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Everything posted by RoninJr

  1. Remodel? Damn, no wonder it's taking so long. No rush then.
  2. You should see this thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=109493 This mod already has a Ghost-type unit. Doesn't mean you have to stop your mod though - if anything, it'll give people a choice between the mods and some variety.
  3. How's the mod coming along?
  4. RoninJr

    BlackOps and desert mercs

    And also with the updated, better-looking models?
  5. Take your time - and don't bother with the ACR reskins, I found a mod that already has that.
  6. I remember seeing Force Recon wearing similar gear in the first MW, except the vests wete coyote brown.
  7. RoninJr

    Female Soldier (beta wip)

    Will the female soldiers retain their voices if the heads are put on a male body? For example, if I put the female head on a BlackOps mercenary.
  8. I'm not trying to sound too demanding but if you have a look at the SC's body armor, they have the black detailing. If it doesn't infringe any copyright could you add that onto the SC units too? Either way, as I said, once this is out I'll be using nothing but these guys. EDIT: I just saw your MCU Infantry topic - if it's not too much trouble (I know I'm asking for way too much), could you reskin the Masada to look like the MW2 ACR?
  9. Cool, thanks. Just do whatever you can - the ones I'm most concerned about are the Shadow Company guys because it seems a lot of people are looking for them.
  10. Ideas you could use: Shadow Company from MW2 (Gen. Shepherd's men): http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/5737/000ii.jpg This guy: http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100115231211/callofduty/images/0/00/Rookat4.png These guys: http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/1415/u001.jpg Will these ever be released? (I'm not trying to rush you or anything) Either way, this looks pretty awesome.
  11. Can anyone please make the Shadow Company troops from MW2? (Gen. Shepherd's men) I'm assuming every unit here is just a bunch of reskins, so reskinned FR or something similar to the original SC will do - I think it's illegal to directly port the original MW2 models into ArmA 2.
  12. RoninJr

    BlackOps and desert mercs

    I'm downloading the file as I'm typing this. There's a couple of questions though. 1. Is it uncommon for mercs to carry AKs? If not, maybe in the next update you could add mercs with AKs like the OPFOR MVD teams' weapons? 2. Any AT units?
  13. RoninJr

    BlackOps and desert mercs

    This is a great mod. I like playing around with these mercs on the Independent side and shooting any BLUFOR, but I've got one problem. Where are the medics? I mean, I have no problem with using the guerilla medics but having them along kind of ruins the look of my squad. And with the BlackOps, the guerilla medics look really out of place. If you could add a medic to both the desert and blackops groups, I'd be really happy.