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Everything posted by CyclonicTuna

  1. CyclonicTuna

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    It would be quite awkward if OS just wanted to wish everyone merry christmas but thrue the sheer hype and anticipation surrounding this mod has kickstarted an unstoppable chainreaction of people now expecting a soon release... But I'm sure that won't happen.
  2. CyclonicTuna

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Haha, gotta love the modders and their release dates :p
  3. CyclonicTuna

    NLD Units

    Yeah! Dutch pride :p
  4. CyclonicTuna

    F-35C Lightning II

    Ahem... :) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?185918-WIP-Lockheed-Martin-s-F35B-Lightning-II-STOVL&p=2825248#post2825248
  5. CyclonicTuna

    PAK-FA (T-50) AddOn: Work in Progress

    nevertheless!! :D
  6. CyclonicTuna

    PAK-FA (T-50) AddOn: Work in Progress

    Thanks for making the decision to upload it to Armaholic!
  7. CyclonicTuna

    United States Air Force

    Damn!! That is some seriously impressive work you guys have been doing. Keep it up!
  8. I recently started fooling around in Cinema 4D (C4D). Its pretty expensive software... [MOD EDIT] There are also tons of tutorials to be found on the internet. You should maybe start by checkint out some of those.
  9. John Spartan and Saul are working on a carrier of their own to complement the F/A-18X, but I'm sure if it comes it will be compatible with the regular Superhornet aswell. I've really liked the idea of more detailled naval warfare in Arma aswell. Like an LHC or Carrier which servers as a starting point for operations and a command center. And ofcouirse armed with all the weaponary of modern day naval warfare.
  10. CyclonicTuna

    F/a-18x black wasp

    I actually have a request regarding the GPS/INS system. I mean it works like a charm but what I would really love is the ability to set multiple targets via the GPS and then engage them accordingly at will. I don't know how realistic it would be to try and implement some sort of munition release pattern, so you can make one pass and drop multiple Jdams on target. But I'd love to see it.
  11. CyclonicTuna

    F/a-18x black wasp

    All that is known is that there will most likely be some type of carrier at some point in the future, but what its functions will be and when it will arrive is not yet known. And probably won't be for a while. As with all mods, its done when its done.
  12. CyclonicTuna

    United States Air Force

    Thanks dude! But for now I'm really busy aswell, let alone the fact that the only thing I've made in C4D is a fly an a 1950's radio. Nohting as complex as a fighter jet yet. But I wanna have a crack at it this summer when I have some more free time. I'll keep your offer in mind, thanks!
  13. CyclonicTuna

    United States Air Force

    You use C4D? That's so awesome! I started a study "Game Artist", this year and I'm taking my first steps in C4D and texturing. Might have a crack at it myself in a couple of months :p. Anybody interested in helping me make an F-15SE?
  14. CyclonicTuna

    United States Air Force

    Is this the F-35? Whatever it is, looks awesome :P
  15. CyclonicTuna

    F-35C Lightning II

    Does this mean we might get to see an F-35 with one of those sexy cockpits like you made for the AH-64D addon? :P
  16. CyclonicTuna

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    That sucks dude :( But this is the exact reason I use a seperate mod folder and a third party launcher. I would advise you to do the same. I've had lots of problems with mods in the main directory in the past aswell.
  17. CyclonicTuna

    RKSL 3 - A new start... Discussion

    That's good to hear :) Curious to see where this goes.
  18. CyclonicTuna

    RKSL 3 - A new start... Discussion

    Wow... amibtious project. But clever, it has a lot of potential if executed properly. Best of luck with this, I hope it will come to life. :)
  19. CyclonicTuna

    JSRS: DragonFyre -- WIP Thread

    Great work dudes! Can't wait to start playing with this myself :D Keep it up!
  20. CyclonicTuna

    F-35C Lightning II

    Awesome mod dude! Keep up the great work! Love flying this in formation with the F/A-18X Black Wasp :P
  21. CyclonicTuna

    F/a-18x black wasp

    I salute you sir, work like this is what keeps Arma alive.
  22. CyclonicTuna

    F/a-18x black wasp

    Damn! That was quick, I'm gonna check it out as soon as I'm off school ;)
  23. CyclonicTuna

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    That would most likely require a lot of extra work for a small group of people. Time and energy that might as well have been spend on actually optimizing the mod for everyone.
  24. CyclonicTuna

    PAK-FA (T-50) AddOn: Work in Progress

    Awesome! Sick work dude :D Love it! This will be a nice opponent for the F-37 Thunder and the F/A-18X Black Wasp.
  25. CyclonicTuna

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Would be pretty cool, but I think you have to keep into considiration the more smoke/fire/particles you add the more its going to affect preformance. Blastcore was never really a mod for people who already run the game at sub par quality, but it would be silly to make something no one can play. Infact I think OS is trying to cater to a bigger audience with this next release by optimizing the mod as much as possible to reduce inpact on the preformance of the game, so people with mid-end machines can also enjoy Blastcore.