + .5} else {random .6 + .8}; _volumn = if (_sound == _sound1) then {_vol + 1 + random 3} else {_vol + .1 + random 2}; playsound3d [_sound,_logic,false,getPosasl _logic,_volumn,_pitch,0]; sleep (random 1 + random 14); }; };//spawn sleep (random 21 + random 21); }; deleteVehicle _logic; }; }; called by logic, trigger or init.sqf o=[this,1000] execVM "Amb_battle.sqf"; If you guys are ok with it or want it I can make a module for this. let me know
  17. Hopefully Bis will realize and not forget what Codemasters over looked. There Modding community makes the arma series what it is. When codemasters took out the modding community for ofpDR it basically was the big straw that killed the ofp series. jmho Bis would do well to keep that in mind. We've lost several good modders that started out with ofpCWC and arma 1. again jmho
  18. mikey74

    Best AI improvement mod

    As A modder of AI myself I have no issues with other modders making there mod's compatible to AISS, or SAMO. I've tried. AlIve has help me quite a bit. AISS still has some conflict with AlIVe but for the most part they are compatible. As to why we all don get together. Well Gunter said it perfectly AISS started out just for me and my son. But it actually got pretty good in the beginning. Me being a people pleaser tried to make everyone happy, and unfortunately its just not possible. That being said yes just like with sound mods. Jsrs and SOSP are both wonderful sound mods. Both have strengths and both have there weaknesses. I've often wondered if both theses guys/teams got together what kind of sounds we would have. lol Its all about personal tastes. I love them both and am greatfull to both LJ and BigPickle for there efforts and hard work either way. I like All the other AI mods that I've tried. But AISS fits me. Fits all the stories from my grandfather and other realitves/friends thats been in combat. Not perfectly but closer to it. Does that mean I think Bcombat or ASR or anyother AI mods stink.... NOOOOO!!! lol They have there own taste and are very very talented at what they do and I also appreciate there hard work and efforts to make Arma3 experience more real. Another thought about taste here. I love my wife more than anyone in the world. We both love spaghetti. I thought I made the bestest spaghetti in the world. When I cooked it up for her for the 1st time I KNEW she would love it. Politely she said yes. lol BUT as our relationship grew and we got to know each other. I found that she loves spaghetti salty as all get out!!! lol Drove me nuts! lol But in short. Not everyone out there has the same taste. Even though Bcombat may be someones absolute favorite I could say try AISS is the bestest!!! lol but Bcombat may be more salty which is what you would prefer rather than sweet sweet AISS. ;) Give these modders a break. ;) Modding is not easy. Especially AI modding. lol I personally have put in 1000's of hours in that little program. Many nights of no sleep trying to make everyone happy. Another note. Its all free. ;) So when Fabio or Rubelo or me sorry guys I know I probably spelled those wrong, but when we release our mods. PLEASE dont gripe and complain about how it doesnt do what you want. Because we are doing this for free for you! I guarantee they have put in as many hours as me or even more on this stuff. Be patient, because most of us would love to make you happy if it is possible. We love suggestions, and feedback! Trust me its great! But Its really annoying after you just spent 18 hours a day for about a week to get a release out that you know will make most happy only to have that 1 guy that there is no way your're going to be able to wave that wand to make him happy. SO do me and the rest of us a few little favors. Recognize that 1)its all free 2) we work hard on this stuff not just for us, but for you, and 3)Lets us know how much you love that mod before you make suggestions. and keep it at that suggestions. ;) Honey goes a lot further than vinager and chances are we will do our best to get it closer or compromise a bit to help your experience. ;)
  19. hmmmm I was thinking on the CAS in I can take out all air assets from AISS. or add a config to that that may be fairly simple. I'll look into this in the next week n see. no promises :) but sense Im a people pleaser. lol I'll give it a look see. But I'm gonna keep with my time off for a bit so It dont stall my other projects. I've been swore to secrecy sooooo. lol thats all ya get :P edited: masterpiece.... thanks man bahahahahahahahahahaaaa!!!!! :) Thanks for the compliment, if I knew code as well as the other fellows This would be the master piece I envision, but lol lack of coding and a terribly slow pc/Internet keeps me from doing a lot of things I'd love to do and see in arma. It has soooo much potential to blow COD, Battle Field, and other military sims out of the water. Just wish the developers could see what me and other modders see. IF I were Bis, For arma 4 there would be a more modern engine, and I'd overhaul the AI morale/behavior system in arma. It is possible to make them react more human like. I'd hire some Military personal who have been in combat and lots of it from WWII to modern conflicts. Tons of info from guys like that. Thats partly were the new suppression system came from in AISS. And its just a drop in the bucket of what I'd like to see. All that being said you're to kind, but thanks just the same. :) edit2: Well the AIM team has at least 2 coders that code. COSMIC has done an outstanding job with SAMO! :) I'm gonna say we have 5 that can code, but we all have lives. They will tell you I'm the most knowledgeable. lol I dont agree, but I digress. Let me talk with the team and get there input about AISS and our other mods... See what we can come up with. ;)
  20. LOL I brought it to bare at one time, and people complained. I lighten it up and people complain, I added user configs and people still complain! :P lol ;) yes I feel ya. I like tons of arty, but had to reduce, because people like to live to finish missions. ;) That being said..... maybe look at another userconfig for this if it is an easy fix. As to Redarmy's suggestion.... Thats a rewrite to do all of that. I dont have enough coders to make AISS perfect. ;) Ive tried and tried and tried but am only 1 person. lol ;) I'll look into that but I wouldn't expect that in AISS. That being said if I do another version down the road. I'll deffo include/consider that. As to this version its final. Only bug fixes. no more changes. :( sorry fellas. I'm going to keep this thread open for a few more days. If you have bugs to report please do. But I'm not adding anymore features or modules at this point.
  21. yeh you hav to extract it from tar... its basically the same thing as an rar.... When I update I'll fix that. It shouldnt have to be rocket science. lol sorry bout that. But yeh just extract it like you would an RAR. ;) EDIT: no no no I love the feed back burn out was from spending 18+ hours a day working on these codes just for me. lol my team keeps telling me mikey stop and just play the game!!! lol but I love to make things work and work better so sorry for my team I ignored there warnings and got burned out. lol My burn outs dont last very long. The longest was probably 2 months but that was also do to a move a hospital emergency and major surgery. lol ---------- Post added at 02:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:38 PM ---------- AISS@ final fix2 Adds easier to find userconfig in @aiss folder. please move Userconfig folder to main A3 directory stops some of the units from getting stuck as much. remember if there moral is very low they will get stuck especially if they have low skill set. fixed support bug where units didnt return to original wp's few other minor tweaks untested as of yet except by me. Sorry AIM team but had to fix few things immediately. ;)
  22. WOW AISS works on a server? coolness. Its been a bit sense I've used Alive. Now CAS module in ALive does this spawn units? or is it syncronized? If so just sync that unit to AISSExclude module and exclude your CAS unit, or simply give the CAS unit a HOLD WP. Exclude would be better thought as if ALive gives CAS a wp it may have unwanted behavior. AISS will use it as CAS. I guess lol in short if you prefer Alive doing the CAS you need to use AISS_Exclude module. As to user_config: Where did you download AISS? IF steam then you will nee to download from Armaholic, here, or PWS. Yes the last version will have correct userconfig. I'll do another hot fix asap, and make sure there is a userconfig for it. I'm going through some burn out here even with the new mod. So I've been taking breaks. lol Hopefully I'll have some of this sorted out in a few days. When you do have a user config make sure you place the userconfig folder in the main Arma 3 directory. ;) ---------- Post added at 01:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:08 PM ---------- This is correct. Just downloaded it and it is in the store part. lol No there is no charge. hahahaha I use play with six so I usually take the files from there and link it with my corrections. But yes it is in there. ;) Thanks Redarmy for pointing this out. :)
  23. Thanks you for the compliment, but I'm not sure what you're telling me? Could you give me more information? I've got a hotfix coming in next few days or so. If its something I can fix I will. :)
  24. what class? here is a snippet from one of my scripts maybe it will help a bit: { _Ucheck = _x; _type = typeOf _Ucheck; _displayname = getText(configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _type >> "displayName"); if (_displayname == "Ammo Bearer") then { what ever you want}; } forEach (units _grp);
  25. mikey74

    Ambient Combat Sound

    hey guys I love it.... edited it. try this. use a game logic or two or more. lol put this in each game logic's init o = This execVM "Amb_battle.sqf"; Then make a sqf call it Amb_battle.sqf and put this in it: if (!isdedicated && hasInterface) then { waitUntil {!isNull player}; waitUntil {player == player}; _source = _this;//objective_pos_logic;// object/logic _center = createCenter sideLogic; _group = createGroup _center; _logic = _group createUnit ["LOGIC",(getPos _source) , [], 0, ""]; _plays = true; while {_plays} do { [_logic,_source] spawn { private ["_logic","_source","_allsounds"]; _logic = _this select 0; _source = _this select 1; _allsounds = []; _posS = (getPos _source); _logic setPos [(_posS select 0)+ random 305 - Random 305,(_posS select 1)+ random 305 - Random 305,1]; private ["_sound","_sound1","_sound2","_maxtype"]; _sound1 = format ["A3\Sounds_F\ambient\battlefield\battlefield_explosions%1.wss",ceil (random 5)]; _sound2 = format ["A3\Sounds_F\ambient\battlefield\battlefield_firefight%1.wss",floor (random 4)]; _allsounds pushBack _sound1; _allsounds pushBack _sound2; _maxtype = (count _allsounds); _sound = _allsounds select (floor random _maxtype); playsound3d [_sound,_logic,false,getPosasl _logic,5,1,0]; }; sleep (random 1 + random 7); }; };