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Everything posted by CyclonicTuna

  1. I believe there's still supposed to be an update for the interior.
  2. CyclonicTuna

    US Destroyer Ship (WIP)

    Yeah I was referring to that, because Vanilla Arma ships don't have any damage models.
  3. CyclonicTuna

    US Destroyer Ship (WIP)

    Would be cool if those could get flooded :P
  4. CyclonicTuna

    United States Air Force

    I have a question, I noticed on the wiki these aircraft were mentioned to be WIP/TBA: F-15C Eagle A-10 Thunderbolt II Will those aircraft be brought in from other mods, like the Ivory F-15C and Peral's A-10, just like what is done with the C-17 at this point? Or will they be aircraft native to this mod. Also, are we talking A-10A or A-10C? Anyway, just curious as what you guys are planning :). Keep up the great work!
  5. CyclonicTuna

    What's the story behind your username and avatar?

    I don't know whats more impressive, your choice of carpet and wallpaper 32 years ago, or the fact that you have posted a photo of yourself from 32 years ago. Either way, that's amazing.
  6. CyclonicTuna

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Easier said then done. Bigger explosions and more debris is going to have a big effect on preformance, it might be possible to just scale up the excisting effects, without adding any more dust and smoke.
  7. I was trying to snap some screenshots in a steam scenario I downloaded the other day but I couldn't find the splendid camera tool. Why is this, and is there a way to activate it?
  8. Did you place it by dragging it, or using the azimuth compass?
  9. I feel so stupid right now. I bought a new SSD and installed Arma 3 on there, but it didn't even come up into my mind that Arma 3 sync still had the path selected on the old drive, the path that didn't excist anymore. Derp :P, thanks for the help. Maybe it would be an idea to implement an error message for idiots like me in case that happens again.
  10. Well that seems reasonable :). One question though, is that 12 km total travelling distance diagonally (from release of the aircraft to hitting the groundtarget), or 12km horizontally (ground distance). I understand your dilimma though. I think of it this way. In my opinion, and F-18 or any other strike aircraft for that matter should be able to drop its guided bomb from far enough away that its safe from enemy ground fire and short range heat seeking missles. The problem is that there are only 2 dedicated AA munitions in Arma 3 vanilla that are exactly that, AA fire, and short range heat seekers. So if you were to implement a completely realistic Jdam system, it would infact be overpowered. So, the way to solve this problem would be to introduce new weapons like bigger rader guided weapons, radar stations and radar guided air to air munitions carried by enemy fighters. Then you are ofcourse faced with the task of, first of all, implementing a radar system that works but that also makes sense and functions similair to real radar. And also introducing all these new weapon systems. Now nobody expects you to do that next to what you're already making. The SU-35 and the F-18. In other words, if you would want to really improve the air combat in Arma 3, you would need to do a lot more than add a pair of new aircraft. Its a kind of task that really BI itself can only ever accomplish given the amount of work that would be needed to really make it work. Now I'm glad that you chose to make your aircraft more compatible with Arma 3 vanilla because it means you can focus on the F-18 and SU-35, which has paid off. Those aircraft, to me atleast, are the standard by which all other addons measure themselves. So anyway, keep that up. And perhaps some BI developer will read this some day ;)
  11. Yeah whatever, you didn't get my point. The JDam has a practical maximum range, end of discussion. ---------- Post added at 05:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:58 PM ---------- Thank you.
  12. I wouldn't actually know about that. I guess that the fins may add a little extra range but its probably not going to be much of a diffrence.
  13. Well that's just silly. According to that logic I also don't have a max range, if someone throws me hard enough I'll go all the way to the moon. But trust me unless they decide to strap a Jdam to a ballistic missle its not going much further than 40 nautical miles.
  14. http://i.imgur.com/3WmxbUF.jpg (152 kB)
  15. I found a bug where the "start game" button doesn't work. I click it, the application minimizes but nothing happens. Arma 3 doesn't launch.
  16. CyclonicTuna

    United States Air Force

    This mod has its own wiki?
  17. CyclonicTuna

    United States Air Force

    Yeah the F-35 is a bit bulkier, than the X-35. The X-35 was a prototype mainly to test the airframe, so it didn't have a high fuel and ammo capacity, it was a lot more streamlined than the F-35. Notable differences are bladders on the belly of the aircraft than the X-35 didn't have. And a more straightened out hull coming from the back of the cockpit. That's a nice screen though.
  18. Figured out how to take sweet screenshots in the editor, I'll just leave this here: http://i.imgur.com/3WmxbUF.jpg (152 kB)
  19. Ofcourse there is! You can't fly indefinetly unpowered. The Jdam is a gliding weapon. I believe its maximum range is about 40 nautical miles when its dropped from max height at max speed. F-15's have dropped them from upwards of 50.000 ft at mach 2.5 in the past. That gets you long way.
  20. CyclonicTuna

    CCIP script for aircrafts

    This is great, if this could be translated to an actual reticle on the HUD or the pilots vizor that would be awesome.
  21. CyclonicTuna

    United States Air Force

    If I could make one request. It would be to just focus energy on completing the current aircraft before introducing more. It seems to me you have a great thing going on already with the current and announced aircraft. I think 5 quality aircraft do a lot more than 15 mediocre ones. And that's absolutely not saying that the current aircraft are mediocre, quite the oppesite, they are really shaping up and not only bing eyecandy but also being very usefull. So I'd like to see what they can become if they are developed even further. I'd like to see some more funcitionality added to the B1 for instance, give it a GPS-INS system, maybe an AI bombing script that allows it to be used as assets by Jtacs, give it more weapons to deploy besides regular MK82's, and perhaps improve the engine effects a little. A lot of these functionalities could perhaps be carried over directly to the other aircraft aswell. It would be pretty sweet to be able to call in an AI AC-130 as Jtac operator and watch it do its thing :P. Then again I wouldn't want to hold you back, if you feel you can accomplish that and make more aircraft than by all means, go ahead.
  22. This is freaking awesome, the applications for this... endless.
  23. CyclonicTuna

    United States Air Force

    Just wanted to bring this to the attention of the modders: Fuller, Spartan, Saul, Peral and the rest. This could be REALLY usefull in my opinion. I'd love to be able to lock onto the ground. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?179309-Release-Script-TGP-Targeting-Pod-for-Air-Vehicles
  24. I know I know, I'm sorry. I... sometimes let my imagination run a little wild when I'm excited about something.